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Thread: The Realm of the Serpent

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    My impression was much more along the line, What motivation would James CAMERON have to falsify in a full length documentary. - And more importantly, if he did falsify it then why is he doing nothing to defend it?
    If his religion is such that he has a vested interest in discrediting the Bible.. there you go. Failing to defend something could be because he knows its not true.

    When I would present this in Q&A at the end of some Passages lectures a few years back I was met with some very interesting reactions - denial! Well, I started looking around at videos that debunked the accounts in the movie and only found religious leaders saying things that were apparently based only in what other religious leaders were saying about the movie. I was convinced that some of the comments were from "experts" that had never even watched the movie!
    If 75% of the so-called pastors or compromised what to expect?

    The realm of the Serpent indeed is replicated in the human body. The substrate of Israel is guilt and guilty of incest, depending upon anthropomorphism (creating God in Man's image) through teaching that the RUACH is the essence of the Breath of God that was breathed into Adam. And so there you have it:

    MOSES - Medulla Oblongata Spiritually Entwined Spine
    Man does not crawl on his belly. The dragon is more than just a serpentine shape. If we go only on look-alike then we could call a firehose, rope, shoestrings and even spaghetti serpents . But clearly that is not what is meant. It was related to me that the Uraeus on the headgear of pharoahs, rather than being an object of worship or esteem was this: IF THE PHAROAH FAILED TO DO HIS DIVINE DUTY OR DISREGARDED THE LAW, THE SERPENT WAS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO DESTROY HIM.

    In the wilderness THE DRAGONS were used to DESTROY. The DEAD, BOUND BRAZEN SERPENT was used to heal. If I wanted to venture out on a Gnostic interpretation that would tell me that when the carnal mind is bound and inactive then LIFE and HEALING can come forth. Interesting, no?

    Re: guilt
    The bible doesn't teach guilt. I get the impression you are sizing up orthodox Christianity on the basis of a widely compromised and compromised 'clergy' or even on the basis of an entirely counterfeit doctrinal system. Guilt it seems results from flagrant disregard of the law once you know it. Consider John 3:19

    And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
    The carnal mind (which is said by many to parallel the dragon-serpent) takes over (blinds the mind) and proceeds destroys the man--to lead him to death? The dragon being built in like a self-destruct mechanism?

    The scriptures speak of CONVICTION (not in the modern legal sense) rather than GUILT--CONVICTION being that realization of your error which leads you to CHANGE COURSE. The inner CONVICTION where your consciousness, mind, spirit, emotions agree and come to terms that some action or deed or the like is INAPPROPRIATE/WRONG/UNLAWFUL that a change of course is necessary. That change of course is called REPENTANCE. Guilt isn't a feeling: IT IS A JUDGEMENT (SEE BLACK STONE JUDGEMENT).

    Now as for Abraham being or feeling guilty of incest, historical records show clearly that he would not had a reason to feel guilty for a law that would not be given for around a thousand years or so later--not to mention that Sarah was likely a half-sister or even daughter of a grandparent on one side. I suspect many have a tendency to make project their modern views onto the pas ala ex post facto law. Evidence points to Abraham having been part of the 'upper class' royalty of his day rather than some illiterate.

    The scenario with Issac to show him that IN A TIME WHEN SACRIFICING CHILDREN TO IDOLS WAS RAMPANT that not even the most high wanted Abraham to participate in such an act. A substitute was made instead. What if that act of substitution foreshadowed a future event and explain why the one traveling from Edom (Isaiah 63:1) would have blood colored garments.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-24-16 at 12:04 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #22
    Please forgive that I too, see things through filters of my conditioning.

    I do not even see Maynard James as discrediting the Bible. But I think a lot of people who dislike the Bible because of any reason will see that. As far as serpents go, I think the symbolism is very powerful about balanced glands and chi energy in the chakras. Health.

  3. #23
    Interesting about CAMERON and his films; his affinity for the "class struggle" doctrine as presented by the works of Karl MARX is subtle but present.

    It goes without saying that Hollywood is rife with Leftist, Secularist, Humanist, etc. types who use the platform to propagandize while entertaining mostly unsuspecting crowds. It's no wonder those who adhere to such ideals would participate in falsely branding Jesus The Christ with the ridiculous accusations depicted in BLOODLINE and DAVINCI CODE.

    The medium is the perfect tool for the infiltration of these evil ideologies into a society so as to break down the traditional values, faiths and beliefs which sustain a people who prefer to get their moral compass and clarity from a Greater Source.

    Marxist Overtones in Three Films by James Cameron

    Decent article.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Please forgive that I too, see things through filters of my conditioning.

    I do not even see Maynard James as discrediting the Bible. But I think a lot of people who dislike the Bible because of any reason will see that. As far as serpents go, I think the symbolism is very powerful about balanced glands and chi energy in the chakras. Health.
    Attachment 4770

    I reiterate: serpentine shaped energy paths and dragons (intelligent reptiles) aren't the same. Carnivorous reptiles aren't always 'serpentine'. That chakras exist is one thing. Whether the yarns and babble that often surround discussion of them is another. Consider, you and MJ speak of a 'top town' approach to things. However, quite frankly, an entity rising up one's spine to the brain to seize control the higher faculties sounds like 'bottom up' to me: INVERSION. AFAIK, the appropriate and desirable order is divine operating from above, acting upon the brains and putting the lower faculties in check. The typical "kudanlini-ist" promotes something rising up from the lower faculty to control the brain. That is hardly a top down approach

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    Now ask yourself: do you really want the purple (higher vibration at the crown level) to yield to and be overtaken by the red (lower vibration of the ass-level). Could that be a kind of DEATH? Because for that to happen, the 'entities' or activities at the crown would have to WITHDRAW from the crown and all of the other chakras would have to be demoted to SUBRED as part of that process even if the throat chakra (base of spine) were the place of rising. In that state, RED level vibration (that was formerly at one's ASS) would be the most dominant frequency of the body. Coincidentally, it is WIDELY WIDELY HELD that DJINNS exist primarily in the SUBRED. So if the RED-chakra vibratory level would run the all of the other CHAKRAS between the crown and the spinal base would have to be ....

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    ...DEMOTED. That would place CHAKRAS and the corresponding organs/glands on a frequency with DJINNS. Consider that the solar plexus (said to be the primary energy distribution center in the body) would have to be demoted to a much lower frequency as part of the so-called 'kundalini awakening process'.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-24-16 at 02:13 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Interesting about CAMERON and his films; his affinity for the "class struggle" doctrine as presented by the works of Karl MARX is subtle but present.

    It goes without saying that Hollywood is rife with Leftist, Secularist, Humanist, etc. types who use the platform to propagandize while entertaining mostly unsuspecting crowds. It's no wonder those who adhere to such ideals would participate in falsely branding Jesus The Christ with the ridiculous accusations depicted in BLOODLINE and DAVINCI CODE.

    The medium is the perfect tool for the infiltration of these evil ideologies into a society so as to break down the traditional values, faiths and beliefs which sustain a people who prefer to get their moral compass and clarity from a Greater Source.

    Marxist Overtones in Three Films by James Cameron

    Decent article.
    I was in your camp for a few decades of my life. Now it seems rediculous to accuse God of anything, like he is not where you are at, the accuser - much less of necromancy and reanimation. It seems so unnatural to conjure up such extraordinary one-time events.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I was in your camp for a few decades of my life. Now it seems rediculous to accuse God of anything, like he is not where you are at, the accuser - much less of necromancy and reanimation. It seems so unnatural to conjure up such extraordinary one-time events.
    Perhaps you take a pantheistic view? God making laws for men didn't make him subject to the same laws. Similar the creator establishing laws and nature for creation doesn't make the creator subject to the laws which govern creation. Its just your idea that God is somehow bound to do what he tells creation to do seems very odd to me. I'm just not sure how logic would follow that someone who creates a company and restricts it to farming corn somehow becomes locked into farming corn himself. A parent requires a teenager to go to bed at 9:30PM on school nights, how does that become a requirement for the parent to go to bed at 9:30PM?

    You yourself quoted typed something like "the lord giveth the lord taketh away". That means if someone takes your life, the lord can giveth it back if he sees fit. Perhaps you are looking to some doctrine other than that which is referred to in the Tanach, Pentateuch or NT?

    Also, I've yet to find any evidence that the laws given to the Israelites during the Exodus were ever made universal law.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-24-16 at 05:00 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #27
    I wonder what you call it when your view is unique?

    It gets more foreign to my math; If God is everywhere, then there is no room left for Him not to be.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I wonder what you call it when your view is unique?

    It gets more foreign to my math; If God is everywhere, then there is no room left for Him not to be.
    Well ..its worth considering exactly who said "God is everywhere" and their basis for such statement or belief. If God is talking to the saints or the royal priests, of course he would be wherever the they are. Does that mean he is actually among those who reject him?
    Last edited by allodial; 11-24-16 at 06:15 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

    25:53 On distinctions between the holy and the profane
    28:36 The trouble with strange fire
    30:01 Nehushtan, the brazen serpent, was destroyed
    36:52 What happened to Aaron? The demise of the Aaronic priesthood.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Thank you first, for that succinct style of presentation. I can click the arrow and scroll to the Minute Marks specified, quick and clean. Processing...


    I have spent so many hours in Christianity Explored (shadow network for Amway) and other church services to get a handle on what you have compiled in four links! Thank you.

    This fellow is strictly the commercial priestcraft of 501(c)(3) but as a desperate death rattle to its creed. Nothing can be created (only made up) out of fearing God. The first item I heard was how Satan will utilize yin and yang. CHRIST Jesus/Jesus CHRIST to me anyway is the balanced mind. For example I know from a Catholic Priest, rogue and now in Science of Mind, that the Vatican has known for so long that Jesus was married to Mary MAGDALENE.

    That alone throws a new light upon the above preacher's teachings. It exposes that Jesus is painted falsely to be single and bachelor, even as a widower. So please take a stroll for the authority solution:

    Notice of Mandatory Exemption for the Church.
    Delegation of Authority.
    Service on the Triumvirate.
    Notice of Lien.
    Service of Lien.

    Another example I just heard is about India. They are giving out debit cards to the citizens in the lower class. The Indian government is loading them with about $35/day which may be around $175/day compared to our spending lifestyle here. I don't know. But the "Omission" of the Trading with the Enemy Act from the Bankers' Code should sink in soon, into people's realization and conscious awareness of this wonderful Jubilee going down.

    Thank you for showing me the end of weaponized Christianity. That is delightful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    The preaching is good. But I would just like to add that the actual image was destroyed and rightly so as the folk began to worship he image/icon. To that end why do folk call Jesus Lord and do not do what he says? Jesus is just an image to these folk. An idol of perfection of which they lift up but never try to achieve. Thusly are there no works - the Word relates the Woman would be saved in Childbirth. Not physical children - Mind you!

    What if the Brazen Serpent represented an inner anointing. Thusly to raise that serpent upon the central nervous system is akin to Esau [flesh consciousness] and Israel [Spiritual Consciousness] making peace. Here one has built a House for God to dwell and thus that one "possesses his soul" and now I reference the reader to Haggai 1. For one who has come to the 6th day status of Spiritual consciousness must then move forward into the 7th day perfection of making peace between the Spirit and the Flesh.

    1Jn 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

    For years the understanding of this verse completely baffled me because when I look around with Carnal eyes [lower nature of Ayin], I perceive that even those who claim to be saved and these being understood by carnal minds to be "in the salvation club" so to speak, still sin. I mean how is this possible? Seems this verse contradicts itself. For all sin leads to death. And that is only because we are trying to understand a Spiritual meaning in terms of Carnal thought.

    When one begins to see that Adam [Brain] and Eve [Sexual Fiery Waters] produce either Spiritual Children [thought forms] or [physical forms] then one can begin to see that to "spill the seed" is to spill the sexual waters upon the earth. It is a waste of the Sacrifice given in Fire. For what male has not known the sensation of boiling blood in the presence of an attractive female? And vice versa. It is this Fire burning which tempts. Will we offer up our sacrifice to produce the child in Holy Matrimony absent spilling the seed or will we waste the Heavenly Fire?

    Fire must be brought into the Holy place. Fire being first lighted by God upon the Alter from high atop the mountain - but then man is to kindle said fire and take of it to enter into the Holy Place. We are not to take "strange fire". St. Paul says that we are to "fan the flame" ...

    Remember that when the Man has an issue of semen he is unclean. We are told that we are a holy temple of God and that we are to keep it clean. It is said that the woman too is unclean in this issue - this of course speak to both the physical [senses] and the Spiritual. For we take that Fire granted to man and we steal it and give it to the Mind for sensual pleasure. The mind sometimes can grow bored with this sensual pleasure and the desire nature even grows stronger to the point where matters are taken into "the mans own hands" so to speak thru fantasy. This is a horrible deed for sure for it creates demon thought forms in fantasy to satiate the mind. This is akin to the mind slipping deeper and deeper into hell. For indeed the seed does not remain in him.

    Remember Man is a Fruit - for he carries seed within him. The man cannot bring forth the child of his own accord and as such in child birth too the Woman is saved. For when the two work together to "kindle the fire" in a Holy Sacrifice unto God, they may both enter back into Eden - perfected in the Image of the Elohim.

    Pornography is such a vile addiction for it entices Man to fantasy which create in man spiritual demons which are as Succubi - which do nothing but take the Life Force from man. In the day that you eat of the FRUIT of that TREE ye shall die. That is exactly right. In other words, "get busy living or get busy dying." For we see in their deed they each placed Fig Leaves over their groin. We can see now why those who seek to keep man wholly carnal and trapped in flesh are very content to allow pornographic website to freely prosper and propagate. And man curses himself by going to it like a bee to nectar. He goes headlong to his spiritual death and physical too for in sapping his vital energy each time a little fire is extinguished. Good news is the fire can be fanned and used to cultivate love.

    And now we see FIRE in both Man and Woman and what is placed on this Holy Alter - Love to God - but NOT thru the Senses - for the Carnal Mind is hatred against God. A love offering made in Fire. For our God is a consuming Fire. What happened when Carnal Man entered into sensual intercourse with the Woman - Cain [Carnal Mind] was birthed. Abel his twin is the Spiritual Soul which of course is immediately put to death for the Mind desires to be satiated with the pleasures of the Fruit of the Tree [Spinal Cord].

    However in sex the Fire may be released in the base on the spinal cord and all seven chakras may explode open in an incredibly pleasurable experience - in that experience I believe we may enter back into Eden which is to say we can "hear and see" God walking in the midst of our Holy Garden. ...

    See that in Shin-Tav [Sheth] - the Fire Covenant is made in the son which was brought forth to replace Abel. But now lets go further. So that we may keep the Sabbath. See it now? Probably not in the English but now I will render in Hebrew.

    Intensive from H7673; intermission, that is, (specifically) the Sabbath: - (+ every) sabbath.


    Isn't that beautiful. We can begin to build the House BETH by bringing forth the son SHETH in Holy Matrimony. And in doing so we may come a rest in SABBATH. Keeping a day is external to the flesh - and those in flesh consciousness are not pleasing to God. Yet we know the Spiritual Man is birthed thru natural means as Genesis 1 does show.

    I think now I better understand the Gilgal or FIRE Wheel [Circle]. I know some are already internalizing this message to a thought blessed. ...

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Well ..its worth considering exactly who said "God is everywhere" and their basis for such statement or belief. If God is talking to the saints or the royal priests, of course he would be wherever the they are. Does that mean he is actually among those who reject him?
    Exactly the mathematics I embrace - UNITY. I AM THAT I AM is me. I only reject that He is apart from me. But you have malformed imagery of the holographic, in my opinion. As does the preacher eloquently described in the opening post. It makes no mathematical sense that the vibrations in one chakra be cancelling or negating health in another, unless of course the patient is sick.

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    The internal arts have a different model. Like a string of Styrofoam cups with straws connecting them all so that they equalize in liquid level. When the straws (meridians) become clogged then some fill to different levels than others.

    Be well.

    Attachment 4772

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    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-24-16 at 11:58 AM.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Perhaps you take a pantheistic view? God making laws for men didn't make him subject to the same laws. Similar the creator establishing laws and nature for creation doesn't make the creator subject to the laws which govern creation. Its just your idea that God is somehow bound to do what he tells creation to do seems very odd to me. I'm just not sure how logic would follow that someone who creates a company and restricts it to farming corn somehow becomes locked into farming corn himself. A parent requires a teenager to go to bed at 9:30PM on school nights, how does that become a requirement for the parent to go to bed at 9:30PM?

    You yourself quoted typed something like "the lord giveth the lord taketh away". That means if someone takes your life, the lord can giveth it back if he sees fit. Perhaps you are looking to some doctrine other than that which is referred to in the Tanach, Pentateuch or NT?

    Also, I've yet to find any evidence that the laws given to the Israelites during the Exodus were ever made universal law.
    Rejecting the Creator/creation paradigm is at the core of this belief. Nothing unique about it; it is just repackaged Babylonian / Pagan / Gnostic / Theosophic / Pantheistic doctrine which demotes the Creator as being on an equal plane with His creatures and/or His creation.

    Some claim to be God, some claim "God is Everywhere" meaning that He is not a Unique and Personal Being who is ALWAYS greater and above His creation as a Loving Father.

    The humanistic mind cannot fathom a greater, higher and more powerful source to whom it owes its life and whose commands it must obey. Nothing new under the sun.

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