Quote Originally Posted by ADBrooks11 View Post
So we just sold our house, and as I'm signing paperwork at the bank for pre-approval, I come to a document that gives the bank permission to pull my return from the IRS. I immediately was concerned b/c when they see the return, they'll see a good income and an almost ZERO adjusted gross income. I'm hoping that they'll see my monthly income from pay stubs and W2s far outweigh my monthly liabilities and shoot my application on through. Anyone have any experience with taking out large loans and having to present LM returns?
One thing you can count on banks is that they have no aversion to money.

I gather there is still a mortgage on the home you just sold? I don't think you explained things correctly in your opening post. Something is not making sense. Why are you seeking approval to sell your home?

Did you sign the paper? Why consent to let the bank look over your IRS Return? What are you getting in return?