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Thread: The Original R4C in the modern civil era?

  1. #11
    Some of the oaths on MITCHELL's website have the OMB#. But when they don't...
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    Look familiar? However this is a licensed attorney and if you look closely, acting as a private attorney general. Where this takes my imagination is I simply use MITCHELL's webpage for the oaths I use. I hear it is very difficult to press FOIA and if you endorse private credit you lose authority. I think it is great to see an attorney Refusing for Cause identically to the way I have been teaching for twenty years.

    I could probably get MITCHELL to push a federal criminal complaint or garnishment in admiralty by paying him, and get better results than for the IRS and DoJ to drop any prosecution?

    The exciting revelation is this demand has been made many times by cancelling lawful money. Signing through a postage stamp. It is less clear than the rubber redemption demand stamp but by challenging the DoJ to prosecute you for defacing money, and the DoJ defaulting they recognize your redeemed authority.
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-26-17 at 01:07 PM.

  2. #12

    Thank you. This is a lot of cryptic information, for example, OMBs i have no idea what that is but after a quick look im guessing that its a publishing thing. I'm trying to share my observations too and i will in detail. This is very interesting for me and Mitchell's site is also very interesting. i'll need to look closely at. These Oaths are a little different in that they are not State Judges but the people who i am talking about are. I need to study this information you posted and thank you. I'll be working on this a lot so I appreciate your insight. I'm just that the slow it down break it down stage playing catch up. If i was to reach out to you privately and compensate you for a little of you time do you thing you can help me get up to speed a bit more quickly. It's incredible that i can get a certified copy of the oath of office for the man acting as Governor but i get no responsive records for the ones who cause harm to I. How convenient for them. . . Accountability, responsibility and enforceability is what's important for a lot of bad things to stop happening.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    This is a lot of cryptic information
    it was a simple question too. one i asked in many ways.. found the term 'Refused for cause' much later elsewhere in an old english doc but dont recall exactly which doc now. essentially in that doc it was used for notification of a lack of jurisdiction.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I am trying to better comprehend refuse for cause.

    1. what do the words mean specifically?
    2. does cause have the same meaning as it would in: "nature and cause", good cause or cause of action?
    3. is this contract law and UCC?
    4. is this common law and if so where do i find the source
    5. what is the cause for refusing, is it any fraudulent act or a interference with rights or what can it be?

    I have found alleged public officials who are holding office without Oath and i find this to be impeachable act and even though i have required copy its not been rendered and still they go on as if i have not required it. I have letter from the the records people at the secretary of states office saying that they have no responsive records for said Officials and these officials do "CAUSE", harm, injury and loss to I.

    Thank you for your help.

    Thank you.
    1. I do not like the Presentment; it is bad business or one-sided, of no benefit.

    The Fed is not an agency of the US. It is an instrumentality but only because Congress has sanctioned it to do bad business. It honors debt like debt has value - elastic currency. It feels cryptic but you have to get your head right before you can begin to interpret the event horizon or standing wave into a useful experience.

    The brain trust is helpful - the lesson plan is now $800/new suitor. Both sides of the brain - split brain hemisphericity.

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    Brain Trust = by utilizing 125 brains in parallel I have acquired the supercomputer I was always dreaming of.

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    You are not a small part of this - StSC. More of an echo chamber though, for resonance characterization.

    2. I thought showing you an attorney using the same technique might clarify. MITCHELL's cause is that the OMB publication is law. "Lack of Jurisdiction." I like that aspect applied to R4C. Thank you George.

    3. Both contract law and the UCC are about trust.

    4. Common law is nothing more than case law. The Common Law of England has been adopted in America until overwritten by statute or stare decisis. It is cases that are used to sway appeals justices - "authority".

    5. It can be any innovation to the contract/trust. If one party notifies the other party of a change, then the other party has time to think it over and if he stays quite it cures into the new bylaw of the trust agreement. Law. The way to refuse is called Refusal for Cause.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

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    is this also part of The Voynich manuscript?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    3. Both contract law and the UCC are about trust.
    another interesting tidbit ive ran across.. when a contract requires a payment(s) and there is no money with which to immediately pay it with, that contract automatically becomes a trust.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    4. Common law is nothing more than case law.
    that really would have to depend on the definition of "Common" , and much like the term 'Common sense', it can have a different meaning to different people. my only common law is the so called golden rule and the people who live by that rule, i share something in common with.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    5. It can be any innovation to the contract/trust. If one party notifies the other party of a change, then the other party has time to think it over and if he stays quite it cures into the new bylaw of the trust agreement. Law. The way to refuse is called Refusal for Cause.

    dont you mean to write 'any novation'? and i dont think 'contract' and 'trust' are interchangeable and/or synonymous. seems to me, at this point in time, that contract is of law and trust is of equity. ive posted a new thread that if anyone is interested in and replys to, i will post more about my latest perspective on this.

    it might be that contract and trusts are like oil and water? for instance, if you have no trust in another then a contract would be the right tool for a job but if there is a trust, a contract would not be needed.
    Last edited by george; 05-27-17 at 03:52 PM.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    another interesting tidbit ive ran across.. when a contract requires a payment(s) and there is no money with which to immediately pay it with, that contract automatically becomes a trust.
    Yes. So suppose that somebody pretends to be a judge, by signing a deviant oath of office? There is no bond.

    This breach of trust forms a constructive trust and the "judge" can no longer operate as the trustee. Certificate of Exigent Circumstances.

    Rule B(1)(c) If the plaintiff or the plaintiff's attorney certifies that exigent circumstances make court review impracticable, the clerk must issue the summons and process of attachment and garnishment. The plaintiff has the burden in any post-attachment hearing under Rule E(4)(f) to show that exigent circumstances existed.
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    that really would have to depend on the definition of "Common" , and much like the term 'Common sense', it can have a different meaning to different people. my only common law is the so called golden rule and the people who live by that rule, i share something in common with.
    I brought up the Common Law of England:

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    Here is what that looks like:

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    Selden Society Books.

    American Common Law looks like this:

    Attachment 4884

  7. #17
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    This breach of trust forms a constructive trust and the "judge" can no longer operate as the trustee. Certificate of Exigent Circumstances.
    The Maker of the mis-deed usurps the dejure trustee and as such a constructive trust is formed to force the false trustee to pay for the charge against his own estate. Since said "constructive" trustee is one as a Tort Feasor, said trustee is Trustee de son Tort. Let his misdeed be upon his own head!

    However, can a judge rule in his own matter? Answer is clearly no. Therefore what form of appeals are available should a the court lack a judge with an oath? There is the rub. The people are just as guilty as the priest for the people too have allowed the mess.

    And yet the people are crying fraud - and with their pen endorse the central banking scheme. Talk about a vacillating mind [double minded]. For how shall one endorse the serpent in the garden and not be true to one's own husband? And furthermore, what affect in the present was not related to causes in the past. Today is the day to begin to exercise a will to rebuild the old waste places to return to The Way so that the house may be restored. Until then, the wedding bed remains defiled by a third party to the love feast. And who can argue?

    By usurping the dejure trustee one thinks to take against the Will. One would do well to study that Constitution for one may come to realize one day it is a Legacy and the Preamble an expression of Trust. The Testators sowed their seed and created a new way of life - an expression of a virgin - thusly was she established in Mary[Land] - under the direction of Andrew WHITE.

    Andrew in America - Peter in Rome and both are brothers! And still many sit idle waiting and watching too afraid to act and thusly do they support the status quo - even though they hate it.

    To the reader: Clearly you value yourself as you are investing your time in education as evidenced in your participation in these forums. How much value do you suppose would be inherent in you if you learned how to opt out of the taxation scheme? What would that mean to your lifestyle and for your family? Can you possibly imagine that we have all been duped here? At we are teaching our students how to REALLY make America great again! America needs unity. When we make a demand for lawful money we are rebuilding the old waste places. America needs men and women like you who are willing to invest in themselves and the condition of future generations. To our success! Let's kick the Fed out of our Marriage Bed! How much more could you be increased in time and profit by coupling Lawful Money with a knowledgeable trustee! Privacy and Profit - not to mention a means too for protection of the Estate for there is security by obscurity as just about noone today has any clue what a trust is concerning its personage.

    Should you marry me, I would carry you over the threshold. Let the wise discern. For the blood is upon my lintels and doors and I should not allow my wife to annul our contract. Do you have two legs to stand in the gap for another? For unfortunately for many, we are all in this together - I AM my brother's keeper.

    Best regards,
    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 05-27-17 at 11:22 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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