and just when it was starting to get back interesting.. oh well.

privacy is of utmost importance to me aswell. thats why i dont utilize google and actively block it and all its children too.

i dont really like to be private actually but the adversarial nature of the system has programmed the people in ways that have made them attorn on each other.

i kinda figured you might have decided that info was a trade secret and maybe moved it to the pay site. any plans along those lines for this site David? i mean, it doesnt seem to serve much purpose anymore now that you have that one and because this software is rapidly becoming obsolete if not unintentionally malicious due to the numerous issues VBullitin currently has. it will at some point soon (IMO) be a major risk for some users. upgrading to XenoForo is not free either and since traffic is so low now it may be a good idea to make this one read only with no new registrations, just for an archive if you wish to keep some of the data accessible.

why would advanced metaphysics give you reason to hold your accomplishments in reserve? and thats is a very interesting passage (#17) what book is it from?

im not sure if this is a R4C success story but the one time I used it years ago was with a bank letter i got in the mail that i did not find agreeable so I put R4C on it and return to sender. never received anything else from them but I also removed my mailbox and put a mail hold with out and ending date (as instructed by the postal worker since I didnt know exactly how long it needed to be)

was picking up my mail at the post office and the post master told me that i made a mistake by not putting an end date on the mail hold, i informed him that i did it exactly as instructed by the clerk there and have all the records of this. he was mad about this and was trying to boss me around with what about it so I just quit picking up mail altogether! LOL

who needs it anyway?