Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
Thank you Marcel;

I really enjoyed that link, after watching so many suits and garnishments. RUBIN, PAULSON etc... never really gave much texture or flavor to the Secretary of the Treasury.
Yes it is wonderful to know how to apply the law so that one may claim a right in law. Couple the knowing with the understanding of the underlying causes then one can marry the How and the Why. It is as the Merovingian said in the movie The Matrix "you come to me without the WHY - therefore you do not understand the causes which brought you to this reality and thusly you have no power." How true.

I good understanding of trust gives one the knowledge of the WHY and furthermore a knowing regarding concepts such as Right, Property, Estate, Trustee - these concepts, and that is what they are, act upon a thing. Knowing what is the "thing" and how said concepts are being viewed in law gives one the knowledge and thusly power to know the foundation upon which a claim may be made such that relief may be granted.

Of course, I will relate the reader to the Common Law of this realm - which is codified in the King James Bible - specifically found at Isaiah 43:26 -

Isa 43:26* Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.*

He who issues a claim must also provide the remedy in law. And for one to be able to provide the remedy found in law one must know the law. Of course the foundation of any law system is TRUST. Else Man is merely an island unto himself - and back to the Good Book:

Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; ....

Speak the truth!

With best regards,
Michael Joseph