Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
I would not know as much as I know about finance and money had it not been for Kiyosaki. In fact, Kiyosaki's information got me out of debt. Kiyosaki's information got me from plumb ignorance to having some idea of what is going on with and in money.
You have an advantage over most people because you know of law and finance as well as the relationship between the two.
I would tailor Kiyosaki's information based on your legal and financial knowledge as well as your personal dispositions.
Ramsey's information is far, far too basic in my opinion. I consider Kiyosaki's information fairly advanced in comparison to Ramsey.
Corporations are designed for engaging in debt and risk with limited liability immunity. Use them for that purpose.
Kiyosaki's money 101 game should be pre-requisite to each boy and girl before the age of 14. How many will believe my house is my greatest asset? Does that house make you any money? Or are you paying a boatload of interest to another? Still think it to be an asset. Kiyosaki's books helped me to see money in a new light. And to that I am grateful.