KnowLaw, it looks like we have been reading some of the same info.
I poked around TeamLaw long enough to make up my opinion that there's nothing there for me. I've never had FRNs to waste.
Freedom School is interesting, but I've not been able to verify any of their info yet.

The property taxes were my concern too, of course.
Some day soon, when I expect to not be able to buy or sell anymore (see Revelation 13:17) I don't want to have to deal with the taxman if at all possible.
Right now the tax issue is not too vexing, because the taxes I pay are low and I have not had to deal with building permits, which didn't exist here when I built my "shed".
Some years ago I convinced the Assessor that my little house is not a house for his purposes, but a shed, because it has no slab and no grid power.
I also got him to lower the assessed value of my "land" which is classified as "forest".

For the twohundredodd FRNs I pay in property taxes every year, I get to dump the little bits of garbage that we produce at a waste disposal site about 12 miles from here, and the County does a good job of keeping snow off the asphalt road near me.
This is because my neighbor works for the County Road Department, and he has to get to work in inclement weather conditions.
I have heard that other County Roads receive no attention at all, and most people hate this County Road Department for it.

Besides a Sheriff's Department, a County Courthouse, some public schools and a jail, there are no other "services" in this County.
I moved here because I dislike most government "services". I have never felt that they were of any benefit to me, and oftentimes they have been a great hindrance to my pursuit of survival and happiness.

One of these days I want to search the County records to see who has held claim to my little plot of earth before me.
I hope that will reveal some information on ownership, but maybe not.
Should be interesting at any rate.