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Thread: The Congressional Order 101 initiative

  1. #1

    The Congressional Order 101 initiative

    Dear Suitors; (I miss writing that, I have been away too long.. :-)

    Some of you may remember me posting about this initiative around a year ago. It is still under way and while the Order has not change since then, the abstract has been polished and additional supplemental information has been created to clarify the proposal.

    A part of what inspired me to develop the economic innovation being proposed in the Congressional Order 101 initiative was actually based on all of your efforts to redeem private credit in lawful money.

    As more and more people cease using a system where the medium of exchange (private credit & FRNs) represents the value of debt based assets, there is a growing need for there to be a sufficient abundance of debt free assets for the money supply, in the form of lawful money issued by the Treasury (US Notes & public money of account), to represent.

    While most here are of a mind that debt is not an asset, this is not the current national paradigm, and the all-or-nothing style paradigm shift being attempted is going to be very difficult to pull off, because, while debt based assets are a liability to the borrower, they are an asset to the creditor.

    In light of that, those who take a look at the Congressional Order 101 initiative will notice there is no effort being made to "End the Fed" or shift that particular paradigm, and that may turn some of you off to the initiative. The real reason is to avoid all the controversy and resistance to a less drastic paradigm shift that will be more easily achieved and required for the more drastic paradigm shift to even happen, that of using debt free assets to back larger portions of the lawful money supply.

    Further, be aware of the physical realities that there is not enough gold & silver on earth (or in the hands of We the People & USA), to provide sufficient amounts of this particular kind of debt free assets to back this shift. So either we screw many people out of all their "money" in their accounts, cause inflation as the debt based assets are destroyed and the money supply is not, or we find and use other types of debt free assets in addition to gold & silver.

    Good news: Gold & Silver are not the only debt free assets that can be used as the valuables that the money supply can represent.

    The CO 101 initiative is focused on re-empowering the US Treasury and wastes no time or energy with altering or abolishing the Federal Reserve System or the Federal Reserve Bank. Both debt free assets and debt based assets can co-exist on the books as we make this transition. Assets are assets, on the ledgers, after all.

    On it's face, the initiative is a means to fund all forms of education with a tax free & tuition free innovation, but it is the nature of the innovative solution that I believe will be more interesting to all of you here, so keep that in mind.

    The Abstract is here:

    The Order (as always), is here:

    Congressional Order 101 .pdf

    And here are a few additional articles that go into a bit more depth that is only touched on in the Abstract:

    An Indirect People's Initiative at the Federal Level? Yes. (The Constitutionality of doing an initiative at the Federal Level, and illustration of meeting the customary & statutory elements of how they are already done at the State level, where this is possible at the Federal level)

    A Modern Precedent (Examines the validity of Modern precedents like this Federal people's initiative)

    Public & Private -- A Brief Look at Intellectual Property, Monetization & The Congressional Order 101 Initiative

    The New Money, What That Means & How It Will Work

    And a nice selection of InfoGrapshics illustrating (pun intended), different points of interest in mind sized chunks, and also rebuttals to commonly raised objections and issues I found my self dealing with on social media:



    Christopher Theodore of the family of RHODES
    Last edited by Christopher Theodore; 11-09-17 at 11:27 PM.

  2. #2
    On it's face, the initiative is a means to fund all forms of education with a tax free & tuition free innovation, but it is the nature of the innovative solution that I believe will be more interesting to all of you here, so keep that in mind.
    So give substance and value to potential and promising intellectual property?

    Coherent Superposition.

    I was watching Arrival. Circular ink squiggles in liquid conveyed non-linear thoughts. As the linguist evaluated each word they began to develop a vocabulary. Russia and China had been trying to communicate through games, and that developed into a perception of threat. I suppose with "winners" and "losers" as the aliens mastered each game, the human players felt the human race was "losing".

    Rather than, non-zero sum game.

    The pressure was on so the linguist had to ask, "What is your purpose here on Earth?"

    She plugged each word into a linear sentence but the computer joined the words together into one circular squiggle - coherent superposition.

    That is one valuable piece of intellectual property, right there! Right brained thinking.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    So give substance and value to potential and promising intellectual property?
    In a way, yet the substance is already in existence. Extensive testing is done proving the intellectual property exists before edu docs are issued as evidence of this fact.

    Granted, one theory of value is pegged to usefulness, so until the knowledge is put into use, it's true value can not be assessed. But, a handful of seeds have their own inherent or base value (just much less than fruit of an orchard full of trees bearing fruit).


    It must be emphasized that by “asset,” the term is not being used like the movies depict CIA agents talking about people. There is NO proposal of setting a value on the graduate, but rather, the value is being set on the knowledge & education the graduate holds. The graduates are NOT the assets.

    While everyone can grasp there is obviously a valuable asset, when we start looking at how to establish the monetary value of this measured amount of knowledge & education, it would not be wise for it to just be assigned some arbitrary value. And, as people try and assess the true value of education, they will find what I did: In truth, the actual value of an education is near infinite, and accurately calculating it would be impossible due to the multitude of factors involved. Further, the true value varies from student to student. And further still, knowledge continues to grow over time, long after people graduate.

    What we can do, however, is use a very conservative minimal or base value so we don’t cheat ourselves out of the ability to account for enough of the value to completely fund the very system that is helping the students develop this Wealth in the first place.

    Metaphorically speaking, the cost of a house built to code with $160k worth of raw materials & labor is worth at least $160k. Granted, that same house will sell for many times it’s base value once it reaches the market, but the valuation of the house starts with it’s base value.
    Until the graduates take the intellectual property to the market, the true value or market value remains a mystery. But since the base value is pegged to what people have already paid, and are paying, no one can really pretend that it is not at least this valuable.

    There is also a chance that the graduate may die before the full amount of the created currency can be redeemed with them ($160k, at a 40hr/week minimum wage job requiring a high school diploma, will take less than 10 years to have been redeemed). But since most people live well beyond 28, (68 or more is quite common), the use of the "bundle of assets" economic concepts that are well established, will more than compensate for any failure in the individual assets in the bundle, and the total value backing the money supply will still far exceed the money supply... preventing inflation in it's true sense of the concept: money supply > assets backing it.

    This is actually going to cause a form of hyper-deflation... but since there is no way at this time to accurately account for the true value or market value, I hope no one minds the dollar will be stronger then we know.


    Christopher Theodore of the family of RHODES


    Great movie, and awesome lessons about communication.. it takes time to get each piece of an idea expressed. It's part of why I did all those info graphics. Each one illustrates a facet of this diamond in the rough.
    Last edited by Christopher Theodore; 11-12-17 at 04:07 AM.

  4. #4
    Thanks again;

    This is not just a great contemplation and lesson in Futures. This goes into the New World Order. George Sr. was also Director of Central Intelligence c1976. I was born in Penrose Hospital too, the NE Corner. As in the Cornerstone that the Builders Rejected.

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    Inside the Golden Rectangle at the Church where my parents were married - two heritages of the Patroons of Wall Street convergent in me, we find the evidence in the NE Spire being larger. That particular monument is traditionally the Cornerstone.

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    The family jewels are gonads, male or female (ovaries) and so play the role in the Arrival movie too. Hannah's name is a palindrome. The same forward as backward. The linear is the foundation of commercial priestcraft in that guilt from the past causes you to seek the priest for penance, your sacrificial lamb offering, in contemplation of a better future. Pay up the collection plate before this gets better for you.

    I bring up the NWO because this is the 1492 New World coming into a better orderly shape. MELCHIZEDEK dawning the Mantle and gratefully thanking the Masons (LEVI) for being such responsible custodians.

    The judiciary is not a mess, it is vacant. Collection on the national debt has just become very, very precarious; impossible to assess risk now that I reported the Garnishment tech through eBay and Google. The law of the merchant shall judge.

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    The excitement is risk management facilitates now we can be at any international airport in the world in a few hours, and teleconferencing instantly the only boundary being citizenship, a global citizenry/village solves the problem about the Graduate moving out of the country. The education being substantial for currency base is safe presuming a long and predictable lifespan, anywhere on Earth.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    The excitement is risk management facilitates now we can be at any international airport in the world in a few hours, and teleconferencing instantly the only boundary being citizenship, a global citizenry/village solves the problem about the Graduate moving out of the country. The education being substantial for currency base is safe presuming a long and predictable lifespan, anywhere on Earth.
    Globalization/Non-globalization and political office of Citizenship are actually irrelevant to this innovation, the Graduate, regardless of the Citizenship(s) held, holds the assets -- a measured amount of public domain intellectual property -- as opposed to private intellectual property which has it's own valuation methods and would have difficulties in use as an asset backing public money because of it's private nature (also, because no one wants to just "break even," so typical valuation methods of private IP are other than cost based and are highly speculative which is far too unstable, but some banks like to gamble and will accept that private IP as collateral).

    The principle of reciprocity in International Law (either public or private), and the fact that any Member State of the UN can capitalize on the innovation if they have a Treasury and K-12 and college types of educational systems (places where things are taught, students are tested, and certifications are issued documenting this), means that the currency being issued by the Treasury of any Nation to reflect the Wealth of the Graduate would remain relatively fungible at the global macro level. Granted there would likely be some quibbling over exchanges rates of currency to some degree (our schools are better than your schools!!), but, the kinds of knowledge & education provided in the educational systems of the Nations, the essential subject matter, is already pretty uniform in the major Nations now, and any 3rd world Nations would be able to develop their educational infrastructure to the point of any of the more advanced nations very quickly.

    Also, the bulk of the people of a Nation don't leave. So the bundle of assets still remains sufficiently valuable to sustain the national money supply. And, as Graduates move from place to place, so does their knowledge, BUT, this is a 2 way street... and redemption of the value of currency with foreign itinerant Graduates is possible on any street... and if the Graduate wants a different kind of currency, they can walk down the road to a bank and exchange the currency. There is no need for a World Currency & World Citizenship (nor would this prohibit or hinder such a thing). The economy of the True World Order (as opposed to the New World Order), is barter and always has been. And knowledge & education has always been barter-able. In fact, there are stories of people being given 10x their weight in gold for just a small piece of knowledge. And don't get me started on the knowledge of mining... gold & silver and everything else... being more valuable than all the gold & silver mined... ;-)

    The Graduate causes the money to be created, and then it goes to pay their debt to the educational system for it's assistance in helping the Graduate developing the Wealth. Truth, be told, the money would go to the Graduate, then to the educational system to pay the debt, but there is no need for the extra step (and an opportunity for unscrupulous students to stiff their teachers). So it's not the Citizenship of the Graduate, it is the situs of the school (public or private), that would determine the Treasury that will issue the currency. I suspect the Catholic Church and it's schools will provide a very interesting example of this principle if they chose, however, I think it would be simpler if they just leave it to the Treasury of the Nation where their schools are located seeing as how those teachers will want that local currency and it may be a hassle to exchange the money of the Holy See at the banks.

    One of the most exciting things about this innovation is that the money will not enter circulation via trickle down economics... it enters circulation via the staff of the educational system.. which seems proper to me on many levels.. seeing as how knowledge & education is the Wealth that is key in the creation of all other Wealth (with few exceptions).


    Christopher Theodore of the family of RHODES
    Last edited by Christopher Theodore; 11-13-17 at 04:50 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    The judiciary is not a mess, it is vacant. Collection on the national debt has just become very, very precarious; impossible to assess risk now that I reported the Garnishment tech through eBay and Google. The law of the merchant shall judge.
    Wait. Think I missed something here. What did you report through ebay and google?

  7. #7
    Thank you! I bought one of the books about garnishment and debt collection Colorado. That is pretty cool.

    I bought a couple cameras with a flaw and it breaks easily mechanically. So I offered to show the vender/manufacturer engineers a good fix for replacements. They agreed and gave me a bogus tracking #. The vender in China lied to me. So I bought another in order to revive the email complaint discussion. They reneged and will not acknowledge that they lied to avoid shipping.

    Dishonor. No big deal about the transaction. It is just that we (USA) have no judiciary and therefore no proper collection process. We trust in the US Government, by irrevocable trust (Constitution) whether you feel that way or not. I am a party in interest, having signed approbation to the Declaration. The vender trusts in the People's Republic of China by similar irrevocable trust and so as agent he becomes CONSTRUCTIVE TRUSTEE through the dishonor.

    If he will not honor his promise in commerce then China is in dishonor. But since the "judges" are vacant the forum defaults to the Ebay and Google cyberculture. Interesting!!

    In other words, how can China expect to collect the 20% national debt investment if "judges" are not bonded and in vacant offices? Especially when they remove their own signatures off their oaths??

    Attachment 5003

    Effectively notice of fraud is tendered equally well to both China and the USA through the extraterritorial venue of commercial cyberspace. But I can simply tender the Garnishment process to China Daily as the National Newspaper and the Finance Minister there too. If I simply tuck a $100 bill into it, they will refund me, granting a solid Proof of Service.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-13-17 at 11:21 PM.

  8. #8
    David Merrill;

    I think I will leave those more complicated international issues to the public servants I/We delegated those Powers & Duties to. I like to keep things simple. So, I am just focusing on sustaining the validity of the asset, it's value, and that it makes much better backing than debt for any currency.

    I think when China capitalizes on the economic innovation, they will be happy. They have lots of students after all.


    Christopher Theodore ...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Theodore View Post
    David Merrill;

    I think I will leave those more complicated international issues to the public servants I/We delegated those Powers & Duties to. I like to keep things simple. So, I am just focusing on sustaining the validity of the asset, it's value, and that it makes much better backing than debt for any currency.

    I think when China capitalizes on the economic innovation, they will be happy. They have lots of students after all.


    Christopher Theodore ...

    Your innovations are very positive.

  10. #10
    As I ponder this, cyberspace and cerebrospinal become numero-linguistically related. Gold is back in the system. It is the circulation at the speed of light inside the data silos, server farms and satellites. Light (fiber and radio) are conduit across the larger spaces - not to mention traditional conductive wiring.

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