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Thread: Exactly what does the IRS agent think?

  1. #181
    Absolutely.Thank you. it's funny that after this was posted and I was re-searching for the blank replica (without suitors recording info) and it came right up...

    This link.... has been in the process of being passed around...unsure of reliability...interested in some factual proof of reliability if someone may know themselves.

    I find it speaks of redemption and SDR's however the denial of redemption...apparently recently being set in place...maybe a connection with above situation...

    I will print the above and record in accordance with my for her (who is experiencing this absurdity) if she wishes and once again properly assertively establish her Demand...when an action against a trustee's rights in the duties of administration occurs..a art.iii 3rd party claim should be administered for such deprivation...or am I still confusing theory and fact?
    Last edited by Christopher Thomas; 10-26-16 at 05:32 PM. Reason: Url mistake.

  2. #182
    I listened to a few seconds.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-26-16 at 10:38 PM.

  3. #183
    Not fully understanding... Respected though. I didn't intend to offend anyone. Much appreciated.

  4. #184
    Interesting report from the IRS-


    Actions Are Needed to Better Identify
    and Address Individuals Who File
    Tax Returns Using Frivolous Arguments

    August 31, 2016

    Of course "redeeming lawful money" is not included as there is no "frivolidity" in the position or method but it may be interesting to some anyway.

  5. #185
    Quote Originally Posted by EZrhythm View Post
    Interesting report from the IRS-


    Actions Are Needed to Better Identify
    and Address Individuals Who File
    Tax Returns Using Frivolous Arguments

    August 31, 2016

    Of course "redeeming lawful money" is not included as there is no "frivolidity" in the position or method but it may be interesting to some anyway.

    Thank you for that. The IRS attorneys are pretty slick about casting illusions. Some feel the Trading with the Enemy Act has been "Omitted" from the Bankers' Code because it was redundant (Title 50 - Military Code) while not even realizing the implications of it being omitted from the Bankers' Code.

    I gather we have these cited docs herein...

    Name:  Frivolous Arguments Memorandum report 2016 background.jpg
Views: 1284
Size:  243.5 KB

    P.S. FrivPen Notice 2010-33 - Click Here.
    The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-03-16 at 11:57 AM.

  6. #186
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Thank you for that. The IRS attorneys are pretty slick about casting illusions. Some feel the Trading with the Enemy Act has been "Omitted" from the Bankers' Code because it was redundant (Title 50 - Military Code) while not even realizing the implications of it being omitted from the Bankers' Code.

    I gather we have these cited docs herein...

    Name:  Frivolous Arguments Memorandum report 2016 background.jpg
Views: 1284
Size:  243.5 KB

    P.S. FrivPen Notice 2010-33 - Click Here.
    The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments.
    Just yesterday a student at called me elated that his letter regarding frivolous penalty was stopped due to one letter that he wrote based on what he learned on the site. Not only did the IRS stop their action, it was clear that there was some communication also with the State Revenue Department as he received his State withholdings which were on hold until determination could be made by the IRS if the taxpayer owed any tax.

    In 2014 I read "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments" and looked up the court cases so that I might comprehend the arguments made. It is easy to see after some study how words can be twisted and how those who would issue a charge need only sit back and listen to the words which issue from the defendant. Most times the defendant hangs self with his own mouth.

    As a matter of Law I would like to show that if one has issued a claim upon which relief may be granted, then it is the responsibility of the claimant to show the remedy in the Law so that one may be justified.

    Isaiah 43:26* Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.*

    A king may not sit in a throne under Providence unless said king has written his Torah. Now you may ask, what does this have to do with anything? It has EVERYTHING to do with your current situation. King James wrote his Torah for the Realm and copyrighted his Torah to be the governing Law for the Realm. It was out of his Throne that the Trees were planted in America [colonies or plantations or Farms]. Thusly were these Estates held mediately in the Throne.

    Thusly do we keep it simple. Those who have grown to understand Trust Law and how it works, will appreciate the following. It is NOT enough to know how you can do a deed, it is also needed to know why you can do said deed. My Will and my Intellect must be in accord - else I find self ripped in two.

    Title 12 United States Code Section 411 (12 U.S.C. 411) is very clear that Federal Reserve Notes are not Lawful Money of the United States. While they are lawful to use as a legal tender they cannot ever pay a debt but merely discharge said debt to a future Day of Judgment. [paid in blood on battlefield] And relying on Scripture, I find this model made clear in the great book of Hebrews as follows:

    Hebrews 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

    Therefore, these have no power to pay for sin and only push the sin [debt] forward to a future day of reckoning. Thus is the nature of the Federal Reserve System and its notes. However, clearly, 12 U.S.C. 411 allows that these Federal Reserve Notes and their associated credit system may be redeemed as there must always be choice. Noticing an alter atop George Washington's head and noticing that he is the Alpha flanked by an Omega, only he who is blind cannot see the symbolism. I comprehend that you need my consent to understand the Federal Reserve System and I have expressly withheld my consent by way of restrictive endorsement expressing my trust in United States Lawful Money. I am with my free will to choose and I choose to undertake on behalf of the United States in Lawful Money. I stand upon the Law (12 U.S.C. 411) hereinbefore quoted and maintain that I have no obligations or liability to even file a return as the Account is absent liability of the burden of taxation. Finding no transfer of Rights of Use, there can be no Fee! There only remains a presumption of which is timely rebutted herein! It is now time for Eve to be true to Adam. For once she had many lovers but now is she submitting to her Husbandman in Love.

    If you don't have the "blood of the Lamb" upon the lintels and door posts [which is Truth], then you will pay with your own blood. And we know it is the blood of the victim which seals the covenant. Further, we know that "the life is in the blood" which relates that blood is synonymous with energy and labor which is related to truth vs. error. For in error we labor in vain. And this relates directly to a mark in the hand [labor] and in the forehead [thoughts]. For our thoughts allow us to express and imply our trust thru written/spoken deeds and action. And now we see it is not good enough to have knowledge but that the benefit and relief is in the Hand of the one that does. See now the Altar atop George Washington's head?

    Many read and only see the outer garments which cloak the knowledge hidden in symbolic language [His Voice] - but some will change their clothes.

    Rev 19:8* And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.*

    Caught between Free Will and Destiny are these not two pillars - Hegelian in nature? I wonder can anyone escape the Matrix using the thoughts which "built this place"?

    The World's most famous Weatherman

    Because in the end, the Love you make is equal to the Love you take....Consider a life of faith absent love. Is this not akin to the Sun's rays without warmth? Is this not as Winter [pray your flight not be in Winter]? But what of Faith married to Love - is this not as Springtime of New Growth?

    Love is what turns us on. For its wavelength is much shorter than fear and thusly hits upon more DNA. Can we think about serving our brethren in Unity? Or shall we continue to serve self? If in the latter - welcome to Groundhog Day - get comfortable. If the former, welcome to abundant Life.

    Expressed Faith in the seedbed of Love is like having two great wings. Fly to your bliss!

    Deu 32:29* O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!*

    For there is but One Power - and those who sit in power today in Ministerial Trust, are only allowed. Herein is a great key.


    A presumption exists. Why is a 1040 being issued if the one who issued said 1040 is not a trustee with obligations? For from the perspective of the IRS agent all who issue such are bound to obligation and subject to the form of which is established per code binding the trustee to give account of the management of the FRS property. In other words, who is this "farmhand" who declares he is not subject to the rent? The key is that there are TWO distinct districts. FRD [left] and USD [right]. Which side of the boat do you fish? For the Kingdom is built in trust and This State is legal to the Image. Thusly is Trust the Foundation.

    Is it trust built on Faith [as in no Love] or trust built on Love whereof Faith is contemplated only in the Light of Love - Unity. In the latter we see there is only one life and that is God. And therefore, there is but One Love that comes from God. And the Light is Love and the Good is Truth and thusly can we come to be One? Or shall we remain two in intercourse with a foreign lover? Is that not adultery?

    Of course Johnny B Agent, is just as ignorant as the rest of the mass and if something does not conform to the standard way of "doing business" it merely seems frivolous. And now with understanding we can see it is the duty of a trustee to prove his/her innocence and thusly we can see the appeals process - which in the Federal Reserve districts is understood by insurance policies - and NOT oaths of office to the people.

    It is just good business Jack.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 07-16-17 at 06:50 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  7. #187
    While traveling I stayed over with a suitor. Refusal for Cause on the 3175C FrivPen letter worked years ago to stop any billing - $30K in fines. Since then the wife has just gone Exempt with the W-4 and so they have no reason to file.

  8. #188
    I keep thinking this is one of the more productive threads on StSC. Does anybody know of any new Memorandums?

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I've seen nothing new. The IRS has failed to address redeeming lawful money. In itself further evidence your interpretation of the Federal Reserve Act is correct, all these years later.

    Some may claim to redeem lawful money, file, then wonder why they don't get to the end zone, tax-free. As a successful nontaxpaying filer for years I can say you need to actually redeem lawful money, and be able to provide proof. You can't claim the ball crossed into the end zone, when you haven't established yourself as a runner (redeemer). You have to establish yourself as a “runner” first before the goal line means anything. To establish yourself as a runner (redeemer) you have to complete the catch. Jesse James never completed the catch. A receiver has to “survive the ground through the catch” and he didn’t.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    I've seen nothing new. The IRS has failed to address redeeming lawful money. In itself further evidence your interpretation of the Federal Reserve Act is correct, all these years later.

    Some may claim to redeem lawful money, file, then wonder why they don't get to the end zone, tax-free. As a successful nontaxpaying filer for years I can say you need to actually redeem lawful money, and be able to provide proof. You can't claim the ball crossed into the end zone, when you haven't established yourself as a runner (redeemer). You have to establish yourself as a “runner” first before the goal line means anything. To establish yourself as a runner (redeemer) you have to complete the catch. Jesse James never completed the catch. A receiver has to “survive the ground through the catch” and he didn’t.

    Merry Christmas!
    I like the football "close enough" allegory. Lately I encountered searching my disk, an old American's News Bulletin article.

    It is the oldest defense to the Libel of Review I have been utilizing since the late-1995 Are You Lost at C? - days. Rule 12 FRCP; Failure to State a Claim.

    What I feel, being the geopolitical social engineer at the intelligence nexus of the brain trust, is that the Response to this correct interpretation was when Congress bolstered the FrivPen from $500 to $5000. And in all this time the only real damage on the FrivPen/NOFTL front has been with a new suitor who is being attacked by a rogue agent and Director. The IRS reports truthfully to the SSA:

    Name:  IRS reports no taxable income to SSA.jpg
Views: 1099
Size:  232.7 KB

    More expressly here, I enjoy the MAGI acronym and may play with it in my imagination:

    Name:  Information from IRS to SSA.jpg
Views: 1198
Size:  109.8 KB

    There it is!! The attorneys are allowing, if not leading the Director and Agent to go ahead with the "emergency" collections activity, even though they will not falsely report to a fellow government agency.

    Sometimes I feel this thread is the very most productive thread on the entire website. God I miss Allodial though. Does anybody have a clue what happened to Allodial?
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-26-17 at 04:33 PM.

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