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Thread: Gold Reserve Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337 talk of redemtion and the Fed's first lien

  1. #1

    Gold Reserve Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337 talk of redemtion and the Fed's first lien

    I was reading the Gold Reserve Act o 1934, and came across a few things that piqued my interest; there were also a couple things that were confusing to me.

    The Gold Reserve Act > 48 Stat. 337 sec. 2(b)(1) is found the same wording as is 12 U.S.C. sec. 411. Could this be used against banks that are being difficult when a customer is demanding his transactions be redeemed in lawful money, or is it irrelevant because it is stating how sec. 16 of the Federal Reserve Act will be amended?

    The first few sections have a lot of talk of redemption and lawful money, but it was hard for me to follow.
    Sec. 2(b)(2) "...bills of exchange endorsed by a member bank..." does this mean citizens are member banks of the fed because citizens endorse their bills of exchange (checks), or is it referring to member banks meaning that not all entities endorsing bills of exchange are member banks. I remember reading that the individual is in fact a member bank, but I cannot remember where I read it.. or if the source was reliable. I also don't understand the paragraph stating that the Fed. can reduce their liability by issuing Fed. notes to member banks and agents.

    The section stating that a first paramount lien has been created on the assets of such bank being issued Fed. notes would explain why the IRS can size any and all assets of an individual in tax trouble. This paramount lien that has been created gives them the authority to freeze bank accounts and seize property.. am I correct in my thinking?

    I would appreciate anyone chiming in with experience, understanding, or literature on this. I looked around on this forum for anything similar, but I didn't have any luck. I didn't comb this site though, so if it has already been brought up and discussed please provide a link to the thread.

    Thank you all! I love this forum, and I deeply appreciate all of the effort and time involved to educate the new guy!

  2. #2
    Thank you!

    I feel that this website increases in value with people of quality intellect exploring here. I note that the Gold Reserve Act is simply talking about the changes to the Fed Act in 1934 upon FDR's gold seizure. Try picking up my new video here.

    Resort to August 23rd, 1935 and find and find that the licensing tests and requirements to become a member or state bank were being waived, in part or whole.

  3. #3
    I watched your video. It was difficult for me to follow.. I understood the overarching message along with the benefit of studying religious texts for firm comprehension of original meaning. (if I may critique) However, it was difficult for me simply because I am a new student of the Law, and a lot of that material is currently beyond the scope of my knowledge and understanding. I really enjoyed what you shared in regards to the Fibonacci sequence Golden Mean, and the left-right brain relationship*; that kind of information is where my journey began. I failed to see the correlation (connection being remedy) between that, and other esoteric knowledge, to Law.. especially the Federal Reserve Act.

    I'm sorry, I am having a difficult time articulating a response. I do not know enough about all the different subject material to be able to keep up with the fast pace of the video, or to be able to apply it. I will study the video, and with time I will hopefully be able to grasp video! I really like your article about the Federal Reserve Act - Remedy! That was something I could comprehend much more easily!
    So anybody endorsing a check was considered a member bank. This was/is for jurisdictional purposes I assume?

    *I am reading a fascinating book about this subject - "The Alphabet Versus the Goddess" by Leonard Shlain. If you are not familiar I suggest you give it a read!
    "The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics" by Anonymous Conservative is another great read on the development of the left-right brain development!

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Thank you for watching and responding. I appreciate that.

    It is packed. I wrote the sound track which is fairly superficial, because there are two videos from over a decade ago. The focus of my excitement is how the metaphysics always correlates exactly. So I can make sense of all these activities. I might have bitten off more than I can chew in less than 90 minutes.

    As I added the images, especially the documentation I slipped in the text bubbles and quickly realized that I was expecting any viewer to spend at least five hours watching the video. One hour and fifteen minutes to watch the video and then two more going through it and pausing at places to read the image documents. Then again even more slowly just to put things together and understand my world.

    The orchestrations indicate that I am participating with the geopolitical social engineering and have a major role in global macroeconomics.

    CROSSTALK in the brain trust:

    Simplifying greatly, the natural state is Unity:

    Money, like Religion and Politics is [are] mere tools to seduce the soul of mankind. For He called THEIR name Adam [a State]. The Soul is to say "Eve" being tempted by a different lover [Ref 1st Samuel 8 - will it be politics or Spirit]. One might even change the word "seduce" to "control" or even "Govern". And what is being governed? Well that answer is simple from the Latin Mens which is anglicized MENT - meaning the Mind.
    Upon INTERPRETER - PATROON as Entitlement I wish to explain that rather than Truth warring with Falsity, this is an egoistic mind fighting for survival - individuality. Looking at only one sentence of MJ's posts yesterday, that jumps out obvious; at least to me, it does. The contrast that led me there, to remember that the War is Over with the Trading with the Enemy Act Omitted from the Bankers' Code set was paying any respect to LB BORK and his Red Amendment work. The Key is to understand the ancient concepts of statesmanship. With it in mind that you will spend no more than twenty seconds exploring the link, I can get onward to my point about Trustee of the Resulting Trust; the new state is the oldest state court prayer.

    My comprehension of the machinations of state may have clarified (1995) when 32nd Degree Freemason and co-author of Are You Lost at C? paged me, as I returned to Colorado Springs from Denver. I had just filed in forma pauperis to proceed with a Libel of Review but had designed some new twists about UN standing, that the US Governor for the International Monetary Fund is a UN officer operating without sanction here, under Title 22 USC. Jim answered my call from a truck stop. He offered to pay the then $120 filing fee (1995) by credit card and I was grateful. I explained that I was going to wait for the in forma pauperis to proceed and would take him up on his kind offer in a couple weeks. - No way! I had to turn around back to Denver and the clerk would be waiting as long after closing the federal courthouse as it took, to file paying with Jim's credit card. I was certainly puzzled enough why the clerk of court had called Jim, just because he had a Libel of Review without the in forma pauperis. But get this; my complaint was that I should not be compelled to use the money issued by the Defendant - the UN as the state. This would appertain to METRO organization and the early quickening of my family heritage in the PATROON/INTERPRETER entitlement, perpetual heritage. [18 Acres of UN Campus on Manhattan, donated "international soil" by David ROCKEFELLER.]

    You would at least have to understand my belief about the SO HELP ME GOD alteration to the federal "judge" oaths and how that will degrade the State to a consensual contract - endorsement.*

    Michael Joseph's broadcasts yesterday are certainly worth reading in their entirety so I am going to presume you are about out of time by now. Landon has led some very interesting news. But my 1995 LoR was filed on the eve of the famously big 31-Day Government Shutdown and along the way I filed a case in Denver with my Certificate of Baptism (Death Certificate) and that was on the eve of a subsequent Shutdown. The corporation is simply reconstructing in bankruptcy foreclosure. As the two-weeks came to a close, and I paid the $120 from my own pocket, I was formally withdrawing my endorsement support.

    Name:  Rubin predicts default date.jpg
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    It is so simple I can make this worth your time. There is a growing national debt - sustainable to grow the money supply under the delusion that is necessary. Note herein that the filing fee is now $400 and some state districts $450, rather than $120 back at the time of the article. Why do we need more money in circulation?

    In growing the national debt, Congress cannot raise enough usage fee/income tax revenue to pay off the interest, much less the principal so Congress raises the debt ceiling. Raising the debt ceiling defies our precepts of good business and risk management so every few debt ceiling raises by Congress the debt must be released. Foreclosure in bankruptcy is how that is done. Just like a personal bankruptcy.

    Getting to my point about this current Shutdown. Landon is victim of a panicky IRS agent and Director off the reservation so to speak. MNUCHIN is of course the Principal responsible for this misbehavior and is convicted by the IRS reporting correctly to the SSA that Landon has no taxable income even though Landon being a recently retired airline pilot earned upper six-figure yearly paychecks, all redeemed for years now. He received his full refunds except last year from the State - there is that concept again. The State cited a case that the State did not have to abide in the IRS' errors assessing a tax return. Apparently the State contacted the Director/Agent team and they declared an emergency (war) on Landon by striking through CODE on process and writing in "Immediately" rather than await the standard grace period before moving into NOFTL and recently garnishment of Landon's pension.

    Name:  IRS reports no taxable income to SSA.jpg
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    Interestingly Landon traced the trustee for the pilot's pension fund to JP Morgan on Manhattan Island! This was a big sigh of relief because now my heritage as the statesman could take traction. It did. Recall that Landon's garnishment on MNUCHIN, both of them, were closed same-day as filing day, and limited to only the first Doc 1 on PACER, for months. Now I am attaching a recent civil suit from a terminated IRS agent simply showing how operations of process and claim are best filed in the venue of the Defendant. Neither the petitioner or his attorney live in Washington DC. Landon's and several other garnishments are proceeding in the USDC DC. The second garnishment is Execution rather than Contemplation of Garnishment and Doc 3 is now published - Notice of the Clerk's bad behaviors. For an indication of how painful it is for Angela to publish a Notice of her own misbehavior not two months between Landon signing it and Angela publishing it.

    I have reason to believe that many more people have been losing sleep. MNUCHIN operates as much as a "judge" as any of the federal "Judges". As in "Your Honor" entitlement and as chief teller. He has been notified about the rogue agent/Director tag team all along. But also, recusal of all "judges" has been prominent even in the State USDC evidence repository civil suit evidence repository, where the clerk still publishes anything Landon hand-delivers same-day. This means that MNUCHIN has no judicial or sovereign immunity granted from the US State. But rather than fire all the "judges" they pretend consent, which defies the precept of natural law MJ and I state outright at the top of this broadcast. Redemption is inviolable. Therefore the logical redemption for MNUCHIN is to resolve all debts in a Release, like Deuteronomy 15:1-3 - bankruptcy foreclosure.

    But just under that wire, with final garnishment due 1/21/18 with four days ticking Landon notified JP Morgan Waiver of Tort that this might be resolved by paying direct deposit to his garnished personal bank account $1M and so the assessment by the rogue agent/Director would be paid off, the NOFTL Released and the pension checks would return to the original amount. Resolution and saving face with over 1/2 Million $$ for all this anxiety and loss of security.

    Well, that was no big surprise then so see the Bill due 1/21 and the 31-Day Government Shutdown on 1/20. I even prophecy there might be a 30-Day Judgment on 2/20, right around there.
    * Footnote: The suitor who supplied this phone camera doc of the Smart ID Application tells us that they never returned Page 3 with all the terms, and the Certification of Agreement. So everybody walks out not knowing what they have agreed to! They think it is the law, forgetting that they signed consent to do all that stuff.

    For example most folks do not remember that they gave consent to blood and urine testing, and simply presume it is the law. No! It is the contract the officer acts upon. In truth I think it is experience on the brain trust and Lesson Plan were this suitor even acquired the wherewithal to take down the blank for images to share.

    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-08-18 at 01:15 AM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2012
    The State of Soleterra
    "For example most folks do not remember that they gave consent to blood and urine testing, and simply presume it is the law. "

    I think its all the people not most.

    I once bought a ski pass for the mtn and read all the contract and crossed off the parts that made me liable and voided out the penalties. Initialed it all with black pen so it wouldn't stick out. Then signed in blue ink. The lady didn't read any of it just processed it. i left happy knowing they could not cancel or remove my pass.
    Some say you can't do that because their forms are the law and can't be changed but what about "variation of agreements."

    But then there is this,

    ยง 1-302. Variation by Agreement.

    (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) or elsewhere in [the Uniform Commercial Code], the effect of provisions of [the Uniform Commercial Code] may be varied by agreement.

    (b) The obligations of good faith, diligence, reasonableness, and care prescribed by [the Uniform Commercial Code] may not be disclaimed by agreement. The parties, by agreement, may determine the standards by which the performance of those obligations is to be measured if those standards are not manifestly unreasonable. Whenever [the Uniform Commercial Code] requires an action to be taken within a reasonable time, a time that is not manifestly unreasonable may be fixed by agreement.

    (c) The presence in certain provisions of [the Uniform Commercial Code] of the phrase "unless otherwise agreed", or words of similar import, does not imply that the effect of other provisions may not be varied by agreement under this section.

  6. #6

    The black pen though... I recall something in the UCC about CONSPICUOUS. But I like your style.

    I suppose of all the contracts like that, ski lift passes are the most read of all. If you get bored watching people ski anyway, and you dressed warm enough.

  7. #7
    The presentation officer everything you'll need is in this folder David the competence identification clause one and the same person ones registered ones noticed . Signed not assigned . Give me a roadside example on the one and the same DBA. Is i am not providing this DL for identification purposes only but as proof of competence to hold insurance .That's not sufficient anymore

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    I once bought a ski pass for the mtn and read all the contract and crossed off the parts that made me liable and voided out the penalties. Initialed it all with black pen so it wouldn't stick out. Then signed in blue ink. The lady didn't read any of it just processed it. i left happy knowing they could not cancel or remove my pass.
    In all my years of skiing I've never had to sign anything to buy a ski pass. The back of the pass will usually have all the terms. Basically, by buying this pass you acknowledge that skiing is inherently risky and dangerous ... so don't sue us if you crack your head.

    If you're saying you marked up the back of the pass and showed it to the low-wage cashier before using the ticket to get on the ski-lift, I hardly see how that constitutes proper notice. In fact, the mountain now has a witness to relate that you actually read the terms and conditions and cared enough to initial them. You can't claim ignorance now.
    Last edited by lorne; 02-13-18 at 07:14 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Thank you for watching and responding. I appreciate that.

    It is packed. I wrote the sound track which is fairly superficial, because there are two videos from over a decade ago. The focus of my excitement is how the metaphysics always correlates exactly. So I can make sense of all these activities. I might have bitten off more than I can chew in less than 90 minutes.

    As I added the images, especially the documentation I slipped in the text bubbles and quickly realized that I was expecting any viewer to spend at least five hours watching the video. One hour and fifteen minutes to watch the video and then two more going through it and pausing at places to read the image documents. Then again even more slowly just to put things together and understand my world.

    The orchestrations indicate that I am participating with the geopolitical social engineering and have a major role in global macroeconomics.
    You're very welcome! Considering all of this time and effort you devote to this site, and others, I was/am more than happy to look at anything you suggest. You seemed anxious when developing the film along with a concern for the length of the film as well. May I suggest that you slow down the tempo so you can take all of the info that is packed in the video and decompartmentalize it so the viewer has context information allowing the viewer the grasp your message along with the excitement that is accompanied with it? It is counterproductive to be considerate of the duration of a film of this caliber because those who consider the length of any film before viewing is somebody that would not be ready to understand the contents in the first place while those not deterred by length will miss out on portions of the film. If the length of the film is representative of the time you expect the viewer to devote to the film; then you will deter those (intimidated by length) who bash a film because they won't understand it, and it will attract those (not deterred by length because they recognize that it will be highly informational) who will gain positively from it!

    Sorry for the long-winded suggestion.. I hope it's helpful!

    Social engineering?? You can't possibly be referring to Tavistock-esque programming, right? << That's the only kind of which I am aware.. I'll re-watch the video to see if I missed it.

    Nonetheless, thank you King David! I appreciate the dialogue along with putting up with my naivety.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    * Footnote: The suitor who supplied this phone camera doc of the Smart ID Application tells us that they never returned Page 3 with all the terms, and the Certification of Agreement. So everybody walks out not knowing what they have agreed to! They think it is the law, forgetting that they signed consent to do all that stuff.

    For example most folks do not remember that they gave consent to blood and urine testing, and simply presume it is the law. No! It is the contract the officer acts upon. In truth I think it is experience on the brain trust and Lesson Plan were this suitor even acquired the wherewithal to take down the blank for images to share.

    So the DMV accepted the incomplete form? Or is it along the lines of what walter is sying in the following post about Variation by Agreement?

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