Well you mailed Doc 38 on December 20th so it's possible there's a connection to the Govt shutdown.

It's curious that John speaks in third person. Quoting from the first page of his complaint ...
Plaintiff Schlabach has converted all his received paychecks into lawful money of the United States ("U.S. Notes"), ...
Did someone write this for him? He does not indicate when he began redeeming lawful money, other than "all his received paychecks." Since his first job, ever? And with no exhibit or copy of a single demand paycheck? Hard to believe he was demanding lawful money on "all" paychecks.

Makes you wonder about the purpose of the case. If I were a conspiracy theorist I'd say it was intention to create some case law for the IRS to say: "See, this redeeming lawful money theory doesn't hold any water."