To further develop your understanding about Mexican Wall = red herring...

We look at the gold thief of the Holy Bible, processing the gold from the Golden Calf into powder - manna from heaven for the communication with the Levite priests in Jerusalem. As indicated by the description of the Enlil hieroglyphic above created a LULU. This term is rare but "God's Chosen People" are a plan for global conquest, by a genetically engineered genius. He delivered to Moses the telomeregenesis therapy but delivered it with the Law, and a big guilt trip for the Israelites.

The law prohibits the ingestion of blood. And the law prohibits contact with menstruum, even until a woman is completely done with her period and after she has washed herself clean. During any time when she might deliver from the treasury of viable human fetal stem cells, she is considered "unclean" and forbidden to touch anybody.

Everlasting life is to Judaism and Christianity secret and private intellectual property.

Knowledge delivers us.

For the intents of this post I mean that 32° Scottish Rite Freemason James Harlan co-authored Are You Lost at C? Before studying at the Mason Library and Museum I was very distrusting of Masons. Jim won my trust by telling me how at every degree he was promised more revelation of the Secrets of the Sanctuary - like I describe herein. When he got to the 32nd degree though, he requested disclosure and was told that he must earn more trust yet, and get the 33rd degree before he would be told the rest of the esoteric. He quit paying dues but something interesting came of it. On the eve of the 1998 Crash, he sold his entire portfolio of client investments, based on Fibonacci grind.

His Libel in Review never got to state court because Mr Wiley Young DANIEL is not and never been a federal judge. But this is the only instance where a FrivPen against an estate has 'disappeared' from the county clerk and recorder, that I have seen.

Late in 1995 I adjusted my Libel in Review to be against the International Monetary Fund Internal Revenue Service and filed it In Forma Pauperis before Mr. SPARR. He refused me. My objection was that I did not want to use the $120 in the currency issued by the UN Defendant (the IMF is an organ of the UN). On my way back from Denver Jim paged me. I stopped and called from a truck stop. Jim was offering to pay the $120 and I was grateful, "If the In Forma Pauperis fails then I will gladly accept."

He replied, No. You have to turn around and go file it now, today.

I pointed out that the courthouse would be closed. He told me the clerk and security would be keeping the courthouse open late for me.


I declined the offer and when Mr SPARR refused the In Forma Pauperis I paid the $120 and filed the Libel in Review. The next morning I hear Rush going on with his fearful hate-mongering about the Government was shut down. Of course nobody knew it would be a restructure - 31-Day Government Shutdown. I did not realize until some time later that my demand for In Forma Pauperis was demand for lawful money.

Now it is so obvious. Do you see the connections to the Dragon Court and why KAVANAUGH's oath is very compelling behind the admiralty garnishment on the US Governor for the IMF?