Yeah, with the prosecution releasing prohibited information and opinions regarding the guilt of the accused and the evidence is indication this case is more about PR, spin and propaganda than justice. Manufacturing a false narrative (Russia bad, Trump bad). What we're finding out is ... the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign, and Russia didn't "hack" the election. And even if the allegations are true, all we have is a little campaign advertising by some Russians. Nevermind moving the needle, a paltry $100k spent isn't even enough to wake the needle. And someone points out:
we have -at least- 4 major omissions in the Mueller investigation and report:

1) the Mueller report failed to consider whether the dossier authored by former MI6 spy Christopher Steele was Russian disinformation (and Steele was not charged with lying to the FBI).

2) Mueller’s portrayal of Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud as a Russian agent – when available evidence suggests he may have been a Western agent.

3) Mueller declined to talk to the VIPS, who offered evidence that the DNC servers were not hacked but content was copied onto a disk at the server’s location

4) Mueller refused to hear Julian Assange, who offered evidence that it was not the Russians that had provided WikiLeaks with the emails.

and we have AG BARR appointing DURHAM to investigate FBI spying:

On May 15th Concord attorney Eric DUBELIER filed 11-page REPLY IN SUPPORT OF ITS MOTION...