Land of Canaan, Land of Commerce

Ancient Canaan is the location of present-day Israel. Leviathan is the Serpent of Canaan. We see how Canaan means "trade" or "commerce" in the Hebrew Torah. We have seen the play on the words for 'Cain' & 'purchase' in Genesis 4:1. The Hamitic land of Canaan, called Palestine and Israel today, was wedged between two great Hamitic superpowers, Babylon and Egypt, and two great continents. This made it the land of Trade - the land of war, oppression, and deceit - the products of Trade. And it was out of this that the rage of the Bible is born.

Now you can see, more and more, studying both the Bible and history, that the Canaanites were not a literal race of people, but were the Spirit of Commerce that possessed the people. Indeed, scholars & archaeologists have generally been confused as to what culture "Canaan" actually refers to. Now we begin to understand one of the very themes of the Torah which has been so troubling for thousands of years: to invade Canaan and wipe out every vestige of Canaanite from the land! The Canaanites were a tribe of seven clans descended from Canaan, a nation of seven heads (Deuteronomy 7:1, Genesis 10:15) , the Dragon of Seven Heads.

The later Jewish prophets confirm that Canaan refers to a mentality, a spirit, the System of Commerce, not to a physical race of humans:

Wail, you inhabitants of the market district!
For all the merchant people [canaanites] are cut down;
All those who handle money are cut off.
(Zephaniah 1:11)

And there is no merchant [canaanite] any more in the temple of Yahweh of Hosts in that day!
(Zechariah 14:21)

The Canaanite: the Merchant: the Zealot

And Jesus' clearing the merchants from the temple is a direct act-out of the above Zechariah scripture. Wiping out the Canaanites! Jesus' driving out the merchants from the temple, apparently on two different occasions, is so important it is mentioned in all four Gospels (Matthew 21:12, Mark 11:15, Luke 19:45, John 2:15) .

Indeed, we even see a play on words, referring to the Canaanite, in the above John passage (2:17), in which John quotes Psalm 69:9: "For zeal [qanat (???????)] for your house has consumed me." Yes, the Hebrew word for zeal is qanat (???????). The word meaning zealot is translated into Greek in other Gospel passages as kananaios, and translated into English as Canaanite in many English Bibles, as in Simon the Canaanite in the King James Version of Matthew 10:4.

Zeal is motivation is passion. There are two types of zeal that motivate humans. One is the zeal of self-credit (including money), and one is the zeal of love. Because we humans want motivation, want life, the zeal of fanatical religion often fools us, because it is most often not the zeal of love but the zeal of self-credit. The proof is quite obvious: zealous religion almost always goes hand-in-hand with big-money politics and corporations. People are unhappy with "conservative" religion because its zeal is for money. People are unhappy with "liberal" religion because it has no zeal at all, no life! So people swing from one to another until they are sick of all religion. Neither the conservative nor the liberal religion have the zeal of love, which is what all living things crave, because such zeal is the very Essence of Life. Once in a while, somebody like George Fox, Mohandas Gandhi, or Martin Luther King arise, with the true Zeal of religion, a zeal that breaks out of sectarianism and appeals to people of all faiths and non-faiths: "having favor with both God and people.

Thus, Jesus' mission was to wipe out the false zeal (Canaanite) and replace it with the True Zeal. Wipe out artificial life and replace it with Authentic Life.

Canaanite zeal persecutes anyone who questions it

According to the Markan account (Mark 11:18), this event was what began the conspiracy to kill Jesus.

Hasn't this threat of conscience against commerce been the true cause of most, if not all, persecutions, assassinations and wars, from ancient times right up to the present?

The Jewish prophets Ezekiel and Hosea both declare that their very own people, with their corrupt religion, given over to greed and world commerce, are Canaanites and the children of Canaan (the Amorites and the Hittites):

and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD to Jerusalem:
"Your birth and your nativity are from the land of Canaan;
your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite.
(Ezekiel 16:3)

The Lord also brings a charge against Judah,
and will punish Jacob according to his ways;
according to his deeds he will recompense him.
He took his brother by the heel in the womb,
and in his strength he struggled with God. . . .
A cunning Canaanite!
Deceitful scales are in his hand;
he loves to oppress.
And Ephraim said,
"Surely I have become rich,
I have found wealth for myself"
(Hosea 12:2-8)