Kingdoms Realms or Estates Those troublemakers left their first statehood gave up their rank or position, in addition to their "habitation" (residence) in exchange for some wicked thing they desired. Now, as a result, they are enjoying their 2nd estate--in chains. The Angels are domiciled but no man can be We can therefore have no "legal home" or "domicile" or “residence” anywhere other than exclusively within the Kingdom of Heaven and not within the jurisdiction of any corrupted earthly government. Our only law is God's law and Common law, which is based on God's law. Those people who are not governed [ONLY] by GOD and His laws will be ruled by tyrants.” and become persons "A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature [God and His laws], and not as the gift of their chief magistrate [or any government law]." William wild bill Penn and Tom Old Hickory Jefferson we the people before the ink was dry became permanently chained as citizens residence and reserved. How soon the Peoples forget We are only temporarily here and the Kingdom of Heaven is where we intend to return and live permanently. Returning lawfully whats our nature of GOD duty free shopping for redemption in a quiet heavenly neighborhood. Legal domicile is based only on intent, not on physical presence,physical presence is with the intent to make California home that physical appearance presence cures ones misinformed intent? Its only "domicile" which establishes one's legal and tax "home". No one but us can establish our "intent" and this is the express intent. Neither can we as Redeeming People of the true God permit our “domicile” to be subject to change under any circumstances, even when coerced. To admit that there is a "permanent home" or "place of abode" anywhere on earth is to admit that there is no afterlife, no God, and that this earth is as good as it gets, which is a depressing prospect indeed that conflicts with our True beliefs. , so this is definitely not a place we would want to call a permanent home or a domicile: Originally "life on earth, this world (as opposed to the afterlife)," sense extended to "the known world," making ones intent is both physical and spiritual exercise within free will. God,s community has no residential gates and your the gatekeeper to your own intent."the physical world," was Middangeard (Old Norse Midgard), literally "the middle enclosure" whats between your ears is your globe the abode of man. head first as it were good revisit Walter