Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
So you have two public employees in collusion with a tow truck company, scamming the public. What if similar criminal minds discovered a way to scam a larger number of people - say the whole state - using the apparatus of government? Who is to stop them?
Well, from their perspective it is like a joint venture: "We'll detain them, you tow their property. We split the take."

The only thing that can stop them is our awareness of their scam, and our willingness to make a firm assertion of our unalienable rights without submitting or consenting to their jurisdiction (often in the face of much intimidation).

As an example, I presume that most people on this board understand that the "Federal Reserve" is in fact a foreign-owned private bank that is deceptively named in a way that suggests it is part of the American federal government. What few people realize is that same deceptive naming has been applied to various unincorporated entities.

For instance:

State of Florida = unincorporated
> Florida State = corporate
> STATE OF FLORIDA = corporate

united States of America = unincorporated
> United States = corporate
> UNITED STATES = corporate

County of Someplace = unincorporated
> Someplace County = corporate

corporate = statutory = legal = consensual
unincorporated = law [of the land] = lawful = always in force

So it's very easy to be snared in their trap of statutory jurisdiction, which is why you see many videos of purported 'sovereigns' failing when they start talking a lot and rattling off case citiations, claims, and theories.

The only real rule is that any living man or woman needs to know is that they must ensure that the burden of proof is always upon the accuser. This is most effectively done by remaining silent (i.e. not incriminating yourself by blabbing or volunteering info), and when appropriate, responding with simple direct statements. If they make a statement to you or about you, you may opt to respond with a question about how they arrived at their conclusion.