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Thread: In Process: US Passport as American (not US citizen)

  1. #31
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    The Key being Saving to Suitors CLUB!
    Yes, a Club being as a society with a specific moral intent. While it may not be a moral person, it could become one. Nevertheless, it is as a virtual reality within the close of CLUB or SOCIETY. One might say an Ego like say Michael Joseph is virtual to the one who senses identity as Michael Joseph. But is that real? Or is it an overlay on what is real? I say it is the latter because in Unity there is only Unity. 1 is 1. Therefore, there is only one set.

    I walked this morning and experienced the wind and the clouds and the pond and other sounds, I was struck with an incredible revelation that these are Me. It is so difficult because language fails. Ego talk: am I not referring to. Rather, I noticed a profound connection to all around Me. But I saw that my ego in need was quickly trying to auto-correct in terms of my mental frame.

    So I saw today the flesh consciousness and the spiritual consciousness in a way that made it more than just a thought. Because before thought is I AM. But even before I AM is what the 3rd covenant called "Him Who Is. " When I read the gospel of Mary Magdelene, I was amazed how she said "He has made us all Man". So we are talking about Archetypes and that was what opened up the door regarding those other gospels [writings]. Archons are terms typically used by the ignorant to relate to the governors of this world. However, I saw them as the unregenerate centers in Man. Jesus Christ has made us Man speaks to the redeeming aspect for He Who Is manifest in the Image of that perfect Light. Therefore Eth Ha Adam is Christ. Or emphatically THE MAN. So then the proper title is I AM the Savior or Yehoshuah.

    He Who Is has no name and we cannot know He Who Is. For how can limited intellect comprehend infinite being? Before Abraham was I AM. But before I AM was is Him Who Is unknowable and ineffable. We can only look to the nature of the Image of Him Who Is. For primordial Light manifest is Christ. Anything named is lesser. This is why Him Who is is nameless. The Father of Light is He Who Is - the Light is Christ. I found an analogy helps me understand. Most say things such as "I was like". But "I was like" is an image of the real condition.

    Anything named is subject to a higher power. The difficult task is awakening from duality into non-duality. Seeing that the identity of Michael Joseph is an individual and therefore is not real. What is real is Unity wherein no individual can exist. I believe it is proper to say Unity is dreaming Michael Joseph. But I would have to give that a bit more thought.

    From this perspective the story of Adam / Eve plays out a bit differently. Eve would be our autonomous mind. Which is to say our individualized soul. Adam would therefore relate to body consciousness or flesh in general.

    From: The Sophia of Jesus Christ

    The Savior said: "He Who Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except he alone, and anyone to whom he wants to make revelation through him who is from First Light. From now on, I am the Great Savior. For he is immortal and eternal. Now he is eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. Since no one rules over him, he has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another."

    Comments: Consider a child. I will consider myself. I don't remember being Michael Joseph as a newborn baby. In fact, I was just alive. Society initiated me into the CLUB. Now, I have come full circle. One more thought: gives new meaning to the ten tribes that went astray. "And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills where the landslide brought Me down"......

    With best regards,

    P.S. A good friend sent me this video after reading the foregoing: THE HEART OF THE DREAMER
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 08-28-19 at 11:59 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  2. #32
    I see six symbols that I feel recognition for. But I may not have the same interpretation. I am of course looking for something you and I have spoken about. The largest is the Rosy (red) Cross inside a circle.

    There are some great points made by Laurence GARDNER:

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    This should be timed around the moon as mesencephalic activity in the aqueducts sylvius and monroi open according to the menstrual cycle. The key word is "when removed" the DNA reassembles according to its original plan. So you contain the demolition to the third ventricle and in the suprachaismatic nucleus and then drain the ventricle during the next full moon. It drains into the entire liquor of the central nervous system and I believe to some extent, the lymphatic system and blood plasma.

    Then take a month off arc (gathering box) for the rebuilding in the third ventricle. This is where the cerebrospinal fluid washes the pineal gland and the internal surfaces of the cortex where the hemispheres merge.

    Of course this is fringe and you might go blind or something, so remember I am no medical doctor. I have never produced a single addict that I can recall, to anything.

    P.S. You stir my thoughts MJ: Like 10 out of 12 Tribes recommend a balance. You are conditioned to claim "astray" and I think that conditioning is focused around Jezebel, who was a high priestess in the Isian sex cults - The Golden Calf Cult as most exegesis has it. The same guilt device used to acquire Joseph's Egyptian gold and redact it to starfire, then feed it back to the people producing a warrior-priest army.

    It takes a bit of starfire in the third ventricle to see this.

    Interestingly I just noticed the light switch in the photo!
    Last edited by David Merrill; 08-29-19 at 09:06 AM.

  3. #33
    One of Laurence's videos quotes something from 2200 BCE:

    Nothing is achieved by wanting.
    Nothing is achieved by relinquishing responsibility to a higher authority.
    Belief is the act of BE - LIVING.
    For to BE - LIVE is to believe.
    Belief is BE - LIVING.
    The Will is the ultimate medium of the Self.
    This is the Root of the Knowledge.
    This is the Route to the Personal God because
    the Personal God is Within and the Self is God,
    the Absolute Consciousness - the Key;
    I am memorizing it.

    This explains why attorneys and lawyers alike do not tolerate much quoting the Bible at trial. The Constitution too. They just know better by training.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 08-29-19 at 11:50 AM.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    As previously established Unity means 1 = 1. There cannot be Unity AND Michael Joseph. Because that is not Unity. This fact dawned on me this morning. In exoteric religion I was taught to "look out" for God. Meaning that I was somehow separate. This assertion violates Unity. I find the key is that instead of looking FOR lucidity, all I need to do is turn my "eye" inward and realize that I have always been looking FROM coherence. Being double [dual] minded is instability because it violates logic, mathematics.

    Logic leads us back to ONE SET - One Source. So then how can I be separate? We live IN GOD. There are no exceptions. When I turn my "eye" of inspection inward, I notice a curious effect. It is almost like a child realizing he is being watched. All of a sudden activity slows down. It is like the inmates running the insane asylum are now aware that the warden has returned. Bad analogy but it gets the job done.

    Point is that we are continually seeking for clarity and yet in the seeking we imply we do not have it. But this is impossible. While we may not be the cause, we are definitely the source. One need only examine the analogy of shadow. Being ignorant of the concept of shadow and with the sun at our back we find it cast before us always. Looking before ourselves trying to understand we cannot know the source of the shadow is ourselves. However, the cause of the shadow is the sun. All we need to do is realize there is only Unity.

    So then the entire time I was looking for lucidness, clearness, perspicuity, intelligibility, comprehensibility, coherence; I am actually looking from lucidness, clearness, perspicuity, intelligibility, comprehensibility, coherence.

    A newborn baby shows us. It is society that initiates said baby into confusion. A baby has zero conception of the role (s)he will play - a baby just is experiencing without prejudice of tainted belief. The Eve [Soul] nature is granted the illusion of autonomy but in eating [mental action] of the fruit of duality - the mind forges a separation. We can see this is true by examination of the world's states and religions.

    With best regards,
    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    As previously established Unity means 1 = 1. There cannot be Unity AND Michael Joseph. Because that is not Unity. This fact dawned on me this morning. In exoteric religion I was taught to "look out" for God. Meaning that I was somehow separate. This assertion violates Unity. I find the key is that instead of looking FOR lucidity, all I need to do is turn my "eye" inward and realize that I have always been looking FROM coherence. Being double [dual] minded is instability because it violates logic, mathematics.

    Logic leads us back to ONE SET - One Source. So then how can I be separate? We live IN GOD. There are no exceptions. When I turn my "eye" of inspection inward, I notice a curious effect. It is almost like a child realizing he is being watched. All of a sudden activity slows down. It is like the inmates running the insane asylum are now aware that the warden has returned. Bad analogy but it gets the job done.

    Point is that we are continually seeking for clarity and yet in the seeking we imply we do not have it. But this is impossible. While we may not be the cause, we are definitely the source. One need only examine the analogy of shadow. Being ignorant of the concept of shadow and with the sun at our back we find it cast before us always. Looking before ourselves trying to understand we cannot know the source of the shadow is ourselves. However, the cause of the shadow is the sun. All we need to do is realize there is only Unity.

    So then the entire time I was looking for lucidness, clearness, perspicuity, intelligibility, comprehensibility, coherence; I am actually looking from lucidness, clearness, perspicuity, intelligibility, comprehensibility, coherence.

    A newborn baby shows us. It is society that initiates said baby into confusion. A baby has zero conception of the role (s)he will play - a baby just is experiencing without prejudice of tainted belief. The Eve [Soul] nature is granted the illusion of autonomy but in eating [mental action] of the fruit of duality - the mind forges a separation. We can see this is true by examination of the world's states and religions.

    With best regards,
    Michael Joseph
    Thank you. That helps.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    I just got back from walking the dog. Beautiful morning. As I was walking I was meditating on this recent train of ideals and greater clarity came regarding the analogy of the shadow [see Plato's Cave]. When we repent [turn] our attention inward we find the source of the physical shadow is our physical body. In the Kybalion we learn that we may use the Law of Correspondence to find out Spiritual matters. And in the New Testament we learn the same principle as follows:

    Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead;....

    Therefore by use of the Law of Correspondence, it can be deduced that when one turns one's attention inward [repent] looking for the source of that which thinks it needs to find, one finds (s)he finds nothing. What I mean is that it is completely nebulous and indefinable to the intellect. Now clearly when we consider ourselves sitting in the silence of our center who cannot say I AM - am I? For it is obvious that I am. But what exactly am I? And that is the seeker desiring to know from a position standing without Unity. It is hard to elucidate these thoughts in language.

    But that position of the seeker is an illusion. Because Unity is Unity and can only know itself. When we try to "find ourselves" we do ourselves a great harm. We are and that is all. Our nature is our nature and there is no seeking there is only being. To seek our nature is like trying to find God. This condition again is akin to trying to catch your shadow. Run after it and see if it does not run from you!

    And now, I will turn my attention to the New Moon. In the black of night does one cast a shadow? A rhetorical question to be sure but one that is very important when considering the nature of man's states. One finds no shadow on the night of the New Moon. But does one need a shadow to know I AM - am I? The answer is no! I AM without the shadow. I am the caster of the shadow, I am the source.

    Here comes the payoff: The shadow needs me, I do not need the shadow! Now turn your attention to the legal fictions of State. Are these not as shadows? However, is the shadow separate from Unity?

    Keep your attention focused inward. Is not your shadow [metaphorically speaking] a creation of your imagination? I am the source am I. Then, why am I seeking to find Unity? To seek is only to imply, I lack. Now consider the words of Jesus "the Son needs the Father; however, the Father does not need the Son." What then is the Father - can you find Him in you? Yes and no for Father is NO THING and yet EVERY THING. And the Son is manifest of that Light. I seem to remember Neville Goddard referring to Father as Imagination and the son as manifestation. Maybe I am wrong, but I know I am on the right path.

    There are many "trees" in the garden of God. Trees are means of perception. So by law of correspondence we may perceive and know the force/power which under-stands all of nature. Seeing that "Mother Earth" gave us our birth and no Man ever sprang forth of another Man - we may deduce that our Intellect [Soul] is feminine. And St. Paul seized on this analogy stating

    2Co 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin [pure maiden] to Christ.

    Remember the words of Jesus in The Sophia of Jesus Christ: "He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end..... Since no one rules over him, he has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another."

    Being still in quiet meditation, I searched for Michael Joseph but I could not find. I perceive identity is a named thing. Awareness remains unnamed. Identity therefore begs one with authority to name; and therefore Identity is akin to the Shadow of one who remains in duality. The perceived Shadow is wrongly identified as a fiction of the double minded. And, as such, one in such a condition lives in the illusion of separateness as an INDIVIDUAL seemingly apart from God. And therefore in eating of this tree of duality the byproduct is desolation.

    Remember: The shadow needs awareness. But as the New Moon does show, awareness needs not the shadow. Geez THIS SONG just came to mind. Notice in the religion of the Jews, the New Moon is a Sabbath - now we know why. "I just had to let it go." Grin.

    Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    With best regards,
    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 08-30-19 at 02:54 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  7. #37
    Has God gotten around to creating anything thats not rebellious He,s dismissed all possibilities of being defeated, so defeating oneself is understandable when your not of that nature fearing God is natural as we can defeat everything but God . If u dont or cant bring God with u where is it u been. running in the shadows And if you don't love me now
    You will never love me again . You be right from your side ill be right from mine The Shadow Agency Straw-mans and Spiritual Bosses While we may not be the cause, we are definitely the source cause and effect .you're Developing a thought Pattern MJ no not me occasionally a One = Won

  8. #38
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Has God gotten around to creating anything thats not rebellious He,s dismissed all possibilities of being defeated, so defeating oneself is understandable when your not of that nature fearing God is natural as we can defeat everything but God . If u dont or cant bring God with u where is it u been. running in the shadows And if you don't love me now
    You will never love me again . You be right from your side ill be right from mine The Shadow Agency Straw-mans and Spiritual Bosses While we may not be the cause, we are definitely the source cause and effect .you're Developing a thought Pattern MJ no not me occasionally a One = Won
    Imagine no one voted at the next election. The wolf you feed is the won. Yes?
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

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  9. #39
    The Tao that can be described is not the Great Tao.

    Now consider who really did execute the first successful restructure of the United States. At best, Donald John signed an EO that triggered the timing. All he did in the matter was to give federal employees Christmas Eve off work and leave the Department Managers to decide who would be paid or not for the holiday. As Executive Officer, not the President, he was overstepping?

    The power of Tweeting comes through. TRUMP tweeted how the US Government would be staying closed until he got his Mexican Wall. Fine.

    I think that everybody should be reminded that TRUMP made his billions off of human frailty and addictions in the gambling industry. He is an expert in personal bankruptcy and forming alter egos. So you might understand why I appointed him - that the US cannot run and hide in bankruptcy proceedings for seven years - and at the least how I did it.

    Hillary is bad. Donald is good. Look at 2018-cr-53 in USDC DC:

    Name:  Oath Dabney DoJ refusal_Page_1.jpg
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    So please forgive me for finding the entertainment value in reducing Dabney Langhorne to defense attorney protecting the Department of Justice (attached).

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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    I utilized the Russians for a conduit to execute the first successfully executed restructure of the US in bankruptcy. I needed a businessman, not a President to do this. Donald John TRUMP is in the Oval Office as an impenetrable trust indenture. Nobody can impeach a President if he is in fact, not a President but everybody stays out of my way trying - genius!

    The 'saving to suitors' clause' of 1789 is primarily for use in consulates, where it becomes difficult to decide which law is to be of use settling a dispute. Are You Lost at C? was the vehicle to prompt Wiley Young DANIEL, a pretend Denver federal judge into remanding a NOFTL back to Colorado, as a consulate in treaty, in international law. The Internet Research Agency and Concord Management spent millions gathering the living email addresses and for human hands to register them here. I was rotating the bot-control strategy every week or so and enjoying a world tour of IP locations. Once these people were set up as consulate in the club they were all saying Hillary is bad, and Donald is good.

    But a lot of proxy servers came out of China. I would grab the IP and take a trip to Russia and China, among all the other places around the world. If I search the Members addresses about 1/10 of them are ending in "XXX.RA" - Russia. None end "XXX.CA" but the IP locator takes me to China, mostly Beijing.

    The Key being Saving to Suitors CLUB!
    I didn't see these consulates in the club as saying anything. It is interesting how much money and resources THEY devote to this website. Small point of order - China is .CN (CA is Canada) and Russia is .RU

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    Last edited by lorne; 08-30-19 at 12:58 PM.

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