Wish to update information I have found about property tax. From what I know now. Any property including a land patent that is recorded can be and is taxed. I have also discovered in the statutes for the states that property can be withdrawn from being recorded if you or your partner in ownership do indeed hold the property in fee simple and are the only one's listed on the deed or title. You can fill out the application for record withdraw and not be accessed a tax again.

I have read that a deed is not title, it is only color of title that is created from the true title. This is correct however, it is the vehicle for conveyance of ownership from one party to another. From my over-standing, the deed created should also update the original title and add the next link to the chain of title for ownership. The true matter is property tax and land being recorded to be taxed as an asset of a business. If a situs does not exist on the land, the tax should not be accessed.

Here's one state that has it.