I have been juicing turmeric for many years. I mix it with galanga ginger and traditional ginger, black pepper and black seed oil. This is a great source of bio-available curcumin as anti-oxidant. My thought about the ginger and oils is that it gets past the blood brain barrier.

This image depicts the cavities that are filled with cerebrospinal fluid - liquor - and the bird's beak embraces the pituitary gland. the beak at the back of his head embraces the pineal gland. The liquor is a communications medium, endocrine transducer. The conduit is DNA. The DNA can be enhanced to superconductivity with the starfire, the boiled vapors of noble transition metals.

The red conduit is the aqueduct of sylvius and the two tubes into the lateral ventricles, the wing like passages are aqueducts monroi. They remain closed off until a day before the full moon and then open until a day after. So three days time the fluid is replenished, or better, flushed. One might be behooved to understand this paper prior to beginning procedures. I am not suggesting you try this at home; or at all. Arc starfire through the soft palate might deliver a global root canal to the upper jaw for all I know. I am not a doctor.

Even shut down though the aqueducts are electrical conductors for the ion pump.

Interestingly when I clean the turmeric out of the juicer mechanism with chlorine bleach, the orange turns to blood red. And so something proposed to me one day was that frankincense, myrrh and gold referred to turmeric and something in the blood-red coloration familiarizes a chord with that. And the powder of the monatomic form of gold too.

The quickening of the nucleo-cytoplasmic protein shuttles arylalkylamine-L-acetyltransferace and acetylseratonin-O-methyltransferace will charge compress the melatonin and dimethyltryptamine toggling faster than light when the DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid becomes superconductive by doping ruthenium and the other noble transition metals found in meteor/asteroids onto the ends:

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Telomeregenesis thru the philosopher's stone of mysticomimetic psychopharmacology.

GARDNER said that someone reported doping ruthenium onto cancerous DNA caused the flawed regions to dissolve and reform spontaneously, healing the cells. I believe that report and consider this teaching, once in the frontal lobes can execute the process throughout the body tissues.

Thanks for posting here.

P.S. I feel that the noble metal steam coalesces in dodecahedron:

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When ratcheted the sputtered formations design the double helix. Supposing the occlusions (errors) in the formation of a perfect strand are not errors, they correspond to areas of the ganglia (chakras) according to the boiling points.