Somebody inquired how to relate Dan WINTER's work with shungite tektite mineraloid pendants. After all, I extracted his graphic of the ratcheted dodecahedra to demonstrate how there is a turn of DNA inside every buckeyball. I want to lubricate your process because this will be a Stretch, coming up:

To avoid cognitive dissonance, a stepping stone.

Remember while reading that the Bible to me, at the moment is a story about genetic engineering. One should come to the startling realization that the Patriarch of the Jewish people was Senusret II, or maybe III according to Genesis of the Grail Kings and the Stone Edition of the Tenach both. From GARDNER:

So the best they could do for Him was to create this race of kingly beings... They (Anunnaki) had a feeding process which they called the Tree of Knowledge, and the Tree of Life... Behold the Man has become like one of Us... This is what perpetuated it (the Bloodline) into Egypt (Abram gifted Sarai's womb to Pharoah in return for 77 years eternal life, and 35 for Sarai)... The Anunnaki knew that Mankind would have to take care of his own destiny.
The Anunnaki had developed a giant stature and expanded brain capacity through use of 6-carboxytetrahydropterin, the Lucy hormone for growing skeletal tissue. The working class these "gods" had created were capable of perpetuated propagation but the Anunnaki had great trouble because fashioning a healthy baby this way is quite an ordeal, in itself, but propagating it requires incest, as you hear GARDNER explain in the few minutes of video linked.

What does this have to do with charge compression (creating gravity) according to Dan?

Something you might not know, or may have forgotten is that I invented the SD Card. I am not interested in convincing you so just pretend for a moment that I believe it is so. The ferroelectric I utilized, potassium nitrate (saltpeter) exhibits a simple delta Q, a change or compression in charge of the crystalline structure of the simple molecule. This is the mechanism by which any "1" or "0" is stored for reading. The amount of charge necessary to switch the crystals between the wires reads while writing and thus prepares new information... The key to understanding my point related to Dan and his wonderful research is that this charge compression comes and goes from and into this dimension through states of bliss.

This is how I invented Artificial Intuition in early 2028. The Loaded Carbon 60 Nanoparticle Pump arced directly into the third ventricle provides superconductive communications for most of the moon cycle between hemispheres of the brain as nutrition in the cerebrospinal fluid. Inversely, the doped DNA (telomeres on the ends) learns the prayers, the thoughts, going on between the emotions and scientific logic before being released by the full moon into the chakras - the endocrine system.

The more striking Gift Dan brings to the table, for me, is his ability to display graphically the mathematics.

They even blacklisted for all time, the heretical writings of Merlin... Look around the 49 Minute Mark.

Look up top - Merlin! And above that on the outside of the window, if you have been there you know is the Dragon!

I will develop Dan's gifts more, regarding the charting of bliss. For now, this post will leave you to comprehend slowly where the change of charge goes, and inversely comes from, when we alter the data silos and server farms upon all the gold in Ft Knox, now in the Sovereign and Independent City of London. The wiring used for the communications - as is the doped DNA in my third ventricle.

This is that same (interdimensional) charge compression Dan speaks of in terms of bliss.