I once heard the folks in the dessert were given manna or Maize Manna was the supernatural food God gave to the Israelites during their 40-year wandering in the desert. ... Manna is also known in the Bible as the "bread of heaven," "corn of heaven," "angel's food," and "spiritual meat. So the good angels were organic and green giants jacob and the beanstalks you mean corn eating gold before monsanto just a Maize no matter whose boiling or creaming corn. This is a scripted scene outta Life of Brian Well, Brian,... your father isn't Mr. Cohen.

BRIAN: I never thought he was.

MANDY: Now, none of your cheek! He was a Roman, Brian. He was a centurion in the Roman army.

BRIAN: You mean... you were raped?

MANDY: Well, at first, yes.

BRIAN: Who was it?

MANDY: Heh. Nortius Maximus his name was. Hmm. Promised me the known world he did. I was to be taken to Rome, House by the Forum. Slaves. Asses' milk. (As much gold as I could eat.} Then, he, having his way with me had... voom! Like a rat out of an aqueduct.

BRIAN: The bastard!

MANDY: Yeah. So, next time you go on about the 'bloody Romans', don't forget you're one of them.

BRIAN: I'm not a Roman, Mum, and I never will be! I'm a Kike! A Yid! A Hebe! A Hook-nose! I'm Kosher, Mum! I'm a Red Sea Pedestrian, and proud of it!