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Thread: Indiana Supreme Court Nullifies 4th Amendment in Favor of Public Policy :

  1. #1
    Senior Member Trust Guy's Avatar
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    Indiana Supreme Court Nullifies 4th Amendment in Favor of Public Policy :

    Court: No right to resist illegal cop entry into home

    | Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.

    In a 3-2 decision, Justice Steven David writing for the court said if a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer's entry.

    "We believe ... a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence," David said. "We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest."

    David said a person arrested following an unlawful entry by police still can be released on bail and has plenty of opportunities to protest the illegal entry through the court system.

  2. #2
    Senior Member motla68's Avatar
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    Until people realise that Lincoln's Army is still here and even expanded beyond the borders and the rules of warfare on land still are applicable the beatings will continue.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Trust Guy's Avatar
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    Indeed motla, indeed.

    In that vein we have this just circulated by Jeanette-Audrey of the American’s Independent Bureau / Rod Class Crew. Available for distribution as a zip file :

    "How The U.S. Became Ensnared Through The Lieber Code In 1863"

    Here's a very good summary of the overarching circumstances...

    This is pretty much a summary of Rod Class' Tues 5.10.11 call...

    A very good explanation of how they ensnared U.S. ! I took Jeanette's last name and email address out in case this gets forwarded around

    Financial Industry Regulatory Authority <>,
    Office of Thrift Supervision <>,
    Navy Legal Services NW <>,
    The Miami Herald <>,
    sun sentinel <" jburstein">,
    SEC <>

    Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:40 PM

    The Lieber Code of April 24, 1863, also known as Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field, General Order No. 100, or Lieber Instructions signed by President Abraham Lincoln, is a very crucial piece to the puzzle of how Americans have been scammed through the judicial system and the banking system set up to bilk this country dry.

    The courts have been employing whatever tactic was feasible for them at the time, but holding the military status card up their sleeve all along.

    For example, say one goes into a Casino to play cards at one of the tables. The dealer deals out the cards to yourself and the other players at your table. However, the other players get to look at their cards while your cards are dealt face down, and the dealer has told all the other players which game it is being played. You on the other hand, can't see your cards, don't know which to play, nor do you know which cards you need to replace, which is wild, which is high or which is low card. So how could you possibly play the game* when the house holds all the cards and the rules and stacked the deck against you?

    The courts, impersonating judicial officers, holding false judicial proceedings and* are using the local sheriff departments and/or other police departments* as "military personnel"* to force one off the street, against their will and under duress, forced again into fraudulent contracts as commerce for investment purposes, but failing to charge off the public debt or provide the municipality their rightful 40%.

    These personnel in turn are committing highway robbery, extortion, kidnap for ransom, strong arm robbery, and impersonating military personnel.

    By employing Texas Code Chapter 79 § 79.31 "ENTITIES" and the Style MANUAL Manual, your name has been used* through identity theft now converted into "upper case" letters indicating corporate status, using yourself as the means, method, motive, opportunity and intent to access your trust account, established through the US Bankruptcy in 1933, since there is no money and we the people are the Creditors/beneficiaries from which the country makes investments.

    However, prior to that step in this diabolical devious plan, the Rothschild's, the masterminds of this banking fraud committed against the world, knowingly sent their correspondences*to and from* the US in about June, 1863, explaining how all of this step by step plan will work, including the mathematical formula employed showing the profits to be made with the inimical harm and the brunt of the burden* resting on those not wise to their financial enterprise.
    (See "Vindication" and "A Country Defeated in Victory Part II")

    The [courts] have now dragged yourself into the closed union shop, acting as financial institution agents for the Committee on Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP©), the court cases now assigned Public Debt numbers through forms 1522/4000 et al, through/ for US Treasury now are investments directly deposited through COURT REGISTRY INVESTMENT SYSTEM (CRIS), in the Dallas /Houston Texas Federal Reserve privately owned bank.

    These investments are only temporarily housed at that financial institution before heading home to the Bank of England, Rothschild's headquarters.

    Rothschild's have long since been infamous for renting, leasing or otherwise employing military armies to* provide the strong arm tactics needed to complete whatever task is at hand, which may or may not include world domination through control of the worlds' wealth. One would have to follow the Trilateral Commission, The Bilderbergs, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Knights of the Golden Circle, Knights of Columbus, Knights of The Golden Fleece, Knights of Malta,Masons, Skull & Bones, The Illuminati and other not so secret anymore societies for the rest of the story.

    Newly researched evidence of "THE LIEBER CODE" shows without a doubt how this plan has been put into effect.

    Since a "Code" is a secret communication, only the privy were wise to its true meaning and intent, until now.

    Abraham Lincoln knew full well what was coming our way, and thus prepared for it. He placed our "trust" in the hands of the military as the proper authority to protect us, America, as the first Bank Act of 1863 began the road to Banksterville.

    However, those evil doers hellbent on gaining access to all the gold and other wealth had another plan, which directly is related to the civil war and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. (See the Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln)

    Reading the attached "Lieber Code" one will learn important, directly related evidence of the who, what, when, where, why and how this corruption against America was invented, and spread throughout Europe and Asia like a malignant cancer.

    Adding this knowledge to that already obtained, it is quite simple to see that the courts have been employing one side of the military code against* the general public, not showing us the cards or the game being played and being misled to thinking all is Constitutionally fine and dandy.

    The courts employed administrative rules, but did not act within the policies, procedures and/or guidelines of those rules.

    The courts employed civil rules and procedures but failed to follow even those policies and procedures.

    The courts, police, sheriff, judges et al., were hired or appointed as Constitutional employees to act in good behavior and within the boundaries of the law, and having had taken an oath to uphold the same, but have in many instances, the judges in every instance, knowingly violated the very essence of the Constitution, breaching their own contract.

    George Bush's infamous statement that the Constitution is just a G-- D--- piece of paper knew, in official capacity, the fraud committed against every inhabitant in this country and that this fraud was being committed as a means to get into the trust held by the military as protection for all of us as Americans.

    This "TRUST" and our public trust has been violated, knowingly and with forethought, malice and intent, by every court official since about the late1860's, and continuing to date, as securitizing our names and signatures for investment purposes, but failing to discharge the debts of the American people as the other half of the contract, whereby the courts and all other agents thereof, by through and with the banks, federal, national and international, have gained unjust enrichment embezzling every American's money from the constitutional side of the "mirror" to the "de facto" side, now fraudulently converted and hidden deep in their own offshore pockets, and George Sorros is not exempt from this ponzi scheme.

    The reader will be disheartened to see how this diabolical plan has been so successfully carried out to date.* The more knowledge taken in the wiser one becomes, as was Abraham Lincoln who paid the ultimate price for his preemptive actions.

    Every [judge] in this country knows full well of the guilt on his/her shoulders from their intentional actions as belligerent traitors and their* treasonous activities against America, employing armed belligerents against unarmed civilians in this country, the former acting under military law but failing to act within military protocol, now each and all subject to the ultimate consequences thereof, by the hands of the military duly qualified to fulfill that task.

    Many years of research by those of us on AIB radio and all the listeners around the world also seeking the truth are slowly but surely gaining on the heels of these fleeing* thieving impostors and their bankster kinfolk. It won't be a mere nip when we latch on, but rather a rabid dog, jaw locking to the bone, death grip around every attorney, and bankster's ankle walking this planet, slowing that walk to a complete halt.

    All rights reserved in perpetuity.

  4. #4
    Senior Member motla68's Avatar
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    Trust Guy, I know you got a lot of research here that you have spent some time on, you have free will to your opinion, but to me half of it is the same patriot banters I hear throughout most of them patriot groups,,, i.e. " that big evil plaguing the system and non of it is our fault, it is all someone else's fault ". To explain my point here -->>

    Some of us are actually asking pertinent questions from government and getting some answers, rather then go to some guru and pay hundreds of dollars for something that turns out is only theory. I am actually really amazed that all this has not thrown up red flags with David and he jump on you like green on peas, when I did put theory on here it must have just been special prized time or something.

    We were never a part of what they created, We The People is not us, see this clip from a doc:
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    I received a document yesterday too ironically and it puts it as " Vital events ", says nothing about the registration of a child. When the parents name the baby it is just a surveyed event, just like military surveys everything else i.e. " high water marks " it surveys other events as well.
    I had a friend ask the DMV if they had claim or interest in the vehicle in my possession and this was their reply:
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    Yep, just another survey held in trust.

    So you seen here, the Public Trust is not us either, it is the Treasury being protected a Cesti Que Vie Trust. Here it shows where they have accepted liability for it, one estate at a time, them who have a compact with eachother:
    Name:  fancred.jpeg
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    "No private person has a right to complain by suit in court on the ground of a breach of the United States constitution; for, though the constitution is a compact, he is not a party to it." Padelford, Fay & Co. v. The Mayor, City of Savanna, 14 Ga 438.

    A man has a right to stay out of their business or interfere with it, he will either be viewed as a peaceful inhabitant or a enemy combatant, those with the banks, it is your choice.
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    The word "person" in legal terminology normally includes in its scope a variety of entities other than man. See e.g. 1 U.S.C. sec 1. ; Church of Scientology v. U.S. Dept. of Justice (1979) 612 F.2d 417, 425.

    Nobody really owns nothing, not you or government or any concoction of trust, it is just held in trust.

    " the earth is held in usufruct for the living "
    - Thomas Jefferson

    See page 2:

    Are you truly living for the creator of the universe or are you living for you?
    Last edited by motla68; 05-14-11 at 01:23 AM.

  5. #5
    Some of us are actually asking pertinent questions from government and getting some answers, rather then go to some guru and pay hundreds of dollars for something that turns out is only theory.

    Remedy written into the law is not theory; people pay me to teach application of remedy. You have been applying remedy with theory and you know it. When you were prodded to explain, because you were being elusive you finally explained - excluding remedy and holding to your theories. I determined that was harmful to learning here so I banished you.

    I enjoy your theories about martial rule and the Lieber Code. Both of you. They help explain the condition where remedy is non-elastic fiat. They put a truthful frame of reference on American History.

    Your post there, Motla68;

    It is a bunch of unconnected dots.

    You cannot connect it to any current application without applying the sum total applied in context of §16 of the Fed Act and Title 12 U.S.C. §411 - remedy written into the law. You have no success stories to show that do not depend on remedy you now imply are my theories. What concerns me is that you demonstrate faith in your distorted projections.

    The dots you write of though, they are useful.

    I have no issue with Trust Guy, because I, like you read his posts in context of what I know to be true. I project my research and experience upon his posts too. My issue is with your distortions, what you read into his posts. - Mostly that you think I should be all over him for his teaching here when if you would have been honest in your assertions and explanations and if you would have been transparent about your esoterics evolving upon Coresource Solutions, we would have never had any issue to begin with Motla68.

    By way of contribution to Trust Guy's additions to our knowledge base, listen closely. [Audio snippet Rule 803 - at the end. - The state district court is enumerated exactly the same as Rules for Courts Martial.]

    The reason people will not pay you Motla68 is that you are amplifying useless parts of history - like I said; unconnected dots.


    David Merrill.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-14-11 at 03:28 AM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Trust Guy's Avatar
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    I dropped Miss. Jeanette’s missive here as another's point of view on the Liber Code ( Lincoln’s Army ), without particular recommendation or endorsement. If David finds it inappropriate, I will be happy to remove the post and be grateful for the remonstrance. I am new to this particular group, after all. Learning parameters.

    I find the AIB crew interesting for several reasons. Somewhat unique among all the “Patriot” groups and individuals I have studied / studied with, over these many years. Both those who charge for their “education” and those very few who do not. AIB is among the latter.

    The scope and range of their inquires is the widest of any single source I am aware of. As a group, they are chewing on a lot of issues. Stringing a lot together and discarding quite a bit along the way. Still presenting certain misconceptions here and there, from my particular standpoint. Hopefully the Red Herrings will be sorted out and exposed. Such seems to be the organic nature of continuing AIB development.

    As example : Statements concerning DUNS listing of various County Agencies and Offices as evidence of Private Incorporation, and extrapolating that to state such “Corporations” as being traded on Wall Street is / was erroneous. I put together some information for them in these regards and expect that “Patriot Myth” was put to rest, as far as AIB is concerned.

    However, the DUNS record evidences these Agencies and Offices as receiving Federal Funds, which adds credence to the position these same have placed themselves under Federal Rule paramount. Such action abrogated their Fiduciary responsibility to the County body politic. A Breach of Trust in my eyes, “Liber Code” not withstanding.

    Rod’s position on “Admiralty” flags and courts is another area where I feel he could use a lot more insight.

    I have found they will generally admit to correction with new information. As individuals, they each have personal areas of interest / agendas / beliefs. Don’t we all.

    They are doing in the court system. Right, wrong or indifferent, they are perusing their findings and legal theories in court in order to establish a record, open for others to learn from. Carl’s work in foreclosure, mortgage, title fraud ( Holder in Due Course ) is an example.

    I will claim credit for bringing the concept of “Government in Trust” to their attention. As we know, “Trusts” are a pretty nebulous area, easy to misconstrue without study in depth. Even at that, few can rightfully claim expertise, myself included.

    >“We The People is not us”.< Correct. I am a member of the Posterity, not one of “The People”. My claim as Beneficiary attaches within the boundaries of an individual (E)State in Union.

    On birthing records. As I understand the contention, the Social Security Number attached to a living child is where Securitization comes in.

    On DMV claims against individual vehicles. DMV has no right to require surrendering of original Title Documents / Manufacturers Certificate of Origin. However they do so and issue a Certificate of Title. I contend this constitutes Conversion and Taking of Private Property for another use. Our experience in California, making the above charges, resulted in DMV taking a car and pickup VINs out of the computer system. This may not support the contention, but that was the end result ,without suit for Quiet Title.

    I submit there is a bit more to the “Public Trust” than the Treasury. On the National level, a lot of Sovereign Power ( Inheritable Intangible Personal Property / Title ) was granted / delegated to the governing body, to be used in benefit of the (E)States. Any claim of absolute power in these regards is pure arrogation.

    "It is only by considering the granted powers, in their true character of trust or delegated powers, that all the various parts of our complicated system of government can be harmonized and explained".
    - John C. Calhoun, ( 7th Vice President of the United States ) A Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States - ( 1851 posthumous )

    Your other points are accepted.

    As always, I will stand corrected. All the Best, TG
    Last edited by Trust Guy; 05-14-11 at 04:01 AM. Reason: puncuation and spelling ( I need an editor sometimes )

  7. #7
    Senior Member Trust Guy's Avatar
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    Good Evening David,

    Thank You for the Rule 803 clip. Most interesting point.

    Let me ponder for a time and see what I may contribute regarding the Lieber Code . Lots of notes to go through. Perhaps a thread on the subject would be in order. “Public Policy” is a big problem for all of us. Military Rule certainly seems to be the order of the day. Rod has a pretty convincing argument, all in all.

    Allow me to otherwise bow out of this dynamic. I’m not a particularly contentious individual, excepting when dealing with “Authority”.

    Be Well, TG

  8. #8
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    this AIB call is a lot of hot air from a lot of hot heads who are in FACT doing exactly what the military called enemy combatants. Lets get em - is the call to action.

    I mean how freakin' stupid - the estate is in Trust. and how silly would I be to trust in another man. Lets all get behind a leader and follow - HorseCRAP. Study to show THYSELF approved.

    Admiralty flag is absolute HorseCRAP. that is Naval War Flag - Navy as Trustee. Naval officer is highest ranking officer at time of war.

    Your dime, you listen to this stuff if you want - as for me - what a waste of time.

    michael joseph

    P.S. Lets all study so we can get even. Cause you know its US versus THEM. Look in the mirror if you want to see THEM!

    Turn up the speakers as loud as you possible can and listen to this one - The Grudge

    The collective Judas puts Yehoshuah on the cross time and time and time again. How many times is enough? I am redeemed I am Son and Heir and Friend to the Ever Living - Who Shall lay any charge upon God's Election? I trust in Yehoshuah. The public estate is in the Military, as Trustee and said estate would not exist except that Yehovah allows it to exist. Yehoshauah became my passover. I am Redeemed.

    as peaceful inhabitant trusting in Yehoshuah, my Redeemer

    Eden has enough to go around....

    Black and White are all I see in my Infancy

    I hope you enjoyed this musical interlude. Now back to the regular scheduled programming.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 05-14-11 at 04:38 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  9. #9
    Without looking into it thoroughly, I admit; what I see is a judge giving any uniformed officer the benefit of the doubt, that he entered a household under proper exigent circumstances. The article is slanted toward the policeman entering the home illegally.

    Admiralty flag is absolute HorseCRAP. that is Naval War Flag - Navy as Trustee. Naval officer is highest ranking officer at time of war.
    That is another example of an unconnected dot MJ. If you mean the gold fringe, that is a decoration for indoor flags.

    I think it best to reconcile with the truth about the Post Office being turned over to the Navy during the short emergency under the Nixon Administration. Then the Post Office was quickly turned over to the Postal Service when the emergency was over.

    I believe you are all three building upon each other and all upon a distortion of the case in the opening post.


    David Merrill.

    P.S. I apologize that I only copied the one page but I was reading the Report for other reasons than the Postal Emergency at the time.
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-14-11 at 04:37 AM.

  10. #10
    I should apologize to the readers who may not be following. The vast majority of the emergency statutes based in the post-1861 'extraordinary occasion' were lifted.
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