Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
The Federal Reserve System was created by act of Congress in 1913. Originally called the Aldrich Plan, the Federal Reserve Act was written after a secret meeting on Jekyll Island South Carolina in 1910 between the following men:

Nelson ALDRICH - Senator from Rhode Island
Abram Piatt ANDREW Jr - Asst Secretary of the Treasury
Henry P. DAVISON - senior partner of J.P. Morgan
Charles NORTON - President of the First National Bank of New York
Benjamin STRONG - head of J. P. Morgan's Banker's Trust Company
Frank VANDERLIP - President of National City Bank of New York (largest bank in America)
Paul WARBURG - partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company (a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty)
I refrain from reciting my research about the Letters of Woodrow WILSON and especially around the advent of the Federal Reserve. Tempting.

New York and ROTHSCHILD became furtive in my imagination as the predominant doctrine of Capturing the Mind came into light, while I was in a rather deep melatonin cleanse (deep sleep).


The Israelite invasion of Canaan was without a doubt hostile. Egypt was acting peacekeeper as Moses (AMENHOTEP IV was Ahkenaten) induced monatomic gold (manna) into the Israelites as ESP/intuition-enhanced supersoldiers. This produced a Jewish mindset of revering territorial conquest that continues aggressive defense even today.

The Super Jubilee came to a head in 2016. Proof of Service on the Triumvirate.

And by "aggressive defense" I mean an antisocial offensive. Again, as always launched on a guilt trip. This fear-based thinking will come to an end; probably after a major culling of the human population. Consider the probability that HITLER read these two 1928 articles in Century Magazine.

David Merrill.
