Michael Joseph,

You are way too advanced for me, I am barely taking initial steps. My humble and simple opinion that people cannot see they are being played is because they are ignorant of the world at large and lack the spiritual guidance.

One thing that has become obvious to me is that the spiritual journey in one of individuals and not a collective one. That insight opened up so many questions that simplified my life even more and made me truly grateful to witness the creation of the One who would create this All. Is it truly the God of the Jews, is salvation only through the Son of Man? Was Honi the Circle Marker, Eleazar and other Holy Men contemporaries of Jesus that knew the same thing Jesus knew? Did you know a camel could walk through the eye of a needle gate? I have been shown things is visions that now have simplified my existence and the simple answer that it always comes about is to be careful not to bind the spiritual to the material things, lest you find yourself bound to eternal damnation out of your own doing. Simple yet elegant, the power of volition and choice, yes the Mighty One has a sense of humor apart for eternal Love. I suspect you as much as I are still trapped in the ego and self righteousness, but fear not I sense you are way ahead of me in discovering the mysteries of this existence. Shalom.