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Thread: Public Order To Wear Face Coverings

  1. #1

    Public Order To Wear Face Coverings

    Hello Suitors,

    I am looking for a bit of input on an order recently issued by the "Medical Officer of Health" for my municipal area to businesses regarding COVID-19.

    The order is requiring commercial businesses to deny access to anyone not wearing a "Face Covering"..."A Face Covering means a medical mask or a non-medical mask or other face coverings such as a bandana, a scarf or cloth that covers the mouth, nose and chin ensuring a barrier that limits
    the transmission of infectious respiratory droplets.".

    Order is attached here

    On the bottom it says:

    TAKE NOTICE THAT each member of the class to whom this Order is directed is entitled to a
    hearing by the Health Services Appeal and Review Board if the member has delivered notice in
    writing to me and to the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (Health Boards
    Secretariat, 151 Bloor Street West, 9th Floor. Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2T5), requesting a hearing
    within 15 days after publication of this Order or otherwise in accordance with applicable law."

    Does anyone have any input on how to fight back against these orders through administrative process?


  2. #2

    Wear a Facemask

    Just like 'saving to suitors' CLUB, we find that the CLUB de Paris carries the authority to release debt for the UN's organ - International Monetary Fund. Atop that, we are in an emergency and people are scared.

    COVID-19 has no chance at all around me. For one (of about five) reasons I am aware that it can be briefly airborne and stay active on surfaces. I wear gloves too. If you carry the virus to an infant or elderly person because you are making a point about freedom or liberty that might come across as reckless endangerment or even negligent homicide. I wear gloves too, hard as it is to find them.

    I inspect the gloves when I come in. I wash them with soap or disinfectant and pull them inside out. Then I wash them with my hands if I intend to use them again. I set them by the window to dry and puff them up after my face mask is already on so I can get them back on.

    The public fear is very powerful and the suppression that you feel is true authority. Home Rule of municipality is above constitutions. That is what constitutions are for, to provide social stability for the priests (Levite - I Chronicles 6:64) to govern. Your religion is your choice and within your dominions, you get to be king of your castle.


    P.S. You will need to smile extra big with your eyes and witty personality.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-11-20 at 09:39 AM.

  3. #3
    This method of forgiveness has been in place since around 9/11 and my Bill of Exchange.

    Bill of Exchange September 11 2001.pdf



    In application of the term sheet of the Debt service suspension Initiative (DSSI) also endorsed by the G20, the Paris Club recognized that the Republic of Ivory Coast is eligible to benefit from the initiative. Therefore, the representatives of the Paris Club Creditor Countries have accepted to provide to the Republic of Ivory Coast a time-bound suspension of debt service due from 1st May to 31st December 2020.

    The Government of the Republic of Ivory Coast is committed to devote the resources freed by this initiative to increase spending in order to mitigate the health, economic and social impact of the COVID19-crisis. The Government of the Republic of Ivory Coast is also committed to seek from all its other bilateral official creditors a debt service treatment that is in line with the agreed term sheet.

    This initiative will also contribute to help the Republic of Ivory Coast to improve debt transparency and debt management.
    Paris Club creditors will continue to closely coordinate with other stakeholders in the implementation phase of this initiative, in particular when considering a possible extension of the suspension period.

    Background notes

    1. The Paris Club was formed in 1956. It is an informal group of official creditors whose role is to find coordinated and sustainable solutions to the payment difficulties experienced by borrower countries.

    2. The members of the Paris Club which participate in the reorganization of the Republic of Ivory Coast’s debt are the governments of Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United States of America.

    Observers to the agreement are representatives of the governments of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, the Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-11-20 at 02:31 PM.

  4. #4
    The real suppression feeling comes from the order is not for you. The order is on the retailer/shopkeeper. It is they who have to answer to the municipal authority, not you.

    They probably need your business enough to serve you but you will be getting dirty looks from the other customers in line, and you without a mask to hide behind!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    The real suppression feeling comes from the order is not for you. The order is on the retailer/shopkeeper. It is they who have to answer to the municipal authority, not you.

    They probably need your business enough to serve you but you will be getting dirty looks from the other customers in line, and you without a mask to hide behind!

    We HERE can all agree we ARE NOT "persons"......but to 98% of the rest, "person" is you & me.....and the BELIEVE it too.....unfortunately & much to their detriment.

    What I surmise here from David though is he wears a mask/gloves because it's the smart thing to do......PLUS, it doesn't make waves with fellow shoppers......AND, it gives you a chance to use that effervescent personality to engage others.......I like to tell them my eyes are smiling.

    Here in Florida, some peeps still wear masks......but since Memorial day, folks have moved away from "corona consciousness" trying to be "normal" again. Me? I'm still wearing a mask.....I tell folks even though it's RIOT SEASON, I'm still sporting the corona decorations.

    JROC......"Person" has been defined in that I said, 99% of them believe those words, so you're a person........but if you don't want to wear a mask, there's a GREAT BIG LOOPHOLE at paragraph 1.b.

    A Person shall be exempt from wearing a Face Covering on the premises if:

    b. Wearing a Face Covering would inhibit the Person’s ability to breathe in any way;

    I don't see ANY qualifications there......So if I declare it inhibits my ability to breathe, WHO IS ANYONE TO ARGUE THAT w/ YOU ???

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ag maniac View Post

    I don't see ANY qualifications there......So if I declare it inhibits my ability to breathe, WHO IS ANYONE TO ARGUE THAT w/ YOU ???
    Doctors with the WHO will. And if you have problems breathing with a mask then they will say you have a big health issue and need to be confined until your are healed. They will do anything and everything they can to make their agenda happen. You would be rendered a public health hazard.

    But you can quote the Ice man for your science after all he does hold a few world records.

    WHY WIM HOF IS OPEN TO GETTING CORONAVIRUS: How The Iceman Would Easily Defeat COVID-19 | Wim Hof

    It is up to the business as mentioned already if they want to enforce this garbage.
    Was at a friends brewery on friday because the pizza truck was there so we went for a pizza and beer outing.
    Was great, no one wearing masks or gloves, I counted 16 children running around and playing while everyone else was all smiles and having a good time just being out with people who are not willing to swallow the crap being hand spooned to us.

    Also it is easy to see who is sick now, when I see someone wearing them I know to stay away because they are sick, they have a metal issue and who can have an intelligent conversation with someone with a mental issue?

    My friend who owns the brewery said they are not going to follow the new rules because it would cripple them financially.
    God bless him.
    Last edited by walter; 06-11-20 at 05:08 PM.

  7. #7

    Thanks For The Input

    Funny you quote Wim Hoff, as I have been using his breathing methods more and more frequently these days.. lol

    It is just frustrating to see most people go along with the herd, for fear of getting dirty looks, and without even doing their own homework. "One of my friends said "enforcing masks 3 months into a pandemic is like putting a condom on at the baby shower.".

    I think I am just going to use the glaring exemption in paragraph 1b to get rid of the enforced muzzle, but I can't help but think it's almost like our overlords don't want us fraternizing at work, with our families, or organizing in any way with our neighbors.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jroc View Post
    Funny you quote Wim Hoff, as I have been using his breathing methods more and more frequently these days.. lol

    It is just frustrating to see most people go along with the herd, for fear of getting dirty looks, and without even doing their own homework. "One of my friends said "enforcing masks 3 months into a pandemic is like putting a condom on at the baby shower.".

    I think I am just going to use the glaring exemption in paragraph 1b to get rid of the enforced muzzle, but I can't help but think it's almost like our overlords don't want us fraternizing at work, with our families, or organizing in any way with our neighbors.
    After all, it is a nasty cold.

    They will do anything and everything they can to make their agenda happen.
    Agreed. What I see going on is to mitigate the culling - keep it elsewhere. I recall Donald John railing how China "owns" the WHO for having such low numbers. Imagine how the pyramidal neurons in your brain are assembled so closely like the galaxies you observe in the night sky. Then envision the brain trust of 125 suitors and that array operating in parallel quantum consciousness.

    About "person" - for some reason people did not come to mind. Reasonable. If the one is setting apart from the municipal rule, that is a person. If a rock falls due to the law of gravity that rock is a man, even a citizen. We are talking about an individual rock and the law is for the individual. When we harmonize in the Messiah consciousness, we are above the Law. Interesting.

    I have keyed the video to show you the Master's mistake. He individuated himself with the contract. Looks like it hurt, being unexpectedly subject to the law like that.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jroc View Post
    It is just frustrating to see most people go along with the herd, for fear of getting dirty looks, and without even doing their own homework. "One of my friends said "enforcing masks 3 months into a pandemic is like putting a condom on at the baby shower.".
    Walk in the truth and no matter what the wind and wave of the current day, you will prevail and be accepted by people. All Lives Matter. To include on is to exclude all. What a sinister statement to rally around is this Black Lives Matter campaign. It is easy to hide behind such a ridiculous banner. Already I can sense the ridicule coming.

    This example is one of many that can be used to show how unchecked ferile emotion is a great sickness. When rational thought is suspended in lieu of wild emotion, then we get rioting. Of course, these matters are all staged so that the average man will just point the finger at another. And this is exactly the point. But few stop to think when it is so easy to hate.

    Tonight I walked my Ollie [golden-doodle]. Three black youth walked up - each without a mask. We enjoyed each other's company and I told them it was wonderful to see them without fear and without a mask. One of the young men said "I don't get sick." I responded "neither do I."

    When you stop to think about it, wearing a mask is a sure fire way to get sick. You cannot help but to touch it with your hands and no matter if you wear gloves. Gloves are not exempt from being able to convey virii/organics. Therefore the mask is like a contaminated surface which stays constantly at your nose and mouth. Pretty dumb.

    The ancient Scriptures tell us "Woe unto those who build house onto house." Putting healthy people in a house together is a bad idea. But few stop to think and the emotional idiots are too busy tearing down statues in the name of idiocy - just so they can say their life has a purpose. What is so insane is these fools have no idea concerning history save the lies they are told which they are too damn stupid and lazy to check behind. These are the dangerous folk - trigger them and you will see the ferile emotion flowing from their idiotic mouths.

    A young lad told me yesterday that if we all wore masks then we would all be much better. I asked him how long he had been eating the hogslop he was enjoying. Confused was he. When I asked him to defend his words, of course he could not. When confronted by physics and engineering, he gave up his mask. When asked how hand sanitizer could possibly kill a virus when it is for organic material, he again remained stumped. When told the weak point was they eyes, he wondered aloud but then caught himself as he said "at least I wear glasses." Struggling to regain his composure, I asked him if perhaps he did not know what he thought he knew.

    But then he told me he lived in Chapel Hill, North Carolina so we laughed and I asked "how is life in the zoo?" - Reference to Jesse Helms.

    Be a bit salty and don't let the fools control your behavior. Business men think to buy off the emotional "blacks" by posting BLM signs on their business doors. Don't they know that their enemy is not young blacks it is organized fools which want to pit the whites against the blacks so as to stir up anarchy and give the PTB reason to overtly declare Marshall Law.

    A couple of days ago the police in my town washed the feet of some black pastors. I made sure to ask a police OFF-I-SEER yesterday if he would wash mine too. When given an ugly smirk, I reminded him that he served at the tit of the taxpayer and if he was going to wash one, he was going to wash all. Else retire. You should have seen all the ugly looks from the brainwashed onlookers. If I cared what others thought of me, I would never be happy with me. Nevertheless, I did not get my big toe washed. Maybe next time. I'll keep asking.

    If you can't tell, I don't believe in some Corona Virus - I believe it to be a farce.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 06-12-20 at 12:19 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Walk in the truth and no matter what the wind and wave of the current day, you will prevail and be accepted by people. All Lives Matter. To include on is to exclude all. What a sinister statement to rally around is this Black Lives Matter campaign. It is easy to hide behind such a ridiculous banner. Already I can sense the ridicule coming.

    This example is one of many that can be used to show how unchecked ferile emotion is a great sickness. When rational thought is suspended in lieu of wild emotion, then we get rioting. Of course, these matters are all staged so that the average man will just point the finger at another. And this is exactly the point. But few stop to think when it is so easy to hate.

    Tonight I walked my Ollie [golden-doodle]. Three black youth walked up - each without a mask. We enjoyed each other's company and I told them it was wonderful to see them without fear and without a mask. One of the young men said "I don't get sick." I responded "neither do I."

    When you stop to think about it, wearing a mask is a sure fire way to get sick. You cannot help but to touch it with your hands and no matter if you wear gloves. Gloves are not exempt from being able to convey virii/organics. Therefore the mask is like a contaminated surface which stays constantly at your nose and mouth. Pretty dumb.

    The ancient Scriptures tell us "Woe unto those who build house onto house." Putting healthy people in a house together is a bad idea. But few stop to think and the emotional idiots are too busy tearing down statues in the name of idiocy - just so they can say their life has a purpose. What is so insane is these fools have no idea concerning history save the lies they are told which they are too damn stupid and lazy to check behind. These are the dangerous folk - trigger them and you will see the ferile emotion flowing from their idiotic mouths.

    A young lad told me yesterday that if we all wore masks then we would all be much better. I asked him how long he had been eating the hogslop he was enjoying. Confused was he. When I asked him to defend his words, of course he could not. When confronted by physics and engineering, he gave up his mask. When asked how hand sanitizer could possibly kill a virus when it is for organic material, he again remained stumped. When told the weak point was they eyes, he wondered aloud but then caught himself as he said "at least I wear glasses." Struggling to regain his composure, I asked him if perhaps he did not know what he thought he knew.

    But then he told me he lived in Chapel Hill, North Carolina so we laughed and I asked "how is life in the zoo?" - Reference to Jesse Helms.

    Be a bit salty and don't let the fools control your behavior. Business men think to buy off the emotional "blacks" by posting BLM signs on their business doors. Don't they know that their enemy is not young blacks it is organized fools which want to pit the whites against the blacks so as to stir up anarchy and give the PTB reason to overtly declare Marshall Law.

    A couple of days ago the police in my town washed the feet of some black pastors. I made sure to ask a police OFF-I-SEER yesterday if he would wash mine too. When given an ugly smirk, I reminded him that he served at the tit of the taxpayer and if he was going to wash one, he was going to wash all. Else retire. You should have seen all the ugly looks from the brainwashed onlookers. If I cared what others thought of me, I would never be happy with me. Nevertheless, I did not get my big toe washed. Maybe next time. I'll keep asking.

    If you can't tell, I don't believe in some Corona Virus - I believe it to be a farce.

    Best regards,
    I started to stall with the use of synthetic until I remembered the 1910 usage, similar to alchemy. Synthesis.

    Forgive my interpretation but it sounds contradictory to recognize something exists and say you do not believe in it. You might better say you have no faith in some Corona Virus, rather than you don't believe. Recall both Michael Joseph and myself were excited to find:

    Name:  absolute key to the occult sciences.jpg
Views: 467
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    And so that vocabulary is fresh on our tongues - synthesis:

    Name:  Tarot Absolute Key to the Occult Sciences_Page_008.jpg
Views: 594
Size:  313.9 KB

    I was engineering synthesis (photolithography) for Honeywell in the clean room. In this subject we find me in destructive synthesis on a nanoparticle level. I might take another crack at better focus and contrast. It really is a new experience to witness the original Synthesis of starfire. Exotic matter. Carbon 60 doped in transition metals is the Spark of life in the primordial soup. It clings to itself instead of disbursing and it seeks out my nostrils.

    Imposing my experience the synthesis is live proteins fighting for dominance in the elite Chinese diet, restaurants that butcher and serve exotic meats bloody raw together. Meats that have no familiar food chain like kangaroo (Australia) with giant squid (California) with lion (Africa) with... You name it -

    BAT (India)

    So I synthesize the cure - the vaccine. And the kundalini is a handy tool to administer the cure to China.

    I even speculate that this violence of the proteins in gastric juice might raise the incidence of vomiting on the way home and being tracked around on the sidewalks the next day. See this interesting paper about viruses.

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    Notice I have been calculating new true resonant frequencies compensating for the diffraction in vivo. Light only travels about a third the speed when you consider 5G moving through the lung tissue. If 5G worries you, buy some. It is so much better on the stomach than worrying.

    Name:  Radiation Gear 2020 COVID-19 signet.jpg
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    Granted the lung transplant COVID-19 victim was probably a very heavy smoker, from what I saw. So there is a lot of hysteria and it would seem that MJ has a distaste for anybody influencing people in his neighborhood with fear tactics. If the Mind maketh, the Mind can taketh away!

    P.S. I spot a mistake in my COVID-19 calculations. I used 130nm and the 57nm both. The 130 is for finding the 57. The other true resonant frequency for the horns should be on the 30nm dimension. I will correct that in the morning.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-12-20 at 10:49 AM.

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