This last assertion is substantiated by Hulda Rutger CLARK being laughed to Mexico for asserting that a Central South American intestinal fluke was the cause of all cancer. There she continued to compile reams of testimonials that her technique cures cancer of all sorts.

Anybody studied in electronics will see her elegant technology is only a comparator of the simplest design:

Name:  circuits.jpg
Views: 585
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Intestinal flukes, especially this one, vibrate at resonant frequencies identical to most cancer growths and cells. Had Hulda only contacted a competent electrical engineer before publishing her presumptions things might look a lot differently.

Name:  broad band antenna.JPG
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Name:  signet extraction.JPG
Views: 493
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This is where I got my idea for the raw data subtraction curing SARS in 2003. Simply subtract the slide and cover from the tissue for that signet. Or subtract the diseased tissue from the healthy tissue for the disease signet.