
This year on North-Carolina has been a bit weird. Everyone I know who planted a garden had a horrible yield with most of the crop rotting. It was just so wet this summer. I can remember years where we harvested hundreds of pounds of tomatoes and similar yields in squash. And yet, this year even the beans rotted. The only producers this year were the peppers and the melon/cucumber. Very strange year.

Brown rice is very inexpensive and is rich in many vitamins. I have been buying Sea Moss [dehydrated] by the pound and laying it up. It is unbelievably rich in vitamins/micro nutrients. I have pounds of Vit C for the family and gallons of honey and black seed oil.

Of course, it seems lead has become more desirable than gold these days - if you get my drift. When BLM[ers] are heard chanting this is a Revolution - then you know something is amiss. That is the talk of a belligerent. Ever read the Lieber Code regarding a belligerent; and furthermore, the Laws of Nations concerning how to deal with a belligerent?

If the sovereign will not keep the trust, then who is authorized to protect the public health and welfare? The beneficiary cannot take the law into his own hands to issue forth judgment; however, when judgment is thrown in the street so too is the trust. And then it is up to the man of the house to protect and preserve his seed.

Consider, this mail in [voting] monkey business. Do you suppose that if Trump is reelected that the dems will just give in and concede? Or do you suppose there will be court actions and out of court protests everywhere? What do you think will happen come January 2021 if the presidency hangs in the balance? Would not Pelosi sit down and take office?

What do you think the republicans will think about that? Lead indeed has become a valuable commodity and it is unfortunate because when emotion runs amuck, then reason is thrown in the street. Especially if those who are in the street are hungry. Who do you think will be in the first line of fire?

You got it - the middle class. You know the folks who built this place for all of those whining babies out there who think they are entitled to everything absent work. And then all this rhetoric about privilege will come home to roost in the form of struggle. Lead is the great equalizer.

BTW if Pelosi sits down in the seat of power - read Isaiah about "women" being in the seat of power - I'll wager she will put a chicken in every pot. Of course - Ezekiel 13 - when they say Peace, Peace don't believe it for a second.

When the gun is removed from the backs of the people, then the lawless ones have no one to keep them in check. Revolution is just a new gun.

Keep your eyes open and watch your six.

Best regards,
Michael Joseph