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Thread: Plandemic

  1. #1
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  2. #2
    I believe there is a distinction between being misinformed and disinformation. Very few people comprehend the nature of a virus, that it is little more than pure instinct for survival generated by the RNA inside a protective capsid.

    World War Z is an eye opener - even if the ability to overcome individual survival instincts is unrealistic.

    COVID-19 Vaccine.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Here is a snippet from the movie, according to a critic who has labelled it disinformation:

    Name:  Plandemic Indoctornation quote.jpg
Views: 1143
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    And here we have it from my patent:

    Name:  COVID-19 Vaccine - Reviving Ancient Modality.jpg
Views: 587
Size:  164.8 KB

    I have added a video.
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-01-20 at 08:40 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    The State of Soleterra
    "PRE 1910

    1798 Edward Jenner’s demonstration that inoculation with cowpox could protect against smallpox brought the first hope that the disease could be controlled.

    1881 Rubella was accepted as a distinct disease by the International Congress of Medicine.

    1885 Dr. Alexander Stewart of Palmerston, Ontario founded a vaccine farm; his cows provided a dependable smallpox vaccine supply for 31 years. In 1916, Connaught Laboratories took over the manufacture of sterile vaccine for uniform, enduring potency.

    1888 Tetanus is discovered.

    1906 Pertussis bacterium is discovered.

    PRE 1910 to 1939

    1918 First Canadian pertussis vaccine

    1918-1919 “Spanish Flu” influenza pandemic"

    needles first pandemic shortly after, 2+2= 4

  5. #5
    1885 Dr. Alexander Stewart of Palmerston, Ontario founded a vaccine farm; his cows provided a dependable smallpox vaccine supply for 31 years. In 1916, Connaught Laboratories took over the manufacture of sterile vaccine for uniform, enduring potency.
    September 17, 2020 David Merrill's bats provided a dependable COVID-19 vaccine. - Through their pollen, the oroxylum indicum bat tree stem cell DNA found in the seeds.

    I recharged my shirt pocket supply the other day. I have ordered a few chokes that will fit over antenna. They look more serious than wrapping earbud wires around the antenna.

    Name:  inoculum oroxylum indicum.jpg
Views: 385
Size:  445.3 KB

    Name:  coil chokes_Page_1.jpg
Views: 334
Size:  185.8 KB

    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    "PRE 1910

    1798 Edward Jenner’s demonstration that inoculation with cowpox could protect against smallpox brought the first hope that the disease could be controlled.

    1881 Rubella was accepted as a distinct disease by the International Congress of Medicine.

    1885 Dr. Alexander Stewart of Palmerston, Ontario founded a vaccine farm; his cows provided a dependable smallpox vaccine supply for 31 years. In 1916, Connaught Laboratories took over the manufacture of sterile vaccine for uniform, enduring potency.

    1888 Tetanus is discovered.

    1906 Pertussis bacterium is discovered.

    PRE 1910 to 1939

    1918 First Canadian pertussis vaccine

    1918-1919 “Spanish Flu” influenza pandemic"

    needles first pandemic shortly after, 2+2= 4

  6. #6
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Today I asked my son to hold the door for an older woman. When she passed us by, instead of saying "thank you", she turned and said "you two are not special because you don't wear a mask." My son and I looked at each other and burst our laughing.

    So we went to get some lunch and the lady said "I can't serve you without masks." So we turned to leave. She changed her mind and said "forget it - you guys come on in." Apparently our hostess thought we were special again.

    As for me and my house, we see any vaccination as a means for population control. And as usual, the money interests are well insulated from their folly. It is like the minister said in Blazing Saddles - "son you're on your own."

    Well, I like it on my own. I have a will, particular to me, and I have grown fond of saying NO.

    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph

    Well, I like it on my own. I have a will, particular to me, and I have grown fond of saying NO.
    Back at the end of March I came down with something, since I didn't run a fever and the cough was very mild I could not get tested for COVID-19. My spot oxygen saturation dropped to 66% and I was admitted to hospital for three days. COVID-19 came back negative. Yet, an the beginning of May I tested positive for antibodies. I will spare you the long story, just let me tell you that there was a point that breathing was so difficult because I was completely exhausted that my rib cage hurt so bad I basically gave up and by the Lord's grace made it through. Since I never developed a fever, the medical people never took me seriously, calling it anxiety attacks. It was not until the antibody test showed positive that they resigned themselves to accept I had gone through something they could not explain.

    Me, I am just sitting here quietly and pondering that I could have checked out and never seen my family again. I silently give thanks and praise for another day and opportunity to experience life, and know that all of those that are too proud to accept there is something out there and that it is a hoax may soon experience otherwise. Shalom!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    I'm glad you didn't check out.

    I once knew a lady who got the flu [so called] and she too had a terrible time breathing, got very dehydrated and almost checked out save a young man taking her to the emergency room. I knew also a man, I found in the mirror one day, who late November of 2019 thought he had pneumonia. He rode the couch for ten days of misery and could not seem to clear his upper lungs. Upon calling his fiend in California she reminded him that large doses of Vitamin C was the way to go. Upon taking 50 grams/day of Vit C for about two days straight everything returned to normal.

    The upper lung congestion cleared out and breath returned to normal. No panic was made. In fact my business partner and I worked side by side in a chair two feet apart for all of November and December. He was 72 at the time and upon his finally contracting the same thing I apparently had, with the supplementation of Vit D3 and Vit C megadose, he was down for about five days and became much better.

    Thank goodness for these mask protocols otherwise diseases like tuberculosis might not be kept in check....Oh, my bad, they haven't politicized tuberculosis yet. Groaning...

    Let me tell you readers something. If the people out there were really concerned about a pandemic, then there would not be any restaurants open. In fact, they would be so fearful for their lives that they would not be going out for any reason at all. There would be dead people everywhere and you would not have to be "tested" to see if you had the virus or not.

    As far as I can tell, I am reminded of the Great Book of Revelations and the Scorpion. It seems those who have been bitten by the Scorpion have no backbone anymore. Talk about a Mind Kontroll[ed] people. Sad, truly sad.

    Of course every death under the sun has to be associated with Covid 19- else the mass will not remain passive and therefore controllable. Give me a break. As far as I can tell, there is a disease out there for just about everything and anything one can think about and there is also a drug company there to sell that poor soul any number of different pills that have any number of different side effects. I don't buy it. Good Ole vitamins won the day for me and many others. No need for a Doctor-tator. Divination is condemned in the Scripture. But when Science is God - well the high priests are the fixers [Doctors]. Of course, even if said priest wrote me a script for medicine, I am still with the choice to take it or not - therefore am I always self medicating and I am always with the liability for my health.

    I can only recommend that folks just turn off their TV. When being asked did I view the election debate, my immediate response is not only NO, but HELL NO. These have nothing to say that will effect my daily life. I don't listen to soothsayers and sorcerers. What I see is Predator and Prey and the separation exists only in Fear. I see a real culling and The Pretenders are being separated from those who are Knowers and Doers.

    The Pretender

    Great song. I love his music. Really this is every man who has not yet touched Spirit. Caught between material and mental powers. This natural man thinks he knows but knows not. Therefore he is a Pretender. Say a prayer for the Pretender. Great song.

    The love is not true love but merely carnal satiation of the senses. The Pretender equates Love with coitus. He must render unto Caesar but he knows not how to render unto God. So he must chase the trust he knows - Legal Tender. Which does not have to mean a form of money. Tender is value recognized of the trust used to exchange goods and services.

    Said another way: The Pretender speaks of the Divine Law with reverence but he does not know it as he does not understand. Therefore he has not come into Grace. As such he struggles for his daily bread (manna). He remains under Karma.

    “In the cool of the evening” - the Pretender walks in darkness (ignorant of Spiritual Light).

    The world has no beef with the Pretender. In fact he is held in high esteem.

    One must put down the “I” and pick up the “We”. Then one will not see another individual- one will perceive an aspect of his Self.

    What most cannot see is that the messenger bringing the Light is themself. God is one, yes or no?

    "The 'ads' take claim" [the doctors prognosticate]

    This is sorcery. Others set the narrative within your soul. And you see them as separate. In fact that is an illusion. It is like stepping from your bath on a rope. At first you perceive it to be a snake and fear overcomes you. But you look and perceive it is a rope. And the fear is dispelled. In fact the fear was based on error.

    The error is that we don’t see the harmony within us. We see an individual. Many see Jesus and fail to see the Christ. They cannot see Christ because they focus on the individual. Therefore it was recorded “ I must go so that the Comforter May come”. Most don’t recognize that Christ is all and in all. They merely see thru their senses.

    If we live by sense we allow others to make merchandise of our souls. We are the consumers walking not by grace but by our senses. I, my, me is on the lips of the individual. We our and us are the words of the Spiritual.

    Say a prayer for the Pretender. He fools himself. That is the truth of this song. He fools himself.

    The personal “I” striving to get stands adversary to the real Self which is constantly giving. The Pretender says he wants love but he really does not wish to serve. He merely wants to receive.

    Check out DOCTOR MY EYES. he stands at the conflict of carnal and spiritual. The eyes that are dual lead to death. The eyes must become single. Remaining dual, as in good and evil, the error of two powers is believed. God and the Devil. This is error.

    Predator and Prey - just another dialectic. A pendulum setup to extract energy. The Woman [Emotion] Delilah worked overtime with the Five Lords of the Philistines [Senses] to give Samson [You] a haircut. Beliefs forged from sensory perception are illusion. She gave him a haircut and he was made a slave to senses. Of course this is a myth about losing touch with Spirit and a cautionary tale not to let Emotions rule the house for one may slip into the sleep of Sensory perception.

    All is connected. A test for our growth. Will it be Love or Fear?

    Best Regards,
    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 10-02-20 at 01:43 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  9. #9
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 10-02-20 at 02:08 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  10. #10
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    Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan believes SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, was created by Chinese scientists in a lab.

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