Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
Anyone can form a bank if they know how.
The banking function in one's life can be privatized.
Anyone can create debt either as a debtor or creditor.
Debt is ultimately a contract.

I was just mulling this through today. We know that the dollar bill will be worth less tomorrow, treated as a stock certificate and you treated as a member bank (endorser). This is why the Fed is an Instrumentality of Congress but owned by shareholders and the stock certificate holders as well. So if you have some cash in savings then you are expected to lend it out and profit from the interest.

However it is illegal to lend more than you have. Unless you insure your bank (FDIC). But then you must meet the insurance company's requirements for risk management. So there you have the bank set up.

In other words you have $100, you can only lend out $100. But if the insurance company guarantees delivery of 90% on your reserves of $100 you can lend out $1000 because if you get into a crunch the insurance company will deliver cash to you to make good. If you only lend out $100 it is up to you what the terms are, outside usury laws.

Usury is in itself a breach of the trust because ancient (Bible Deut 15:1-3 and 23:20) laws require you do the politically incorrect judgment of whether the applicant is brother or foreigner. And that is discriminatory so you will be in violation any way you turn, to do business. You are charging usury (interest) on those you consider different, and not with people you claim are the same.

But this is overcome with redemption. Redeem lawful money and you set above the assumpsit.