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Thread: 40 Quarters of Social Security

  1. #11
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I believe you are correct about that. I do not reside.
    The dude abides.
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  2. #12
    That is right. I live in the Word of God. The suitor filing in the USDC is "Denizen of the Organic State" visiting in absolute ministerial authority, making a restricted appearance under Rule E(8).

    The peculiar uses of this word are to be noticed.

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    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-18-14 at 02:01 PM.

  3. #13

    It seems i have no drivers driver.s licence as well

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    If I am not showing competence at driving and insurance liability I have no driver license. Likewise if I seek no benefits from SSA I have no Social Security Number.
    that sunday driver never took a test if he plans too travels on a workday it slows commercial driven commerce in every state .extend liability and its commercial privilege give him a classification and give payrole his account #bers after that driver test a nations travel is bonded with special securities attached our biased expectations will be begging for applications to get a driver,s licence to be commercially fined for a benefit only with a Driving profession is a driver entitled to get.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I truly believe, contrary to the Supervisor behind the window at the Social Security Administration that I am in control of property, what I have and what I do not have. So unless required, I will still be telling people I have no Social Security Number and actually believe that is true. However, should I wish to get the retirement benefits, I will of course spout it. Since there is no SSN required for a driver license however, and the Department of Revenue rejected my sworn affidavit, should an officer ask for my Social I will tell him the same thing - I have no Social Security Number.

    I actually see more clearly now how that is linked through the Department of Revenue into the taxation system too! - How easy it is to derail the conditioning that the SSN has anything to do with the State driving privilege.
    Birth Certificate Reg# CO-0595860686
    DOB: JAN 1 1984
    Social Security Card
    123-45-6789 (SSAN)
    An account has been established for
    JOHN HENRY DOE (Reg# CO-0595860686)
    As long as that SSN is linked, the person will be deemed to be an "entity whose assets are controlled" (by the US Government or by the SSA or by the Comptroller General of the United States).

    Driver License
    # CO-5895969 {State tax ID # and mask for 123-45-6789 SSN i.e. personal number that uses the same digits as the SSAN}
    JOHN H {person/fiduciary holding the BC}

    It is JOHN HENRY DOE that has an account with the Social Security Administration. That account exists really in only one location. The SSN is a personal number (military serial number has the same number of digits) that uses the same digits a the SSAN. That name, DOB, BC # combo will continue to have an SSn until you delink the SSN from the BC. If someone with an SSA, etc. travels from the USA to Timbuktu and stays there for 20 years, then travels back to the USA and obtains a driver's license (REVENUE agenct card), voila the SSA will send a benefits letter ASAP.

    Of course, taxation events would only ocur if residing in the United States. Keep in mind, typically, driver license are issued to residents only by the DoR/DMV.

    Also, cop testimony was: JOHN HENRY DOE --the name on the BC and the BC itself belongs to the State.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I truly believe, contrary to the Supervisor behind the window at the Social Security Administration that I am in control of property, what I have and what I do not have. So unless required, I will still be telling people I have no Social Security Number and actually believe that is true. However, should I wish to get the retirement benefits, I will of course spout it. Since there is no SSN required for a driver license however, and the Department of Revenue rejected my sworn affidavit, should an officer ask for my Social I will tell him the same thing - I have no Social Security Number.
    While I would agree that David Merrill has no SSN, there might be a DMVP with a specific DOB that does as far as they are concerned. It is DVMP that they see to be an entity whose assets are controlled. DM doesn't exist to them.

    Its a lot the same as if a company's CEO lacks an SSN, the company might still continue to have an EIN for at least 7 years from the point of assignment or last activity (such as filing).
    Last edited by allodial; 07-02-15 at 03:02 AM.
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  5. #15

    driver has to be made commercial /franchised we becomes driver,s highway taxed

    [QUOTE=allodial;18274]As long as that SSN is linked, the person will be deemed to be an "entity whose assets are controlled" (by the US Government or by the SSA or by the Comptroller General of the United States).

    It is JOHN HENRY DOE that has an account with the Social Security Administration. That account exists really in only one location. The SSN is a personal number (military serial number has the same number of digits) that uses the same digits a the SSAN. That name, DOB, BC # combo will continue to have an SSn until you delink the SSN from the BC. If someone with an SSA, etc. travels from the USA to Timbuktu and stays there for 20 years, then travels back to the USA and obtains a driver's license (REVENUE agenct card), voila the SSA will send a benefits letter ASAP.

    Of course, taxation events would only ocur if residing in the United States. Keep in mind, typically, driver license are issued to residents only by the DoR/DMV.

    Also, cop testimony was: JOHN HENRY DOE --the name on the BC and the BC itself belongs to the State.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I truly believe, contrary to the Supervisor behind the window at the Social Security Administration that I am in control of property, what I have and what I do not have. So unless required, I will still be telling people I have no Social Security Number and actually believe that is true. However, should I wish to get the retirement benefits, I will of course spout it. Since there is no SSN required for a driver license however, and the Department of Revenue rejected my sworn affidavit, should an officer ask for my Social I will tell him the same thing - I have no Social Security Number.

    While I would agree that David Merrill has no SSN, there might be a DMVP with a specific DOB that does as far as they are concerned. It is DVMP that they see to be an entity whose assets are controlled. DM doesn't exist to them.
    that said the issue might be DM matched our #####ers my beef is those numbers are valid only for a commercial Driver licence in law prove the issued ###bers are valid commercially or is DM just being revenue as holding a driver,s licence is does a commercial truck driver have a driver,s licence just like a Sunday starts a week names and numbers what has 9 digits and owns a me free to go or lost digits travel light

  6. #16
    When a driver gets his driver,s licence suspended he is no longer a driver if he was one or not ends when driving stops. to All electricians if your bill for hydro is overdue or electrically has been suspended all account re hooks will be charged the reinstatement .any electrician,s caught with lights reinstatement plus new charges will apply.if a driver owes a bank and wont pay suspend his driver,s licence it seems the bills are suspended now clear your account .

  7. #17
    The following definition regarding Social Security to learn what it means to have a SS# and pay a contribution:

    “Contribution: Right of one who has discharged a common liability to recover of another also liable, the aliquot portion which he ought to pay or bear.

    Under principle of “contribution,” a tort-feasor [wrong doer] against whom a judgement is rendered is entitled to recover proportional shares of judgement from other joint tort-feasor [wrong doer] whose negligence contributed to the injury and who were also liable to the plaintiff.

    What did you do to be defined as a wrong doer???

    The share of a loss payable by an insure when contracts with two or more insurers cover the same loss.

    The insurer’s share of a loss under a coinsurance or similar provision.

    The sharing of a loss or payment among several.

    The act of any one or several of a number of co-debtors, co-sureties, etc., in reimbursing one of their number who has paid the whole debt or suffered the whole liability, each to the extent of his proportionate share. — (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th ed.)
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  8. #18
    Social Security is funded by a payroll tax of 12.4 percent on eligible wages — employees pay 6.2 percent and employers pay the other 6.2 percent (with self-employed workers paying the entire 12.4 percent). For 2021, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax will increase to $142,800 from $137,700. The money paid in by today's workers goes to cover current benefits, with any excess going into the Social Security trust fund.

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