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Thread: Non-Member state banks

  1. #1

    Non-Member state banks

    This explains why until there are millions of dollars circulating through a redeemed account the bank is still willing to be trustee.


    RE: Extent of transaction based endorsement


    David Merrill
    1:56 AM (19 minutes ago) to: 125 suitors redacted

    They are a member bank by a blanket endorsement, not making demand for redemption on the signature card. So you are making demand for lawful money, but from their little bank instead of the big bank.

    That is a very complicated scenario. You are not a member bank because of redemption. If you endorse private credit from the Fed, you become a member bank.

    What an interesting lesson/scenario! Non-member banks can go to the Fed too. Redeemed banks (suitors) can still bank, but you are banking with a member bank who is not redeemed, because they have a convenient account with an easily recognized member bank. Fascinating.

    You can't make this stuff up!

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    __________________________________________________ ___

    Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 5:29 PM
    Subject: Extent of transaction based endorsement

    David M.,

    I am wondering the extent of utilizing my redemption stamp when a co-signers account is used to cash a tax return check?

    Since I am to endorse the check and a fellow family member is signing below my endorsement with their account info, is there a conflict of interest?

    Also, I hope you are doing well my friend.

    -First Middle.
    Interestingly the Return check here is a full refund of withholdings. The suitor functions without a bank account and has found a friend or family member who is willing to help him cash his refund check.

    I had never been called to pay attention to how banks have to honor state banks, who are non-members. In 1935 the requirements to become member banks were lowered so that anybody who endorses private credit, by signature on the backside of their paychecks becomes the trustee.

    I have always focused on the voluntary nature of the trust. Not how the signatory becomes the trustee. When large amounts of money were being transferred through trust accounts the Bank closed down several accounts saying, "We do not want to be your Trustee."

    The trustee is formed constructively through contemplation of breach. The law is for the individual and that denies redemption as everybody has to be redeemed in unity for the tikkun - the Restoration (MESSIAH). Individuals are on their own. Trustees are always TRUSTEE.

  2. #2
    The above explains that the federal judges are operating on a different level than meets the eye. Fraud by omission. The "judges" will not disclose the nature of banking, as seen above.


    The non-member state bank (suitor) cannot profit and gain by usury in the fractional sense, lending more than he has under his mattress. This requires differentiating between brother and foreigner (NAKAR/NOKRIY) - these days a hate crime! So the Fed has to take in the non-member as eleemosynary.

    The Coming of Age of Public Law. Joseph VINING's book - Legal Identity.

    It can make your head swim.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    I saw the post-it quote regarding class action for all of humanity in the preceding posts. While I can appreciate that statement juxtaposed against an individual property interest settling a dispute within one's estate, I also would like to point out that the district court establishes the common law of its jurisdiction by and thru judgements issued.

    I would also like to consider what appears in my mind to be a distinction between say North Carolina and the State of North Carolina. State = Estate. Said Estate considers more than one beneficiary. Here is where it gets a bit fun. Recently I saw where the "State of Texas" tried to get the Supremes to consider the voting practices of four other States. But when I look at the original compact "the Constitution of the United States for the United States of America", I don't see that the "State of Texas" is a party to the contract. Therefore the Supremes are correct in denying the claim of the "State of Texas". Texas has standing but the action MUST be brought in the name of the "United States" as a real party in interest.

    For this reason, since FRN's represent a mortgage against all property in the United States, then would it not be correct to reach out to the Solicitor General of the United States in regard to bringing into the cognizance of the Entire class of 14th Amendment citizenry an action whereupon the "United States" is plaintiff before the Supremes? I speak now to 12USC411.

    The states in union, the United States would effectively be acting as a party in interest before the Supreme Court - the Heart of the Nation. This process may be the way to remove the parasite from our love feast. Said another way, kick the serpent out of the garden!

    Everything in the foregoing is connected, if it appears recondite, I apologize to the new reader.

    Best regards,
    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  4. #4

    Like you point out Michael Joseph, stare decisis (case law) is the engine driving the common law. Authority.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    I saw the post-it quote regarding class action for all of humanity in the preceding posts. While I can appreciate that statement juxtaposed against an individual property interest settling a dispute within one's estate, I also would like to point out that the district court establishes the common law of its jurisdiction by and thru judgements issued.
    That sticky-note is very old, but I am sure still on page 23 of the book, which I have given away. It brings memory of the entire journey through Are You Lost at C?, Libel of Review, and into redemption of lawful money. Lost at C built heavily on the United State not being a real party of interest in the IMF/UN.

    So there is an interesting extension on settling estates within estates. Which is why I included some extensive pdf reading from VINING. Also to show off that I waded through the entire book, probably reading each paragraph twice. Once to get ready to try understanding his mastery of vocabulary, and then again to try understanding what he was doing with all those words.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    I would also like to consider what appears in my mind to be a distinction between say North Carolina and the State of North Carolina. State = Estate. Said Estate considers more than one beneficiary. Here is where it gets a bit fun. Recently I saw where the "State of Texas" tried to get the Supremes to consider the voting practices of four other States. But when I look at the original compact "the Constitution of the United States for the United States of America", I don't see that the "State of Texas" is a party to the contract. Therefore the Supremes are correct in denying the claim of the "State of Texas". Texas has standing but the action MUST be brought in the name of the "United States" as a real party in interest.
    Here is an example of the direction I am turning.

    The Christians had no idea what they were getting into, approaching the Sanhedrin. More below on that. Here it is suffice to say that they had and still have I am sure, in general no concept of being party to the contract; the Constitution.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    For this reason, since FRN's represent a mortgage against all property in the United States, then would it not be correct to reach out to the Solicitor General of the United States in regard to bringing into the cognizance of the Entire class of 14th Amendment citizenry an action whereupon the "United States" is plaintiff before the Supremes? I speak now to 12USC411.
    Yes. Redemption - non-member state banks, in this thread. Once redeemed, with others a new class forms. The delusion is that debt has value and substance. Faith in Prosbul, where Biblical principles are overridden. And even the gold is metal, not powder. People keep their eyes on the Golden Calf, not the white powder that Moses fabricated from it. Or that fell from the pillar of light (arc) at night and from the cloud by day, generated by the Ark - manna. So the entire basis of currency is on the metal, not the manna - monatomic gold.

    So is it any wonder people are confused. We hold value is the shiny metal, when it cannot even be eaten as a metal form. It does not keep you warm in the cold night and we confuse each other by wedding bands without the promise, "Some day Honey, we will redact these rings into exotic matter and be perfectly healthy until we are fully ready to die together."

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    The states in union, the United States would effectively be acting as a party in interest before the Supreme Court - the Heart of the Nation. This process may be the way to remove the parasite from our love feast. Said another way, kick the serpent out of the garden!

    Everything in the foregoing is connected, if it appears recondite, I apologize to the new reader.

    Best regards,
    Michael Joseph
    No need for apologies. Not from my perspective anyway. In fact, I had to look for a definition...

    The Serpent - the Dragon Court - is CAIN, the root of King. Here is what is offered in the manna. The monatomic gold in the cerebrospinal fluid enhances hyperluminescence, superconductive DNA like the Burning Bush.

    The Christians approaching the Sanhedrin. A lady who I went to home church with, her brother was one of the leaders petitioning. I could see that the attorneys for the United States would never make an appearance. So I informed the Texans of that and both parties became annoyed with me. But I saved the Christians $90K at that time in guess what - gold! So they never really got angry I chilled the sale.

    Because of the mistaken identity about gold, a default with the Sanhedrin of the US not appearing would have been inert process. But I should revisit the Sanhedrin Letter attached now that I have studied under Sir Laurence GARDNER.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    If time stops then so does matter stand still. If matter speeds up it will eventually disappear. Movement and Repose. Wherein is Unity - or is it as simple as man trying to qualify and scale his world. Words, numbers are all limited means to understand what is infinite. There is a difference between Being and Seeming to Be. The world lulls us into a "seeming state of being" which denies reality. Any system therefore is not real. And by the Law of Thought, if man accepts such system, then man moves away from God into the worship of that which is created. New gods spring up - politicians, candidates and the system becomes more important that Being in God. Therefore a salesman is required - a pied piper.

    Logic will lead any rational mind back to unity and a Creator. To look at secondary effects as the starting point [big bang] is akin to denying the Creator [intent or motive or Cause]. Logic will also lead one into the understanding that Spirit and Matter are the same thing! All is God. All is therefore in Mind. Does not the Scripture declare - Be ye transformed by the renewing of your Mind. And at another place "let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus who did not count it robbery to be thought equal with God." The limited race thoughts bind man into systems - vain imaginations - and subject man to vanity.

    Gold does not rust. Gold is the symbol of Divine Mind. A sin it is to use technology versus following The Way of Being. Lucy [fer] uses technology - a Tower of Confusion [Babel]. In the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die - one day is as 1k years. Noone is recorded to exceed 1000 years - no matter what they fed these flesh bodies.

    Transform the Silver into Gold.

    Rev 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in ... fire, in order that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, in order that thou mayest clothe thyself, and that the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, in order that thou mayest see.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    If time stops then so does matter stand still. If matter speeds up it will eventually disappear. Movement and Repose. Wherein is Unity - or is it as simple as man trying to qualify and scale his world. Words, numbers are all limited means to understand what is infinite...

    Transform the Silver into Gold.

    Rev 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in ... fire, in order that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, in order that thou mayest clothe thyself, and that the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, in order that thou mayest see.
    Go with God, Michael Joseph.

    My perspective is unique, like yours, and this is clearly the gold in its true form. People look at the Golden Calf but clearly it was what Moses did with the Golden Calf that is important. Moses took the Golden Calf up the mountain and duplicated the breakthrough, the gold was reduced to fine white powder and fed to the Israelites and they in turn quickly developed into an invincible army.

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    The legal liability for releasing the same substance destroyed in 1904, that YHWH Enlil (LORD, not God) derailed from a mass kundalini breakthrough for mankind, is that the powder and white manna solution shown register at STP to be aluminum and silica. So David HUDSON is describing the verification process must be one specific type, so that purity and safety can be verified prior to ingestion.

    This is how my Doped Carbon 60 Nanoparticle Pump works, mentioned in my patented COVID-19 Vaccine.

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    Tweaking the TETRAGRAMMATON.

    P.S. Allowing me to translate David's point from the elite group on the other side of the planet.

    We invited you to dinner and allowed you to share all your research and knowledge with us in private. And now you want to cut us out by delivering it to the world, without our funding? You want the people who want enlightenment to be the ones funding the manna production?
    Now read my patent again. I did the same thing as David but I did not dine out on their dime, whoever they are.

    When the DoD tried making David jump through hoops somebody pointed out the objective of a regular patent is so David could spend his days suing people who wanted to take the manna. David said, "No thanks!" And gave up the patent. He already has the invention. Nobody else can secure it for private use - just like mine.

    Cure for SARS.
    Default marked DoD.

    Same thing with the Masons. I have used their library and museum for years on end. But they have never "treated me" to so much as a donut.

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