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Thread: Dr Carrie MADEJ on Transfection and Luciferace - Transhumanism

  1. #1

    Dr Carrie MADEJ on Transfection and Luciferace - Transhumanism

    A suitor on the brain trust emailed this link to me yesterday. I was put off by the charasmatic rapture eschatology in the latter half but found a much more concise recitation of Dr MADEJ' viewpoints.

    According to my take, having invented the true vaccine for COVID-19, she is missing a few connections between the dots and being Christian fills them in by supernatural acts of God.

    Just the same, I have done some searching around at the USPTO.

    Name:  Dr Carrie MAJEZ transfection hydragel (4).jpg
Views: 470
Size:  186.3 KB

    Hydrogel is an artificial myelin akin to gold conductors related to monatomic gold in the third ventricle (natural transcendance). - 44,282 hits in a patent search.

    Name:  Dr Carrie MAJEZ transfection hydragel (1).jpg
Views: 637
Size:  131.4 KB

    I found a key use of transfection. And luciferace yielding only 103 patents that use the term.

    Name:  Dr Carrie MAJEZ transfection hydragel (2).jpg
Views: 534
Size:  443.4 KB

    No matter what your perspective religiously, her warnings are quit moving!

    Name:  Dr Carrie MAJEZ transfection hydragel (3).jpg
Views: 480
Size:  146.1 KB

  2. #2

    Scrubbing the Good Doctor

    Dr. Carrie MADEJ has been scrubbed from YouTube without deletion.

    See if this happens for you though. Search YouTube for videos - "DR CARRIE MADEJ". You will pull up a string of hits, all of them pretty blonds but with different names and faces, all promoting the mass inoculation of the COVID-19 vaccine. Somebody at Google simply rewired the search engine.

    Put the word UYARI (WARNING) behind the name and you will hit the Turkish video.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    A suitor on the brain trust emailed this link to me yesterday. I was put off by the charasmatic rapture eschatology in the latter half but found a much more concise recitation of Dr MADEJ' viewpoints.

    According to my take, having invented the true vaccine for COVID-19, she is missing a few connections between the dots and being Christian fills them in by supernatural acts of God.

    Just the same, I have done some searching around at the USPTO.

    Name:  Dr Carrie MAJEZ transfection hydragel (4).jpg
Views: 470
Size:  186.3 KB

    Hydrogel is an artificial myelin akin to gold conductors related to monatomic gold in the third ventricle (natural transcendance). - 44,282 hits in a patent search.

    Name:  Dr Carrie MAJEZ transfection hydragel (1).jpg
Views: 637
Size:  131.4 KB

    I found a key use of transfection. And luciferace yielding only 103 patents that use the term.

    Name:  Dr Carrie MAJEZ transfection hydragel (2).jpg
Views: 534
Size:  443.4 KB

    No matter what your perspective religiously, her warnings are quit moving!

    Name:  Dr Carrie MAJEZ transfection hydragel (3).jpg
Views: 480
Size:  146.1 KB

    YouTube has removed it. Or maybe Carrie did after she saw how I patented a better vaccine twelve days before Moderna's chimeric vaccine.

  4. #4
    There is no need for a vaccine. There are effective home and over the counter remedies.

    Baking Soda for Coronavirus Remedy-


    Coronavirus contamination is highly sensitive to pH... ... Severe metabolic acidosis and intracellular acidosis is reported one week after disease onset by 2019 novel coronavirus...

    The correction of such acidosis could not be ignored in patients with COVID-19.

    Novel coronavirus entry into host cells is pH dependent...

    ...sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is an ideal choice of buffer system to maintain extracellular pH as it mimics the role of body’s own bicarbonate HCO3-.

    Sodium bicarbonate, a lysosomo-tropic agent has been reported to be involved in neutralization of acidosis, thus it could be largely seen as a safer and easily available option for possible prophylactic and therapeutic interventions against

    SARS-CoV-2 replication and pathogenesis...

    In conclusion, in the current clinical emergency sodium bicarbonate seems to be the preferable way to increase pH as it has

    been known as far back as the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 to save lives."

  5. #5
    SUCCESS!!! Patients diagnosed with severe COVID-19 symptoms are administered a baking soda and water solution through a nubulizer.

  6. #6
    I take a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (Not baking powder) dissolved in a tall glass of water every day to prevent COVID, colds, flu migraines and promote other benefits. Those who are ill- I would take it every four hours until all symptoms are gone. It's a miracle for health that has been forgotten from decades past and it truly works wonders. I along with others have been having years of success with it for colds, flu, migraines, food poisoning, cancer and this year with COVID.

    Baking soda also contributes to more oxygen getting to cells which in turn fights disease. Athletes will use it before working out or for performance increase. The same benefit that it has for athletes also contributes to those who are ill.

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