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Thread: Morgellons

  1. #31
    THE BANKERS MANIFESTO OF1892? There's a dubious document. Seems unlikely the bankers would pen something so incriminating.
    Last edited by marcel; 02-24-21 at 07:26 AM.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    No need to apologize, i am not angry, mad, hurt or a victim. I just stopped a long time ago trusting the modern medicine cabal.
    I love you brother for all the positive things you do. other wise why would I care?

    Covid is part of the divide in the upside down world we live in. I come to learn that everything the government says is opposite.
    And I mean everything, even their fake mars landing that is filmed in a remote northern part of Canada.

    Here is a paragraph that says it all.

    Attachment 6499
    I produced a video that shows nothing is going on with the swabs used in the Sofia test. I have spent enough time on it. Your insistence is interpreted as your insecurity - at least by me. You have accepted what you like to hear from emotional outbursts that are typically removed as misinformation.

    If there is a problem it is that mouse RNA is being injected into people, stabilized by Hydrogel to be a permanent alteration of DNA. It may be an improvement or inert but healthy people, especially disturbing a vibrant therapist is suffering from a possibly permanent "brain fog". So I think it was unwise.

    To be concise, we hear Bill say that we need to mature mRNA.

    Right there! Slide to the 4:32 Minute Mark. In that breath Bill says that the technology, chimeric reprogrammable spike protein antigen NAV's Nucleic Acid Vaccines - based in VELOCIMMUNE MICE mRNA transcripts, are "immature", meaning experimental.

    I have shown you already that the MODERNA vaccine that is being injected into elderly, infants and health care workers (Heroes) first, the patent reveals in the word search for "mice" - 121 hits! It is mouse RNA being substituted on the protein spikes of COVID-19.

  3. #33
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    Watched that video the other. Got a kick out of it when the interviewer tried to say that a immune system to strong is no good for your health.

    Banking Kings Rothschilds was working on the patent before covid19 came out.

    Name:  Covid test patent.jpg
Views: 651
Size:  66.7 KB

    But we can trust the Rothschilds right?

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    Watched that video the other. Got a kick out of it when the interviewer tried to say that a immune system to strong is no good for your health.

    Banking Kings Rothschilds was working on the patent before covid19 came out.

    Name:  Covid test patent.jpg
Views: 651
Size:  66.7 KB

    But we can trust the Rothschilds right?
    I researched that too. It is a bogus claim.

    This is what I am talking about. If you pursue the wrong arguments, misinformation and false claims then people will stop listening to you. Or worse they will start spattering your misinformation further all over the Internet.

    It feels like a challenge though. Even with me showing you here, you do not see. So it makes me doubt that anybody is aware of the real danger and so those for depopulation get their way through the vaccine. While those against the depopulation render themselves inert to do anything about it. So I pretty much just sit and watch.

    I am thinking to "mature mRNA" and test it out on my dog. When I grow tired of one breed, I will punch in a few protein strings and change him/her into another dog. Judging by my patented vaccine, I will get it right the first try. No science needed.

    P.S. The claim you make, by displaying that misinformation is that by using the term "COVID-19" in the 2020 patent application, that this inventor, whose name happens to be ROTHSCHILD, was using that same term "COVID-19" in 2015. Untrue. There are two blatant falsities:

    1. this "ROTHSCHILD" is directly related to any banking empire
    2. that he was using the term COVID-19 prior to 2019 when it was coined
    3. additionally, you imply that by being against your misinformation that I am for the vaccine - untrue!

    I am familiar with the attorney strategy to select one single false or unfounded argument, that fails Rules of Evidence to ruin any entire opposing cause.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-24-21 at 05:34 PM.

  5. #35
    Now is time to state my views on Morgellen's Disease.

    I think it entirely possible that the sebaceous glands can secrete under rare conditions fibrous exudation. These "fibers" would be soluble and evasive - as in by the time the doctor examination is detecting them, the patient is labeled delusional parasitosis.

  6. #36
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    So you are saying the term covid19 was not used when they created the covid19 test?
    But the test was made for covid19 before 2019 under a different name?

  7. #37
    If catastrophes were cheap we would have more than one at a time . When you select a distributor, your expectation is that they will be capable of marketing the type of products you manufacture if its not fixable how could u market it fear isnt expected its all marketing. This is a global distribution of misinformation if you got covid 19 then u expect a cure if u told your cured thats marketing

  8. #38
    Shirley you can't be serious.

  9. #39
    Moses lived 120 years and When you select a distributor, your expectation is that they will be capable of marketing the type of products you manufacture the jurisdiction? After the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, after which they based themselves at Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, Moses died within sight of the Promised Land on Mount Nebo. Between lawful money bit coin and a 2019 commercial plague the wandered are finding the dessert a safe bet.

  10. #40
    marcel long as its necessary for a elected official thats making offers and claims and Shirley who believes that injections bought in India are just going to save Indians. This pandemic is a voluntary exercise in pluralism getting smallpox from a blanket or Polio that epidemic resulting from the Salk Polio Vaccine, a disaster known as “The Cutter Incident”. The tendency of a mass vaccination program is to herd people. People are not cattle or sheep. They should not be herded. A mass vaccination program carries a built-in temptation to oversimplify the problem; to exaggerate the benefits; to minimize or completely ignore the hazards; to discourage or silence scholarly, thoughtful and cautious opposition; to create an urgency where none exists; to whip up an enthusiasm among citizens that can carry with it the seeds of impatience, if not intolerance; to extend the concept of the police power of the state in quarantine far beyond its proper limitation; to assume simplicity when there is actually great complexity; to continue to support a vaccine long after it has been discredited;… to ridicule honest and informed consent. The government is serious and Shirley lawful consent isnt a form one needs to demand or is federal consent just having Zip. u can decide whats serious not who cant be? Loses from vaccines are after/ post covid 19 let the #s declared be cured then thats just marketing if u need a certificate proving you got vaccinated then i guess something is serious

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