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Thread: DL was NOT provided or used as ID

  1. #61
    Thank you David and Martin for your responses. I have thinking about how to remove myself and some things from the trust. I had decided to buy my truck from my legal name with lawful money. You Martin just put the icing on the cake, in regards how to proceed from their. fB

  2. #62
    Anthony Joseph

    Received my certified copies of my timely refusals of the presentments offered to me. All were maked up properly with my case jacket number, raised seal and signature from the clerk testifying that they are true and correct copies. Nice to know and see that my evidence repository is being cared for and utilized for my own express intents and purposes.

    Next, I will await any futher offerings/summonses (if any) relating to this matter and I will exercise my right of refusal once again and obtain certified copies of that process as well.

    April 23 was 30 days from the time of the initial offering... we shall see what comes next.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post

    Received my certified copies of my timely refusals of the presentments offered to me. All were maked up properly with my case jacket number, raised seal and signature from the clerk testifying that they are true and correct copies. Nice to know and see that my evidence repository is being cared for and utilized for my own express intents and purposes.

    Next, I will await any futher offerings/summonses (if any) relating to this matter and I will exercise my right of refusal once again and obtain certified copies of that process as well.

    April 23 was 30 days from the time of the initial offering... we shall see what comes next.

    Thank you! That is genuinely great testimony for Remedy.

    1) Identity
    2) Record-forming
    3) redemption of lawful money.

    Tomorrow I hope to open some threads exploring salvaging a home out of bankruptcy and foreclosure.


    David Merrill.

  4. #64
    Anthony Joseph

    Late last week I received an "ORDER OF SUSPENSION" from Tallahassee regarding the "Tickets" presented to me on March 24.

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    Apparantly the original issuer (Sheriff's Dept.) neglected to disclose the fact that the presentments were properly and timely Refused for Cause. The "ORDER" was Refused for Cause and registered-mailed out today to Tallahassee and to my case file/evidence repository. Copies were furnished to the local county court and to the Sheriff's office. Also included was a "NOTICE TO PREVENT FRAUD UPON THE COURT" document which is now also in the cognizance of United States in the case file at the clerk of the district court.


  5. #65
    That makes me wonder what will happen if you go in to the DoR and Renew?

  6. #66
    Anthony Joseph
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    That makes me wonder what will happen if you go in to the DoR and Renew?
    That question will be answered by the next action taken by the local county court and Tallahassee. Will the local court take heed to the truth given unto them and stay in honor by settling their own account and acknowledging the proper and lawful process executed regarding this matter which declares undeniably that there is no VOLUNTEER who has granted consent to alleviate the STATE's own burden? Will Tallahassee stay in honor and recognize the same? If the answer to either question is "NO" then my "NOTICE" stands as the truth and law regarding my inherent right to move about and travel freely in the method and conveyance of my choice even if the STATE decides to invalidate the DL I was utilizing prior to this issue.

    My next step will be to publish this outcome on the county level and give proper notice to the roving "revenue agents" (LEOs) at each level: CITY, COUNTY, STATE.

    This is starting to get interesting; I could have paid the nominal fines and avoided this potential strife. However, to live in truth, one must declare it openly and act upon it honorably.

    I have taken a plunge in faith after learning and knowing the truth of how the wordly system operates. Instead of continuing on as a debt slave and keeping "current" with the fraudulent mortgage note, I acted in truth and presented a valid instrument (coupon) to help them settle the claimed debt on their books. My LoR was wrapped around their dishonorable response/action as a result.

    I have now opted not to be a debt slave and willing fiduciary for the CQVT vessel which was issued a "charge" on its account by an agent of the Department of Revenue (LEO). This may result in the suspension or invalidation of the DL card I have been using and carrying for most of my life. I could avoid that by simply complying and pay the fine like a good "citizen".

    I can't do that now that I have learned the truth. I prayed to our Creator and asked for the truth above all else and I am receiving it. Be careful what you pray for... my eyes are now open and I must act upon the knowledge given unto me or I will be worse than those who act the same in ignorance.

    Truth is truly a double-edged sword.

    My faith and trust will be with Him always and He will decide what may come according to my actions. My prayer is that I will come through these matters claiming victory in His name and testifying to that to all who will hear. Any and all glory is upon our Creator, for He is the Author of truth and the Giver of it.

  7. #67
    Senior Member motla68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post

    Late last week I received an "ORDER OF SUSPENSION" from Tallahassee regarding the "Tickets" presented to me on March 24.

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    Apparantly the original issuer (Sheriff's Dept.) neglected to disclose the fact that the presentments were properly and timely Refused for Cause. The "ORDER" was Refused for Cause and registered-mailed out today to Tallahassee and to my case file/evidence repository. Copies were furnished to the local county court and to the Sheriff's office. Also included was a "NOTICE TO PREVENT FRAUD UPON THE COURT" document which is now also in the cognizance of United States in the case file at the clerk of the district court.

    Please do not take this personally, I submit this response for the benefit and consideration of the position you are taking.

    Can you both be a Suitor in their statute codes and have standing in Divine Law both at the same time?

    Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    Do you think this might be pretty important since it was mentioned twice?

    From my studies to try and take standing on both sides is double mindedness, by definition of law this is the mind of a lunatic. Do we need that label beaten over our head any more?
    I often tell people when you are taking standing on both sides of a barb wire fence, it can be awfully painful to the family jewels. I think you touched on that with your comment about truth having a double edged sword.

    Blessings upon your journey.

  8. #68
    Your jab at the character Suitor is ill-founded.

    I think it is an antagonistic stance in your case, that you must always attack people who pay me to become a "suitor" within the scope of the Libel of Review, but it is a Lesson Plan that you have not gained the experience of doing for yourself. Here is the scripture for you Motla68:

    Jas 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
    Jas 1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
    Jas 1:24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
    Jas 1:25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
    I am not encouraging you however to become a suitor. You are confrontational and in many interpretations, like this one, incorrect. Your confrontations however, are very useful to me to explain things to the serious student. - As explained below.

    Anthony Joseph has new options on the stance he is taking. I believe that as of yesterday, a new resulting trust may be in formation where AJ could affect Setoff and reinstate his card-evidenced competency and exhibit his responsibility to compensate injury - get the Driver License and insurance coverage.

    As the US Government begins actively gambling on Americans going into foreclosure, without the scope of its original charter to protect the property rights of the same Americans trust is breached in a final manner. Congress failed to raise the debt ceiling before GEITHNER's deadline and the process of selling mortgage-backed securities can, by the April Notice (last paragraph of the Appendix) go into effect. Anthony Joseph initially identified himself to be a peaceful inhabitant and through the HJR-192 gold seizure may have been able to allow the US Government as trustee to adjust the Setoff.

    I am not sure which avenue AJ will be choosing. His stance is not to serve mammon (confidence in the Fed/false balances). This is why my presumption about you Motla68 is that you have only a smattering of NLP training - Neuro-linguistic Programming. You will start with a false presumption and then develop it as though it is correct.

    This is the current Entry Banner to this website. What the Reader/Student should keep in mind is that Chapter 20 of the same Judiciary Act of 1789 also formed the districts, which are the state Districts overlaid on the American states and in 1790 these districts became the conduit for responsibly settling the debt obligations of the District United States. So read the Banner with that in mind, and you will discover hopefully that the 'saving to suitors' clause is the abatement and avoidance of that forum.

    Without ever having exercised your right of avoidance to the commercial nature of the state district overlays, you would of course make the error you have in your post. - That AJ, by being a suitor is benefitting from the commerce, when in fact by being a suitor he is in his true name expressing his participation in a higher trust. But that would only be if you Motla68 were making that mistake - which you are not. You are simply being confrontational. And your false presumption is made intentionally, therefore your misinterpretation (actually more - misapplication) of the scripture is also intentional. Ergo, my usage of your misdirection to clarify an important point about remedy.

    It is also helpful to re-read this thread's opening post:

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
    Well, here we go.

    I have the opportunity to put what I have learned into practice. I was presented the first "TRAFFIC CITATION", since learning of how NOT to present the DL as ID, just yesterday by a staked-out deputy in an unmarked SUV who was on a revenue generating expedition in the area. I heard reports from others throughout the day that this same SUV was pulling people over all day. The claim on the presentment is "DRIVER NOT BELTED". Also, the new insurance card was not with me; I found it within a stack of recently opened mail at home later. So in addition, "INSURANCE - NO PROOF OF" is also claimed.

    There is apparantly a new "law" in effect near my area since 2009 that a signature is no longer required when issuing a citation. The new "law" states that providing the DL is the consent now. The citations are now thermally printed from a computer data entry system which makes for a quick and easy "sale", taking less than a quarter of the time it took in the past to write out tickets. Nice to see the efficiency nowadays!

    I was obviously not aware of the new "no-signature-required" procedure and was informed of it by the revenue agent/LEO.

    I was heading to work and noticed the SUV parked in a lot at the side of the highway. He decided that I was his target and proceeded to flash his lights, sound the siren and pull me over. I kept going slowly until I reached my work parking lot and pulled in there as my safe place. He approached rather quickly and, without me having a chance to say anything, he uttered... "Driver's License, Registration and Proof of Insurance... You were pulled over for no seatbelt". Noticing the apparant "cash cow" at work, I didn't respond and just proceeded to find the DL card and registration (No insurance card) to show the LEO. It was then that I said, "Before I hand these to you, I have to inform you that I am providing this Driver's License card to you for competency purposes only and NOT for I.D." I also asked him to put that in his notes. He made a weird face, shrugged it off and asked, "What does that mean?" I repeated it once again and he quipped "Your providing it to me because I asked you for it." I repeated it once again showing that I did not agree with that opinion. The next comment was, "Whatever." He promptly went back to the car and came back real quick with these citations; I thought that they would be warnings because he came back so fast. So he quickly handed them to me and breezed through the "options" available, obviously in a hurry to get back to his stake-out spot to keep "ringing the register". I was confused about the non-signature and it put me off my game somewhat since I was planning to write on his copy how I presented the DL card and also sign with the True Name dba LEGAL M. NAME method. I tried to ask him something else and he just ignored me and started walking back to his SUV. So, I got out of my car and started walking towards him. Sitting in the SUV and obviously frustrated with me, he asked, "What can I do for you now?" I proceeded to remind him that he should remember how I presented the DL card to him and that he would have to testify to that on the stand when questioned if that ever became necessary. He responded that what I said doesn't mean anything and that he wasn't worried about it. I said, "Well, I think your making a legal determination that your not qualified to make". He responded, "Thanks for telling me what I am not qualified to do." We then parted with the usual "have a nice day".

    I will be refusing these presentements for cause and filing copies in my evidence repository at the United States district clerk of court near my area. I am attaching copies of this process and will continue to update as we go as best I can.
    The process has been expedited to make it nearly impossible for Anthony Joseph, the man, to express his peaceful inhabitant nature. That is being honored as it would seem there is no bench warrant, (unless he appears to want the DL reissued) but only a summary revokation of his driving privilege. The new expedited process is designed so that the police officer no longer needs to address the issue that the DL card was not utilized by AJ for identification purposes.

    Reading the opening post, it becomes clear to those fluent in the serving mammon scriptures you misapply for us Motla68, that the officer's objective is to summarily "forget" that any conversation occured at all. AJ's point about not using the DL for ID was that he never be drawn into the field of battle (commerce). This would only be brought out on the witness stand, under oath while the officer is being examined and by the recollection of the conversation - the officer may easily say, That is all done by computer, I really don't recall anything being said. When a Florida driver hands over a Florida Driver License I think it is easy to presume he is identifying himself with it.

    That opening post describes the gist of the thread in my opinion. The reason AJ is writing and sharing is because of this new twist by LEO's and technology to attorn men and women into the actual theater of war - commerce. The very opposite of your point - which is nothing but a jab at suitors. You have become contradictory and hipocritical in your postings as you are actually an advocate of being outside the scope of belligerant. So you redefined "suitor" to be something that it is not, and then applied scripture in a misapplication.

    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-17-11 at 11:48 AM.

  9. #69

    Thank you. I think that my explanation will be quite helpful to anybody here to learn about remedy. I am a bit mixed that you continue these jabs at remedy even though they continually backfire.

    Projecting my own experience on AJ's real life drama;

    The stance is to go re-instate the driver license, and continue using it for only competency and responsibility purposes. At that time, it will likely reveal a bench warrant for Failure to Appear and AJ will be pushed for a bond amount and this will be set for trial - which is what he has set this up for all along. - To get that officer on the stand to either reveal that AJ never used the DL to identify himself a belligerent on the field of commerce, or to perjure himself on the stand by saying he doesn't remember; which is what the computer system and expeditious process is set up to accomodate.

    The posture is based on the faithful fact that God will be the judge, not the attorney in the black robe. In my opinion AJ should be looking forward to the adventure and we should be encouraging him to share it with us in full detail - like he is doing. As he is competent at record-forming through the 'saving to suitors' clause in federal court with his evidence repository (LoR) his position of not accepting fiduciary appointment at the Stop, and maybe now the government is dishonest in its charter - for the first time in history - he might take the appointment over the resulting trust to affect Setoff himself?

    This is really quite an exciting saga, speaking for myself anyway. Your jabs Motla68 help bring the details to light, but I cannot help but cringe a little at the embarrassment that must arise from being so hipocritical in front of everybody.


    David Merrill.

  10. #70
    Anthony Joseph
    Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
    Please do not take this personally, I submit this response for the benefit and consideration of the position you are taking.

    Can you both be a Suitor in their statute codes and have standing in Divine Law both at the same time?

    Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    Do you think this might be pretty important since it was mentioned twice?

    From my studies to try and take standing on both sides is double mindedness, by definition of law this is the mind of a lunatic. Do we need that label beaten over our head any more?
    I often tell people when you are taking standing on both sides of a barb wire fence, it can be awfully painful to the family jewels. I think you touched on that with your comment about truth having a double edged sword.

    Blessings upon your journey.
    Notice how I never claimed to "be a Suitor in their statute codes" similar to never claiming to "be a federal reserve banker" when citing Title 12 USC §411. The saving to suitors' clause was written into their law structure by their burdens and requirements in order to stay in honor when encountering a competent and peaceful man or woman who inhabits the land while choosing to remain without their formed districts in his/her own right. The clause is a required "exit door" for those immune to the newly formed structure and district overlay of the physical land. That "exit door" is a mandatory obligation and remedy written into the law in order to avoid the charge of tyranny and forced servitude upon those who know and exercise their inherent exemption and immunity from their system.

    When citing these laws, statutes and codes in that inherently immune capacity, character and standing, through overt and proper declaration, it serves as only a friendly and peaceful reminder to those who are bound, and oath-sworn, to that structure that the law provides free remedy to those who claim it competently.

    I believe my "family jewels" are quite safe and cozy where they are, and belong.

    You have misunderstood my comment regarding the double edged sword; I meant that not only will it cut through the lies you were unaware of your entire life, it will also cut through your past beliefs, and manner of conducting yourself, so you cannot go back in to that "old way" in good faith or conscience once the truth is revealed. In other words, be careful and ready for truth when you ask for it because it will effect you permanantly one way or the other.

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