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Thread: Article: America? Or A-China-Ca?

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Senior Member Treefarmer's Avatar
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    in the woods known to some as Tanasi
    Perhaps China does not want American men, only the women.
    Maybe that's what those empty cities are really there for.
    I read on Chinatoday dot com that China has 37 million more males than females, due to their one-child-policy and selective abortions.

    If the American females get re-located into those brand new cities (women like new and fashionable urban housing) they can be taught to speak Chinese and get acclimated to the culture, so they can be available brides for all those Chinese men with no chances of finding a Chinese woman their age.

    I'm only speculating...

  3. #3
    Thanks Treefarmer;

    That had not occured to me. Something seems illogical about selective abortion - to think that the men, who produce millions of spermatazoa quickly would be more favorable to the future propagation of a people than the women who have two ovaries to operate with.

    That is what seems wrong with your speculation. It is a little boggling to think the Chinese could be so smart through an oppressive government, yet so dogmatically stupid as to breed women out of their society, then to suddenly realize we need to collect them back, from America! If you are right though, I guess that we are about as stupid or worse to let them buy up 1/4 of our national debt and then be put in a position where we have to sell off our women for it!


    David Merrill.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Treefarmer's Avatar
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    in the woods known to some as Tanasi
    It seems that when communist central planning butted heads with human cultural values, communism lost.
    I'm not sure that the Chinese central planners counted on the fact that, given the dire choice of the one-child policy, the majority of Chinese would prefer a boy over a girl.

    China is not the only Asian country with this peculiar problem b.t.w. I've read that India, Taiwan, and South Korea also have a male/female ratio that's skewed in favor of excess males.

    So perhaps the central planners did anticipate people making this choice and decided that more boys than girls would be desirable to the Party.
    All those boys/men will never procreate in the absence of women and they can be used to fight wars.
    But there is no big war to fight for the Chinese right now in which they could sacrifice 37 million excess males.

    So what are they to do?
    All the Thai Chi and Qui Gong in the world will not fix their collective case of blue balls.

    I see three options for solving the excess male problem:

    1) Start a major war with very heavy casualties, in the tens of millions.
    2) Import females from elsewhere.
    3) Let the single Chinese males who cannot find a suitable Chinese mate move abroad to other countries to find a woman that suits them.

    Am I overlooking something?

    Unfortunately, option # 2) is already being utilized in the form of prostitution, human trafficking and the sex slave trade, from what I hear in the news off and on.

    I'm sure option # 3) is being exercised by some of the more educated and affluent young Chinese men.

    Option # 1) may be in the works already and I just know nothing about it.

    Those empty cities sure are intriguing

  5. #5
    Chernobyl shows how quickly a city decays when uninhabited. A soccer field is now a young forest there. So the Chinese ghost cities are being maintained. That is continued grooming and landscaping in the photos.

    I do not think you are overlooking anything Treefarmer. The one assumption I think you might be making is that the overpopulating males of China may be a natural product just as the one child, two-by-license policy of the Chinese government. The assumption being that growing the human population is something that we would want to continue doing anyway. Blue balls, in other words is actually a good thing compared to having more children that resources can feed.

    Then again what you describe is cultural conquest and I may have been describing the exact same thing in terms of economic conquest. I described the Chinese taking advantage of a quasi-bankruptcy receivership upon the US default, that may be coming up quite soon. You described an excess of males exporting their natural desire to procreate upon the world and dominantly America while offering women jobs and husbands there in China.

    You have made a very convincing point. I had not thought of it in terms of human sexuality.


    David Merrill.

    P.S. A suitor mentioned over chess the other day about how those cities are not up to Code internally. He watched a TV Special about them. They stand there alright, but a lot of shortcuts were taken on electrical wiring and plumbing.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-09-11 at 12:30 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    On the land known as Kansas
    Sometimes, on a ranch, the number of eaters becomes to great and there is a need to move the animals to greener pastures.

    No good rancher would not have corrals and basic protective buildings set up to receive the new animals.

    Women, as a whole, are less likely to use physical rebellion. Also, when their are no women around, men are less likely to act MACHO and show off their strong genetic traits to a female suitor. Making the men easier to control as well.

    China is now putting up nets around the tops of the factory dorms because so many people are jumping to escape their 'jobs'. Still, their are young people lining up to get into the 'labor camps' for work.

    There are reasons for everything, and the controllers have had 6000 years to perfect their craft.

  7. #7
    That is quite interesting, put out safety nets to protect the crop!

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