Quote Originally Posted by Jaro View Post
That's easy. Lawful means REAL, like in common law real. That means they actually PAY debts, not just discharge them like FRN's do. Lawful money buys you ownership and all the rights of ownership that come with it, while FRN's only buy you possession, because they're not real, i.e. they have no real value, b/c they're not redeemable in anything of value.
Could you please present any documents, case law, evidence, or treatise to support your claim that lawful means REAL?
Also, what is common law REAL?

Quote Originally Posted by Jaro
FRN's are private 'money' of Federal Reserve, use of which is a PRIVILEGE, and privileges are taxable. Lawful money is real national money, not a private privilege, therefore it's not taxable. The corporate State just has no authority to tax what's TRULY YOURS, like lawful money. They only can tax private script like the FRN's, b/c using those is a State-provided privilege.

You do realize there was taxation of income in English Common Law history?