Counter intelligence is standard operating procedure for Government. I have noticed the huge increase in Cop shows on TV disseminating vast amounts of false information/intel.

Most of it is simply an overt display of the effectiveness of "law enforcement" and its impact on crime. In reality, Law enforcement has a minimal impact on actual crime or apprehension of criminals.

More time, money, energy and manpower is spent on creating the illusion of control/apprehension/suppression/power than on actually getting anything done.

It is the constant inundation by Media and currency (in all forms) that makes people believe the Government is actually in control when it is not and never has been..

In other words, Propaganda and problem/reaction/solution.

For example, the sad fact is, the Continental united States has more actual acts of 'terrorism' committed by Radical Roman Catholics (Mexican drug dealers/violent criminals who are Catholic) than by Extreme Muslims, but how many times have you heard or seen the term "Radical Catholics" in Media?