Quote Originally Posted by Darkcrusade View Post
This is a new discovery to me. Does anybody have research or knowledge concerning these issues? http://www.setterfield.org/index.html


In December 1979, Astronomer Barry Setterfield was given the book Mysterious Universe, a Handbook of Astronomical Anomalies. Much to his surprise he found it chronicled several hundred years of experiments by scientists which indicated the speed of light had been slowing. The book also presented reprints of articles from respected peer-reviewed journals which discussed the changing speed of light. His interest aroused, Barry began what he thought would be a couple of weeks of research to find the instrumental or human errors that would indicate this changing 'constant.' However, he found himself beginning research which has spanned thirty years of his life. His findings are documented.

Also- There is only ONE place in the Old Testament where we have a secular historical date corresponding to a Biblical date. It is the Scriptures indicating the length of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar whose nineteenth year corresponds to the eleventh year of Judah's last king, Zedekiah (II Kings 25:1-8). There are other secular dates such as the first year of Cyrus (wherein II Chronicles 36:22 with Ezra 1:1), but that can only be determined by applying the seventy prophetic years of the Babylonian Captivity mentioned by Jeremiah and Daniel. This is a valid indication, but it involves the interpretation of prophetic time and not simple historical facts like matching the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar with the eleventh year of Zedekiah. And in the New Testament there is also only ONE place where secular history intersects precisely with a New Testament chronological statement. That is the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar (Luke 3:1-2), which matches the year Jesus commenced His ministry following his baptism by John and anointing with the Shekinah as God's Messiah and Holy Temple (Daniel 9:25), and was either a Sabbatical year (Tishri AD27 to Tishri AD28) or was pointing to the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb for the True Atonement, completing the sixty-ninth Week of Daniel's prophecy and the Pentecostal Jubilee.

There is a 110 year correction that must be applied to most all dates in Old Testament. Because time was kept according to the Year of the King. And if you are a student then you know that there were many kings who sat as king for much less than one year.

Appendix 50 is a good starting point.