Quote Originally Posted by RThomas View Post
“Mark of the Beast” may also mean money. My Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology lists mark as being used in old English as money or a unit of coinage (starting around 1200 AD). It is from Proto-Germanic origin. Germany still uses the term today, hence a German Mark.
give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and give unto God what is God's. I take notice that I did not enter this age with any ownership and I shall not leave it with any ownership. I also take notice that I was, I am and I will be. Therefore what is a date in regard to my existence?

I also take notice that my people asked my God for a man-king [Trustee]. The State is a Nullity absent God. Because what man has the power to transfer rights in to another body of men?

The Mark of the Beast has been around since Eden. I take careful notice that it was a son of Cain that built the first city. Society requires Trust, yes? first in the hand - labor; then in the forehead - full faith. If you are looking for the Mark, you will be deceived for it has always been there.

It is simple - Trust God. Any other trust is mis-placed and is leaning on a false rock. But my Rock is unmovable - God's Word is the same yesterday [first Age] today [flesh Age] and tomorrow [Age to Come].
