As David Merrill has clearly shown on this site and others, there exists intent to convert ones fruits (your labor; paycheck) into acceptance of another’s claim to them (a claim that you gift your labor to satisfy their debt). David has shown a way to refute any such claim.

There is a similarity to this type of claim of ones knowledge of truth and a recording of such in a ‘Bible.’ The ‘Bible’ (conceptually) does show many truths. But whose ‘Bible’ is true to the ‘word of God.’ Is the ‘word of God’ (KJV) actually from ‘God’ or from servants of King James who may have translated the original language in a manner that served their master? Does not the introduction of the King James Version show who their master was? Does it show that they serve only one master, King James, and not the one true ‘God’ as evidenced conceptually in their text? Who, conceptually, is ‘God’ to you? Conceptually, is ‘God’ as what you may have been conditioned to believe? Or is ‘God’ conceptually what you have come to see within a pursuit of truth? Did not Jesus say that the only way to ‘heaven’ (heaven may be a concept and not an actual place) was by truth and light?

If one pursues, the concept of ‘God’ with a religious bias (conditioning originating from others as opposed to a mind that is like an innocent baby, or a mind that is ‘born again’) they may never see that which is hidden in plain sight.