Here is one source for the comments attributed to Colonel Edward Mandell House

time the weekly magazine vol 1 #17 June 25,1923

It comes from a book titled,

Fruit from a Poisonous Tree‎
by Melvin Stamper Jd - Law - 2008

Here's where the quote can be read, so it appears more legitimate than just a webpage. Use the book's internal search function if you can't find it.

There are three results in that book for Edward Mandell House, besides the quote above. Another says he was the architect of the 16th Amendment, instrumental in creating the Federal Reserve, and yet another says he was agent provocateur of Rothschild.

But I can't read page 60 the ending of the quote to see if there is a source for the information. Supposed info comes from Wilson private papers according to the Author. fB