Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
Then if you need case law, you need to go to the law library.
Also if it means that much to ya, take it to court, but make sure to suffer the injury first.
In my opinion, you'll waste your time, but hey I can't fault someone for fighting for their beliefs.
I am not interested in your opinion - that's why I asked for other people to weigh in.

Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
I know you aren't listening. I understand your mind is made up and unable to take in substantive information.
I am not listening to you - on this thread yes, that is why I asked for you not to respond any more. But I am listening to everyone else who responded.

Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
"You can't get both benefits and rights" is not what I typed. If you are going to cite me, at least cite me verbatim.
If you cite like the above in documents, expect to be shot down quickly.
WOW! This is why I cannot listen to anything you say. This is what you stated earlier on this thread:

Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
You need to make a choice: benefits or rights. You can have one or the other, but not both.
This concretely proves that you do no know what you are talking about when you post on this thread.

Moreover my cite above was not intended to be a cite as one usually cites in a document prepared for legal purposes. This is a forum - not a legal document. Anyone with even a 6th grade education can see that what I said you said and what you actually said is almost the same and is absolutely the same considering the purpose.

You not seeing this clearly is why I do not want to hear from you anymore. How many more times do I need to say this.

Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
I'm not blocking anyone from posting.
I didn't say you were.

Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
Persons who desire welfare benefits aren't typically sojourners to a board such as this.
1. Did you do an investigation into this or is this yet another one of your opinions? This is rhetorical - don't bother answering.
2. Hardly anything discussed on this board is "typical" when it comes to dealing with the issues that face truly freedom loving people out there.
3. Food Stamps are not considered welfare benefits.

Finally, please do not post on this thread anymore as you are cluttering it with your unneeded opinions, not paying attention to the essence of what is being posted and asked.