in my opinion, the State ACTS as Beneficiary because the Presumption of the true Beneficiary has not been settled. The Trust Certificate in my opinion is a Certificate of Beneficial Interest. It has no value in itself as value in a trust cannot be known until the Trust Corpus has been valued.

As such, I have been fond of CLAIMING the Beneficial Interest. I then issue ORDERS.

Stop and think. The Judge is asking for an ORDER, yes? From whom? The Trustee? Hardly. The Executor seeks an ORDER from the Beneficiary. That only leaves one office and that is Trustee. That would be your office if you do not settle the fact that you are Beneficiary prior to the Board of Trustees meeting.

Else, you are Beneficiary of the estate FIRST MIDDLE LAST and who better to Administer the estate than you. So why don't you appoint yourself as Executor with the Power of Direction. Now that only leaves one office and that would be Trustee. But there are two players right? The Judge/State. Is that two or is that really just one? In fact it is just one - Trustee. And the Trustee awaits your Order.

The Claim is powerful as I see nowhere in any Notice where any Claim has been made. So why go "At Law" where the Attorner's are "at Large"? Why not go "In Law" - Equity - where the Attorner's are estopped at the Bar.

Example. The Whore who was to be stoned for being caught in the act.

The Law said she is to be stoned. But Yehoshuah went to Equity - and in equity you must have clean hands. Yehoshuah asked "who here is without sin"? Then for the fourth time the hand of God wrote with the Finger of God - I wonder what he wrote? Yet all of her accusers packed up and left.


Back to Trustee....If you ACT as a Trustee when you are NOT that is a de son tort Trustee.