Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
Mint Linux is probably more user friendly than even Ubuntu.

This is incorrect. Mac OS X uses the BSD kernel. BSD is a fork from System V UNIX.

There are free variants of BSD such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and DragonFly.

There are myriad of ways to run Windows apps on Linux including installing Wine or running Windows in a virtual machine using such software as VirtualBox or Xen.
What flavor is all a matter of opinion and interests, I have met people who are loyal to certain flavors of it even if it is old school like Suse an swear that it is the best.

Linux is also a fork off of Unix, but if you want to get technical about names you are correct, they all have some similarities just like the human race.

I am aware of 2 of them apps, first time i heard of Xen though, thanks.
What I am attempting to use is a Web App that runs off of an executable, so far wine did not work, have not tried VM or Xen, just not got around to messing with it yet.

Thanks for replying.