Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
For the edification of the readers find a study regarding the events that took place in the Garden of Eden from God's Word. You may find some of my opinion inserted yet, it was the intention of this Study to lets God's Word speak for itself.

The study is too large to post in text format so I apologize in advance for the use of the Adobe Acrobat digital file.

Biblical Study of the Events that took place in the Garden of Eden

Yehovah be blessed forever and ever.
The Garden

You must understand that the garden of eve story is but the turning point of spirits journey into form. In the beginning Adam, based on his awareness after eating of the forbidden fruit, was as an animal, living in harmony with nature, having no awareness of death and not tilling the ground for sustenance. It is only after the fall "quote unquote" that he gains these awarenesses. In the natural order there is no good or bad, and now he has knowledge of this also. I am suggesting it all part of the plan. If so what is the final eventuality of this journey. I might suggest that it is the partaking of our place in the natural order of thing on a conscious level. A realization of the oneness of all life, as an expression of the divine.

Animals exist in harmony, but without choice. We have the choice of return. The conscious choice to live within the laws of the divine because we consciously recognize the path of harmony, and once again residing within the lawful order of the universe out of a realization that it is in our best interest to do the will of the divine. Conscious participation rather than one of thoughtless existence. Words are so inadequate, sorry.

Frederick Burrell.