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Thread: A regular deposit of lawful money.

  1. #51
    Excellent conversation going on here!

    RThomas, are you suggesting that deposits of lawful money into a bank can still be considered as loans to the bank?

    I have an agreement with BofA such that only lawful money goes in, and only lawful money comes out - no conversion of labor to Fed credit.

    P.S. Excellent posts, you have made. Thanks for the dilligent research. Perhaps Admin will add a "Thank You" feature to StSC.

    P.P.S. I remember initiating a chat session with BofA. I asked if they offered a "Special Depository" type of account as a product to its customers. As a matter of fact, I even provided the legal defintion of "special deposit" during the chat session. The answer was, "no".

    SPECIAL DEPOSIT. A deposit made of a particular thing with the depositary: it is distinguished from an irregular deposit.
    2. When a thing has been specially deposited with a depositary, the title to it remains with the depositor, and if it should be lost, the loss will fall upon him. When, on the contrary, the deposit is irregular, as where money is deposited in a bank, the title to which is transferred to the bank, if it be, lost, the loss will be borne by the bank. This will result from the same principle; the loss will fall, in both instances, on the owner of the thing, according to the rule res perit domino. See 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 1 054.
    Last edited by Rock Anthony; 09-01-11 at 03:24 AM.

  2. #52
    This could be the stuff of a separate thread....

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    "...the bank being merely a debtor may discharge its indebtedness to the depositor in any currency that is legal tender, although the deposit was made in gold, unless there was a special agreement to repay in like currency."
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Rock Anthony View Post
    Excellent conversation going on here!

    RThomas, are you suggesting that deposits of lawful money into a bank can still be considered as loans to the bank?

    What they are projecting to one via their case law is their presumption is that one’s deposit is a loan. My questions to you would be what is ‘lawful’ ‘money’ to you? Who ultimately decides that the ‘money’ that you accept is ‘lawful’ ‘money?’ Does the ‘money’ that you accept pass clear title (free and clear of any liens like the ‘money’ stated as ‘dollars’ you deposited)? What title did you pass to the bank when you deposited the substance of your labor? Was the title that you passed full title or only title to the use and possession (as a loan would convey)?

    I have an agreement with BofA such that only lawful money goes in, and only lawful money comes out - no conversion of labor to Fed credit.

    To properly respond to this I would need to see the actual wording. My initial response would be that I see some merit in the ‘no conversion of labor to Fed credit, but, as contracts are fluid and any subsequent action can novate prior actions ‘at the end of the day’ what did you accept as ‘lawful’ ‘money?’

    P.S. Excellent posts, you have made. Thanks for the dilligent research. Perhaps Admin will add a "Thank You" feature to StSC.

    P.P.S. I remember initiating a chat session with BofA. I asked if they offered a "Special Depository" type of account as a product to its customers. As a matter of fact, I even provided the legal defintion of "special deposit" during the chat session. The answer was, "no".

    They may not offer it, but that does not mean one cannot clarify the title passed to them. I see them as being able to be placed in a position of having a difficult time explaining why they would only accept a passing of full title vs. a limited title (i.e. for possession and use only). A loan is defined by ‘their’ law ‘diction’ary, Bouvier’s below;

    LOAN, contracts. The act by which a person lets another have a thing to be used by him gratuitously, and which is to be returned, either in specie or in kind, agreeably to the terms of the contract. The thing which is thus transferred is also called a loan. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 1077.

    [I have been reading several bank agreements online and none state any agreement to accept anything that is not in kind to what was deposited. What one deposits is free and clear of any liens, what they are ‘offering’ or ‘tendering’ is not free and clear of any liens. It is not in specie or in kind. One deposited money for one’s credit and did not receive money for one’s credit in return; one is tendered (offered) money of one’s debt instead. This is 180 degrees the opposite of what one deposited; (a mirror image)]

    2. A loan in general implies that a thing is lent without reward; but, in some cases, a loan may be for a reward; as, the loan of money. 7 Pet. R. 109.

    3. In order to make a contract usurious, there must be a loan; Cowp. 112, 770; 1 Ves. jr. 527; 2 Bl. R. 859; 3 Wils. 390 and the borrower must be bound to return the money at all events. 2 Scho. & Lef. 470. The purchase of a bond or note is not a loan ; 3 Scho. & Lef. 469; 9 Pet. R 103; but if such a purchase be merely colorable, it will be considered as a loan. 2 John. Cas. 60; Id. 66; 12 S. & R. 46; 15 John. R. 44.

    It would be helpful if cites to your definition were included, as dictionary names lead to verification and the date of definitions show when changes have been made in relation to their monetary system presented (they will be bound by meanings in existence at the time of their will/wish expressed). This definition is cited as being made from Bouvier, thus it is not a direct cite of Bouvier (it’s one’s cite of another’s cite).

    To Allodial:

    The ‘book’ of 'Genesis', as I see such, speaks to the creation of all; I see it as referring to all which includes things of matter, man, and things (thoughts) of the mind. I see creation as dynamic and not static. I see creation (i.e. genesis) as a process (used for lack of a better word) that exists in the here and now. A seed of an image from a ‘beast’s’ imagination (mind) planted into a one’s fertile mind will need constant watering (reminding). This seed can grow if given the right ‘feed’ and will mature to bear fruit. The fruit produced will be shown by that one’s actions. If one is one with the one true god then he is one in possession of the ability to see truth as opposed to belief and can resist this ‘evil’ seed. If not, the seed will take root and the actions of this one will bear fruit for that ‘beast’ and become one with him. That one will become a ‘second’ ‘beast.’ I do not want to change the subject matter of this thread. The above is stated only as clarifying my use of the words that I used and as a showing of what I see. If you do not see then you do not see; I do not ask for your understanding, nor do I wish for you to understand. Seek truth and one will see, else one will be left to one’s understandings.

  4. #54
    The point was to allude to their tendency to try to pull counterfeits "over our eyes", so to speak. When it comes to 'beginnings' the beginnings of mankind are likely distinct from the beginnings of artificial political entities. When dealing with modern banks, one might be dealing with contracts, covenants or pledges of a system a few steps removed from reality.

    Lawful money:

    When it comes to lawful money the ability of a bank to make substitutes is apparent. Redemption for lawful money appears to touch upon who is the one that imparts credit to the instrument in question. The act of redemption for lawful money appears to trump the FRB's or the FRB member's imparting credit to the instrument and thusly affects tax liability. However, there is reason to believe that a separate ledgering exists with respect to redemption of lawful money.
    Last edited by allodial; 09-02-11 at 04:36 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    The point was to allude to their tendency to try to pull counterfeits "over our eyes", so to speak.

    This is on topic as it refers to the images from ‘their’ imagination’

    When it comes to 'beginnings' the beginnings of mankind are likely distinct from the beginnings of artificial political entities.

    This is off topic and I presented what I see above; let us just agree that our perceptions of ‘genesis’ are not the same.

    When dealing with modern banks, one might be dealing with contracts, covenants or pledges of a system a few steps removed from reality.

    I see that one is ‘dealing’ with contracts, covenants, or pledges, but, I see these as one’s own doing (i.e. voluntary). The removal from reality, as I hear you saying, I see as taking advantage of one’s inability to separate truth from belief. In other words, many cannot see the concept behind a common phrase ‘perception is reality.’ Many accept ‘religion’ of others as truth.

    Lawful money:

    When it comes to lawful money the ability of a bank to make substitutes is apparent.

    I do not see it as ‘their’ ability; I see it as ‘their’ offer. One’s agreement makes the law. Thus their offer (tender) becomes law once accepted and becomes ‘lawful’ ‘money,’ thus one accepts ‘their’ reality as ones own and shows that one is bearing fruit for ‘the beast.’ In true law a ‘loan’ does not transfer absolute title; it only transfers title to possession and use. If I ‘loan’ my lawnmower to a neighbor it does not convey any right to them to transfer or sell my lawnmower to another; they do not have absolute title to it. They were only granted title for possession and use, to be returned on demand. This is what many see as their deposit being with any bank, and a bank would have a difficult time showing that the loan of a lawnmower or money or the fruits of your labor to them was intended by you to convey absolute title as a gift would. I do not allow myself to, in essence; get wrapped up in ‘their’ words’ I look to the concepts (thoughts) behind ‘their’ words.

    Redemption for lawful money appears to touch upon who is the one that imparts credit to the instrument in question.

    I see the instrument as the means of a showing of a ‘meeting of the minds.’ If the instrument is clear as ‘pay to bearer on demand’ than I see the instrument as a true note expressing the debtor, creditor relationship. But, if the instrument does not express what the relationship is between the holder and the issuer, than I can only see this as an instrument of deception, especially if one is led to believe that what they are being given is ‘in kind’ to what they loaned.

    The act of redemption for lawful money appears to trump the FRB's or the FRB member's imparting credit to the instrument and thusly affects tax liability.

    As I stated to Anthony Rock above, “as contracts are fluid and any subsequent action can novate prior actions ‘at the end of the day’ what did you accept as ‘lawful’ ‘money?’” And to you I would ask, ‘at the end of the day’ did you receive anything from the issuer of FRNs that showed they held full title and that they were able to pass full title to you? Would you claim that your possession of FRNs is evidence of full title without a signed agreement from a bank, or any issuer, showing they have a right to pass full title? What I see is that one who ‘loans’ has an inherent right to dictate the conditions of the possessions and use of what is ‘loaned.’ Do you see this or not? Do you see, or not, that in any true court that sees true law one will be judged by his last act as opposed to any claims made by one prior to one’s last act?

    However, there is reason to believe that a separate ledgering exists with respect to redemption of lawful money.

    There may be a reason to believe what you present, but it would be only a matter to a believer.
    Last edited by RThomas; 09-03-11 at 05:17 AM.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by RThomas View Post
    "I have an agreement with BofA such that only lawful money goes in, and only lawful money comes out - no conversion of labor to Fed credit." -Rock Anthony

    "To properly respond to this I would need to see the actual wording. My initial response would be that I see some merit in the ‘no conversion of labor to Fed credit, but, as contracts are fluid and any subsequent action can novate prior actions ‘at the end of the day’ what did you accept as ‘lawful’ ‘money?’" -RThomas
    The agreement can be seen by clicking here.

    Basically, all deposits and withdrawals are subject to my demand for lawful money per 12 USC 411.

    I recently upload an image to the downloads section, signaling a warning against step number 5.

    The agreement I have with Bank of America effectively bypasses step number 5, where those checks are "endorsed by the recipients."

    Effectively, I do not endorse Fed credit for deposits, nor do I endorse Fed credit for withdrawals. What the bank does in between those deposits and withdrawals is not my "direct" concern. I would like to think they adhere to banking laws and do not co-mingle lawful money deposits with Fed credit. If the bank does indeed co-mingle, then the bank has to suffer the consequences if it is caught!
    Last edited by Rock Anthony; 09-04-11 at 02:42 AM.

  7. #57
    Rock Anthony,

    This one has obligations that do not allow a complete response. It is late here. This one will respond more completely when this one can.

    The more pertinent question this one asked of you is 'at the end of the day' what did you accept as lawful money? Despite your declarations, what was your final act, taking Specie or FRN's? I see the phrase 'at the end of the day' as conceptually holding great significance.


  8. #58
    Thank you everybody. I think this may well be a breakthrough in understanding what the bankers see from that perspective.

    Form 1040 example.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 09-04-11 at 03:14 PM.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Thank you everybody. I think this may well be a breakthrough in understanding what the bankers see from that perspective.

    Form 1040 example.
    RThomas the excerpt from one of their attorneys does not constitute my agreement or acceptance of their perspective. It would be a very irrational presumption. But knowing what is going through the mind of the 'beast' holding a double-barrel shotgun against your head can be insightful. The Soviets were well-known for underscoring how important it was to known one's adversary. I have no bank accounts, social security numbers, last name, first name, middle name. I'm neither employed, unemployed or employable. I live on private land. AFAIK the only 'address' I have is my name. I treat the 'artificial entities' for what they are. At one point along the way, I was part of putting pressure on Jefferson County, Mo. jailers to make sure Alfred Adask was treated rightly back when they were unlawfully holding him. Relevantly Alfred's knowing the distinction between reality and attorney-imagined things (i.e. knowing the truth) is what got him off the hook so to speak. The line of distinction between reality and attorney-created imaginary worlds is more of a wall or a hedge.

    I avoid their courts. I avoid carrying State ID or State driver license or the like. I am unaware of making any presumptions about anyone associated with this forum. Thanks.

    That said, redemption for lawful money (a wonderful remedy that goes along with knowing who you are and/ir what your name is) appears to be a kind of origination of credit 'into a check' whereby one prevents the FRB from treating you as a mere endorser. As stated before, IMHO its not so much about the physical silver or gold as it is about the honesty and fairness with which we deal with one another--just weights and balances. The notion being that lawful money U.S. dollars being pegged to gold regardless of what they are made of. If one reads the excerpt from the book on banking I figure one should see that it encourages and underscores the importance of redemption for lawful money.

    #1 "Redeemed for lawful money" does not appear to be a deposit but insteads invokes the treasury side of the FRB or of the FRB member--therefore the 'general deposit' might be avoided thereby (that is the point of the snippet from earlier--which was not intended to promulgate or push their ideas over the remedy but to show WHY one MUST assert remedy!).
    #2 "Deposited in exchange for credit on account" evidences an exchange where there would be no 'increase' --no tax.
    #3 Blank endorsement appears to allow them to STEAL the check and pretend they gave you something for nothing--so you get taxed. Yay? What fun is that!?

    The point: if one wants remedy redeem for lawful money or denominate transactions in lawful money. My posts are aimed to push the level of comprehension to get folks way beyond mere emotionalistic copy and paste or emulation to actually being able to be a light to others.

    Anyone with sense I figure should read the following

    and if they are out to seek remedy, they WOULD AVOID GENERAL DEPOSITS LIKE THE PLAGUE. The truth is part of the remedy.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Special deposit vs. general deposit is exactly what I was aiming to contrast to the edification of all! Very informative recording. Thanks for the post!
    Last edited by allodial; 09-04-11 at 05:52 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by RThomas View Post
    Rock Anthony,

    This one has obligations that do not allow a complete response. It is late here. This one will respond more completely when this one can.

    The more pertinent question this one asked of you is 'at the end of the day' what did you accept as lawful money? Despite your declarations, what was your final act, taking Specie or FRN's? I see the phrase 'at the end of the day' as conceptually holding great significance.

    At the end of the day, I received Obligations of the UNITED STATES and not Obligations of ROCK JOHNSON.

    The point is, regardless of what I've received, I haven't bonded myself to credit. The UNITED STATES has already done that, so I choose to leave the obligation with the US.
    Last edited by Rock Anthony; 09-04-11 at 08:32 PM.

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