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Thread: New here about to take the plunge!

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  1. #2
    Welcome to the forums.

    As of late it seems that some banks are feeling that the Signature Card is solely their property. It is an agreement.

    Let them know that you signed it incorrectly but do not be assertive enough to get into an argument. Let them know that you are not expecting any different treatment of your funds. If they know what is going on legally they will handle that appropriately for themselves according to the instructions from their attorneys. Just show them that according to law, you have a choice to make a demand or not and you want to keep the convenience of electronic funds transfers without endorsing private credit from the Federal Reserve.

    Bills that direct debit from your checking account?

    If you write, All transactions redeemed in lawful money... Something to that effect that will cover electronic payments. You will of course need to get a copy of that should you want to show the IRS with your Tax Return and get a full refund of withholdings.

    Thanks for being here and thank you especially for informing yourself.

    If your bank obstructs you might be better off somewhere else that has been doing this for a while. That gives you a chance to clean up what may be an already over-complicated financial system. For example, you might start paying in advance and refusing credit. Think like putting a junky table of stuff into a box, cleaning the table and only putting what you want back on the table. Get rid of billing wherever possible. Bills indict. Bill of Indictment - get it? You should leave the indictment to obligations of the US. That means the bills are already signed and billing information provided on the signatures of the Secretary and the US Treasurer; right there on the face of the bills.

    With the PayPal stuff I wrote about a few weeks ago for a good example. But that was before August 2nd when the Good Faith and Credit of the US started to falter. PayPal abandoned faith in the US Dollar a week or two early. It is growing in concern though. T-Mobile kept pressing me that they were getting rid of my FLEX Plan but moving me to a new Plan where I pay at the end of the billing cycle. No changes at all, except that I do not have to pre-pay. That equals credit. I saw the writing on the wall so I kept ignoring their overtures because I am paid up for well into next year so I do not feel they can shut down my phone. The overtures kept growing so I finally took a call. I went through a few helpful associates and got argumentative about a few points, finally consenting to change to the new plan - after objecting that I like the FLEX Plan. The last guy was telling me that I cannot pay in advance but that I can pay in advance. I am already paid up well in advance but he was saying what he is scripted to say to coerce the legal point that I am applying for credit. I kept saying I like to pay in advance but he kept saying that the new Plan does not allow for me to pay in advance; however if I go to the T-Mobile store they will accept my cash; sure enough. In advance! Then when we seemed to agree there it came:

    So tell me your Social Security Number?

    I do not want any credit from you!

    Now he was trying to make it out like credit had nothing to do with anything.

    Well I told him that I did not want them to shut off my phone because I had paid well in advance. He assured me they would not be shutting off my phone so I hung up on him. The day after a much friendlier fellow called and assured me the new Plan had no changes from my FLEX Plan. I said that would be okay then. I am paid up in advance and expect to see no changes in minutes and perks, no changes in monthly charges etc. Great! He started to go some where but I stated a firm finality - Thank You! He paused, said, You are welcome and we hung up. He had obviously coached himself from the recorded conversations from the day before.

    I am in a course at church. I paid up the tuition in cash and grabbed a textbook, hoping that the book came with tuition. No such luck. $16.25 for the book not including tax. Well because the tax was so difficult to calculate the instructor wanted us to buy the book by check or credit card.


    Why is calculating the $17.95 price any more difficult or less difficult to calculate for a credit card or check?

    He wanted my bill of indictment against myself - called billing information. He wanted my legal information, legal name etc. I even asked him looking in my wallet and counting coins, If I have exact change then you will accept that?

    No. Not for the book. You have to pay for the book with a check or credit card. - He repeated.

    During break I walked over to Wendy's and bought a small burger to get change. I came back and he was by the cookies with the students enjoying break. I handed him the cash and said, Here it is - $17.95 exact change in cash. He accepted it.

    I don't think it malice. He is conditioned. When you redeem lawful money and start the non-endorsement process you are actually undermining debt as currency which is a good and patriotic thing to be doing. But it undermines a quickly imploding, immanently imploding debt system. We redeemers are like carefully regulated release valves in a highly compressed information infrastructure called money. It is better we clear our heads of a lifetime of faulty mental surgury early and help the implosion go a little less violently - because the Federal Reserve System has been setting up to implode since 1913 sure enough.

    Thanks for being here.


    David Merrill.

    P.S. Here is what was going on in the background. T-Mobile is on an information quest lately. My call details and texts are now recorded for 5 years instead of 2. They wanted all the billing information they could get.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-01-11 at 08:31 PM.

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