Quote Originally Posted by KnowLaw View Post
Is it your understanding, too, that private transactions such as this would be lawful as it would fall under the common law? In other words, by not involving the State (or any of its corporate minions such as a title company), the transaction remains on the private side of the fence. If so, then perhaps I don't have that much to worry about in the face of new developments. I just need to maintain my stance and make sure my response to any "offers" that may come my way is in accord with my stance. (This can become a bit confusing, which is why I am asking a second opinion to make sure my thinking is correct.)
The first title deed (land patent) as well as title abstract is what makes it "common law".

The title abstract is composed of an abstract of all deeds leading back to the patent.

The patent still includes the State in that the State created the patent as well as the survey of the land.

How it was procured would make it "common law" such as using gold and silver coin as well as drawing up the contract that the sale was effected at law.

Contract makes the law . (maxim)

Registration is a statutory (Roman Civil Law) custom.