Quote Originally Posted by Don Hamis View Post
Many USTs were removed without replacement during the 10-year program and many thousands of old underground tanks were replaced with newer tanks made of corrosion resistant materials (such as fiberglass) and constructed as double walled tanks to catch leaks from the inner tanks and to give an interstitial space to accommodate leak detection sensors. Piping was replaced during the same period with much of the new piping being double wall construction and made of fiberglass or plastic materials. Tank monitoring systems capable of detecting leaks as small as 0.1 gallons-per-hour were installed and other methods were adopted to alert the tank operator of leaks and potential leaks.
The bot's purpose seems to be the promotion of the link in the signature line which links to a website called shadeschandelier dot com.
Don Hamis is doing the same thing over here and here and here and a bunch of other forums.
Looks like he only posts once into each forum though.