Quote Originally Posted by Jethro View Post
I suspect "MANDATORY" does not really mean mandatory at all. If "direct deposit" wasn't a condition of being hired, it's likely an unenforceable condition to stay hired. If they fired you because of this matter, you'd likely have a rather nice lawsuit against them.

George Gordon once told of a similar story (if I can find the link to the audio, I'll post it) where a company "mandated" everyone move to direct deposit. One guy refused to do so. The company threatened over and over to terminate him by X date if he didn't go along. X date passed, and not only was he not fired, he still got his paycheck (or it may have been cash) -- he was the only one.

If it were me, I'd likely make a conditional offer something like: "I'd be happy to use direct deposit. However, YOU (company) must set up the DD account for me; and such account must be in in lawful money per 12 USC 411, or YOU assume full liability for the account. Deal?" Now they got a problem.
I remember that broadcast. That was awesome.
I can't recall which one it was either.
Was it you can beat city hall?